H2030 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
pregnant (be, woman) with child, conceive, [idiom] great. or הָרִי; (Hosea 14:1), from H2029 (הָרָה);

15 instances of the word הָרֶה hâreh (H2030)

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  • Amos 1:13 - Thus saith the LORD For three transgressions of the children of Ammon and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they have ripped up the women with child of Gilead that they might enlarge their border

  • Job 3:3 - perish Let the day wherein I was born and the night in which it was said There is a man child

  • 1 Samuel 4:19 - And his daughter in law wife Phinehas was with child herself and travailed and when she heard the tidings that was taken the ark of God were dead and that her father in law and her husband she bowed herself and travailed came for her pains

  • Isaiah 7:14 - himself shall give Therefore the Lord you a sign Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name

  • 2 Kings 8:12 - And he answered And Hazael my lord Why weepeth And he answered Because I know that thou wilt do unto the children of Israel the evil their strong holds wilt thou set on fire and their young men with the sword wilt thou slay their children and wilt dash their women with child and rip up

  • 2 Samuel 11:5 - conceived And the woman and sent and told David and said I am with child

  • Hosea 13:16 - shall become desolate Samaria for she hath rebelled against her God by the sword they shall fall their infants shall be dashed in pieces and their women with child shall be ripped up

  • 2 Kings 15:16 - not to him therefore he smote Then Menahem Tiphsah and all that were therein and the coasts thereof from Tirzah because they opened not to him therefore he smote it and all the women therein that were with child he ripped up

  • Genesis 16:11 - said And the angel because the LORD unto her Behold thou art with child and shalt bear a son and shalt call his name Ishmael hath heard because the LORD thy affliction

  • Jeremiah 20:17 - Because he slew and her womb or that my mother might have been my grave and her womb great to be always

  • Exodus 21:22 - strive If men and hurt a woman with child depart so that her fruit from her and yet no mischief follow he shall be surely he shall be surely will lay husband a woman upon him and he shall pay as the judges

  • Isaiah 26:17 - Like as a woman with child that draweth near the time of her delivery is in pain and crieth out in her pangs so have we been in thy sight O LORD

  • Jeremiah 31:8 - Behold I will bring country them from the north and gather them from the coasts country and with them the blind and the lame the woman with child and her that travaileth with child together company a great shall return

  • Genesis 38:24 - And it came to pass about three months after that it was told And Judah said hath played the harlot Tamar thy daughter in law and also behold she is with child by whoredom said And Judah Bring her forth and let her be burnt

  • Genesis 38:25 - When she was brought forth she sent to her father in law and she said whose these are am I with child and she said Discern I pray thee whose are these the signet and bracelets and staff

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