H2670 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
exempt (from bondage, tax or care) free, liberty. from H2666 (חָפַשׁ);

17 instances of the word חׇפְשִׁי chophshîy (H2670)

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  • Job 3:19 - The small and great are there and the servant is free from his master

  • Deuteronomy 15:12 - be sold And if thy brother an Hebrew man an Hebrew man unto thee and serve thee six year year then in the seventh thou shalt let him go free

  • Deuteronomy 15:13 - And when thou sendest him out free And when thou sendest empty

  • Deuteronomy 15:18 - It shall not seem hard unto thee when thou sendest him away free a double from thee for he hath been worth hired servant to thee in serving thee six years shall bless and the LORD thy God thee in all that thou doest

  • 1 Samuel 17:25 - said And the men Israel Have ye seen And the men is he come up surely to defy Israel is he come up And the men who killeth will enrich him the king riches him with great him his daughter and will give house his father's and make free Israel

  • Exodus 21:2 - If thou buy servant an Hebrew six years he shall serve and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing

  • Exodus 21:5 - say say And if the servant I love my master my wife and my children I will not go out free

  • Exodus 21:26 - smite And if a man his eye's of his servant his eye's of his maid that it perish free he shall let him go for his eye's

  • Exodus 21:27 - for his tooth's out his manservant's for his tooth's or his maidservant's And if he smite free he shall let him go for his tooth's

  • Jeremiah 34:9 - go That every man should let his manservant That every man his maidservant being an Hebrew being an Hebrew free that none should serve himself of them to wit of a Jew his brother That every man

  • Jeremiah 34:10 - heard Now when all the princes and all the people which had entered into the covenant and let them go and every one should let his manservant and every one his maidservant free that none should serve heard and let them go

  • Jeremiah 34:11 - they turned But afterward they turned and caused the servants and for handmaids whom they had let go free and brought them into subjection and caused the servants and for handmaids

  • Jeremiah 34:14 - At the end of seven years let ye go every man his brother an Hebrew which hath been sold unto thee and when he hath served thee six years let ye go free hearkened from thee but your fathers not unto me neither inclined their ear

  • Jeremiah 34:16 - But ye turned and polluted my name But ye turned and caused every man his servant and caused every man and for handmaids whom ye had set at liberty at their pleasure and brought them into subjection his servant and for handmaids

  • Job 39:5 - Who hath sent out the wild ass free the bands of the wild ass or who hath loosed

  • Isaiah 58:6 - Is not this the fast that I have chosen to loose the bands of wickedness to undo burdens every yoke go and to let the oppressed free every yoke and that ye break

  • Psalms 88:5 - among the dead Free like the slain that lie in the grave whom thou rememberest from thy hand no more and they are cut off

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