H2723 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, drought, i.e. (by implication) a desolation decayed place, desolate (place, -tion), destruction, (laid) waste (place). feminine of H2721 (חֹרֶב);

42 instances of the word חׇרְבָּה chorbâh (H2723)

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  • Malachi 1:4 - saith Whereas Edom We are impoverished but we will return They shall build the desolate places saith against whom the LORD of hosts They shall build but I will throw down and they shall call them The border of wickedness and The people hath indignation against whom the LORD for ever

  • Job 3:14 - With kings and counsellors of the earth which built desolate places

  • Ezekiel 5:14 - Moreover I will make thee waste and a reproach among the nations that are round about thee in the sight of all that pass by

  • Isaiah 5:17 - feed Then shall the lambs after their manner and the waste places of the fat ones shall strangers eat

  • Jeremiah 7:34 - Then will I cause to cease from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem and the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness and the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride shall be desolate for the land

  • Daniel 9:2 - of the years In the first of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet that he would accomplish in the desolations of Jerusalem seventy of the years

  • Psalms 9:6 - O thou enemy end destructions are come to a perpetual and thou hast destroyed is perished their memorial with them

  • Ezra 9:9 - For we were bondmen us in our bondage hath not forsaken of our God but hath extended mercy unto us in the sight of the kings of Persia thereof and to give us a reviving to set up the house of our God and to repair the desolations thereof and to give us a wall in Judah and in Jerusalem

  • Ezekiel 13:4 - are like the foxes in the deserts thy prophets O Israel

  • Jeremiah 22:5 - But if ye will not hear these words I swear by myself saith the LORD shall become a desolation that this house

  • Jeremiah 25:9 - Behold I will send and take all the families of the north saith the LORD and Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon my servant and will bring them against this land and against the inhabitants thereof and against all these nations round about and will utterly destroy them and make them an astonishment and an hissing desolations and perpetual

  • Jeremiah 25:11 - And this whole land shall be a desolation and an astonishment shall serve and these nations the king of Babylon seventy years

  • Ezekiel 25:13 - Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD I will also stretch out mine hand upon Edom and will cut off man and beast from it and I will make it desolate from Teman and they of Dedan by the sword shall fall

  • Jeremiah 25:18 - To wit Jerusalem and the cities of Judah and the kings thereof and the princes thereof to make them a desolation an astonishment an hissing and a curse as it is this day

  • Ezekiel 26:20 - When I shall bring thee down When I shall bring thee down into the pit with the people of old and shall set in the land thee in the low parts in places desolate of old When I shall bring thee down into the pit and shall set and I shall set glory in the land of the living

  • Leviticus 26:31 - And I will make your cities waste and bring your sanctuaries and I will not smell the savour of your sweet odours

  • Leviticus 26:33 - And I will scatter you among the heathen and will draw out after a sword you and your land shall be desolate and your cities waste

  • Jeremiah 27:17 - Hearken not unto them serve the king of Babylon and live wherefore should this city be laid waste

  • Ezekiel 29:9 - And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste and they shall know that I am the LORD because he hath said The river is mine and I have made

  • Ezekiel 29:10 - Behold therefore I am against thee and against thy rivers and I will make the land of Egypt waste utterly and desolate from the tower of Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia

  • Ezekiel 33:24 - Son of man they that inhabit those wastes of the land of Israel saying saying was one Abraham and he inherited the land but we are many is given the land us for inheritance

  • Ezekiel 33:27 - Say Say the Lord GOD As I live surely they that are in the wastes by the sword shall fall and him that is in the open field As I live will I give to be devoured and they that be in the forts and in the caves of the pestilence shall die

  • Ezekiel 35:4 - thy cities waste I will lay and thou shalt be desolate and thou shalt know that I am the LORD

  • Ezekiel 36:4 - Therefore ye mountains of Israel hear the word of the Lord Thus saith of the Lord Therefore ye mountains and to the hills to the rivers and to the valleys wastes to the desolate and to the cities that are forsaken which became a prey and derision to the residue of the heathen that are round about

  • Ezekiel 36:10 - And I will multiply men upon you all the house of Israel shall be inhabited even all of it and the cities and the wastes shall be builded

  • Ezekiel 36:33 - Thus saith the Lord GOD In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities shall be builded and the wastes

  • Ezekiel 38:8 - days After many thou shalt be visited in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword and is gathered out of the nations After many against the mountains of Israel waste which have been always out of the nations but it is brought forth and they shall dwell safely

  • Ezekiel 38:12 - To take a spoil and to take a prey to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations which have gotten cattle and goods that are now inhabited in the midst of the land

  • Jeremiah 44:2 - Thus saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Ye have seen all the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem and upon all the cities of Judah they are a desolation and behold this day and no man dwelleth

  • Jeremiah 44:6 - was poured forth Wherefore my fury and mine anger and was kindled in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem and they are wasted and desolate as at this day

  • Jeremiah 44:22 - could So that the LORD no longer bear and because of the evil of your doings and because of the abominations which ye have committed therefore is your land a desolation and an astonishment and a curse without an inhabitant as at this day

  • Isaiah 44:26 - That confirmeth the word of his servant the counsel of his messengers and performeth that saith to Jerusalem Thou shalt be inhabited and to the cities of Judah Ye shall be built the decayed places That confirmeth

  • Isaiah 48:21 - And they thirsted them through the deserts also and the waters out of the rock to flow for them he clave out of the rock gushed out also and the waters

  • Jeremiah 49:13 - For I have sworn by myself saith the LORD shall become a desolation a reproach a waste and a curse that Bozrah and all the cities wastes thereof shall be perpetual

  • Isaiah 49:19 - For thy waste and thy desolate places and the land of thy destruction shall even now be too narrow by reason of the inhabitants shall be far away and they that swallowed thee up

  • Isaiah 51:3 - he will comfort For the LORD Zion he will comfort all her waste places and he will make her wilderness like Eden and her desert like the garden For the LORD joy and gladness shall be found therein thanksgiving and the voice of melody

  • Isaiah 52:9 - Break forth into joy sing together ye waste places Jerusalem hath comforted for the LORD his people he hath redeemed Jerusalem

  • Isaiah 58:12 - And they that shall be of thee shall build waste places the old the foundations generations generations thou shalt raise up and thou shalt be called The repairer of the breach The restorer of paths to dwell in

  • Isaiah 61:4 - And they shall build wastes the old desolations the former they shall raise up and they shall repair cities the waste desolations generations generations

  • Isaiah 64:11 - house Our holy and our beautiful praised where our fathers thee is burned up with fire and all our pleasant things are laid waste

  • Psalms 102:6 - I am like a pelican of the wilderness I am like an owl of the desert

  • Psalms 109:10 - be continually be continually Let his children and beg let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places

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