H2790 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to scratch, i.e. (by implication) to engrave, plough; hence (from the use of tools) to fabricate (of any material); figuratively, to devise (in a bad sense); hence (from the idea of secrecy) to be silent, to let alone; hence (by implication) to be deaf (as an accompaniment of dumbness) [idiom] altogether, cease, conceal, be deaf, devise, ear, graven, imagine, leave off speaking, hold peace, plow(-er, man), be quiet, rest, practise secretly, keep silence, be silent, speak not a word, be still, hold tongue, worker. a primitive root;

66 instances of the word חָרַשׁ chârash (H2790)

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  • Habakkuk 1:13 - Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil not look on iniquity and canst not look thou upon them that deal treacherously and holdest thy tongue devoureth when the wicked the man that is more righteous

  • Job 1:14 - a messenger And there came unto Job and said The oxen were plowing and the asses feeding beside

  • Micah 3:12 - for your sake Therefore shall Zion as a field be plowed and Jerusalem shall become heaps and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest

  • Zephaniah 3:17 - The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty he will save he will rejoice over thee with joy he will rest in his love he will joy over thee with singing

  • Proverbs 3:29 - not evil against thy neighbour Devise seeing he dwelleth securely

  • Job 4:8 - Even as I have seen they that plow iniquity and sow wickedness reap

  • Esther 4:14 - For if thou altogether For if thou altogether at this time then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews place from another house but thou and thy father's shall be destroyed and who knoweth at this time whether thou art come to the kingdom

  • Jeremiah 4:19 - My bowels My bowels I am pained at my very heart maketh a noise heart in me I cannot hold my peace the sound of the trumpet because thou hast heard O my soul the alarm of war

  • Nehemiah 5:8 - And I said have redeemed our brethren the Jews and will ye even sell unto the heathen unto them We after our ability and will ye even sell our brethren and will ye even sell unto us Then held they their peace and found

  • Amos 6:12 - run upon the rock Shall horses will one plow there with oxen for ye have turned into gall judgment and the fruit of righteousness into hemlock

  • Proverbs 6:14 - Frowardness is in his heart he deviseth mischief continually discord he soweth

  • Proverbs 6:18 - An heart that deviseth imaginations wicked feet that be swift in running to mischief

  • Job 6:24 - Teach me and I will hold my tongue wherein I have erred and cause me to understand

  • Esther 7:4 - For we are sold I and my people to be destroyed to be slain and to perish But if for bondmen and bondwomen For we are sold I had held my tongue although the enemy could not countervail damage the king's

  • 1 Samuel 7:8 - said And the children of Israel to Samuel Cease not to cry unto the LORD our God for us that he will save us out of the hand of the Philistines

  • 1 Kings 7:14 - son He was a widow's of the tribe of Naphtali and his father was a man of Tyre a worker in brass and he was filled with wisdom and understanding and cunning and wrought all his work in brass And he came to king Solomon and wrought all his work

  • Micah 7:16 - shall see The nations and be confounded at all their might they shall lay their hand upon their mouth their ears shall be deaf

  • 1 Samuel 8:12 - And he will appoint and captains over thousands and captains over fifties and will set them to ear his ground and to reap his harvest and to make and instruments of war and instruments of his chariots

  • Amos 9:13 - Behold the days come saith the LORD shall overtake that the plowman the reaper and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed shall drop and the mountains sweet wine and all the hills shall melt

  • Hosea 10:11 - And Ephraim is as an heifer that is taught and loveth to tread out the corn but I passed over upon her fair neck to ride And Ephraim shall plow Judah shall break his clods and Jacob

  • Hosea 10:13 - Ye have plowed wickedness iniquity ye have reaped ye have eaten the fruit of lies because thou didst trust in thy way in the multitude of thy mighty men

  • 1 Samuel 10:27 - But the children of Belial said How shall this man save us And they despised him and brought him no presents But he held his peace

  • Job 11:3 - Should thy lies men hold their peace and when thou mockest shall no man make thee ashamed

  • Proverbs 11:12 - despiseth his neighbour He that is void of wisdom but a man of understanding holdeth his peace

  • Proverbs 12:20 - Deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil but to the counsellors of peace is joy

  • Job 13:5 - O that hold your peace hold your peace and it should be your wisdom

  • Job 13:13 - Hold your peace let me alone that I may speak and let come

  • Job 13:19 - Who is he that will plead with me for now if I hold my tongue I shall give up the ghost

  • 2 Samuel 13:20 - said Absalom's he is thy brother unto her Hath Amnon he is thy brother my sister been with thee but hold now thy peace he is thy brother regard not this thing remained So Tamar house Absalom's he is thy brother

  • Exodus 14:14 - The LORD shall fight for you and ye shall hold your peace

  • Judges 14:18 - And he said of the city day unto him on the seventh went down before the sun What is sweeter than honey and what is stronger than a lion And he said unto them If ye had not plowed with my heifer ye had not found out my riddle

  • Proverbs 14:22 - Do they not err shall be to them that devise evil but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good

  • Judges 16:2 - And it was told the Gazites saying is come Samson hither And they compassed him in and laid wait all the night in the gate of the city and were quiet all the night saying when it is day In the morning we shall kill

  • Jeremiah 17:1 - The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron and with the point of a diamond it is graven upon the table of their heart and upon the horns of your altars

  • Proverbs 17:28 - Even a fool when he holdeth his peace wise is counted and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding

  • Judges 18:19 - And they said unto him Hold thy peace lay thine hand upon thy mouth with us and be to us a father and a priest is it better with us and be to us and a priest unto the house man of one with us and be to us and a priest unto a tribe and a family in Israel

  • 2 Kings 18:36 - held their peace But the people Answer him not a word commandment for the king's was saying Answer

  • 2 Samuel 19:10 - And Absalom whom we anointed over us is dead in battle Now therefore why speak back the king

  • 1 Kings 19:19 - thence and found Elisha the son of Shaphat who was plowing him and he with the twelfth yoke of oxen before him and he with the twelfth passed and Elijah by him and cast his mantle

  • Proverbs 20:4 - by reason of the cold The sluggard will not plow therefore shall he beg in harvest

  • Deuteronomy 22:10 - Thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together

  • 1 Samuel 23:9 - knew And David that Saul secretly practised mischief against him and he said to Abiathar the priest Bring hither the ephod

  • Genesis 24:21 - And the man wondering at her held his peace to wit had made whether the LORD his journey or

  • Jeremiah 26:18 - Micah the Morasthite prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah Thus saith to all the people of Judah Thus saith Thus saith the LORD of hosts Zion like a field shall be plowed and Jerusalem shall become heaps and the mountain of the house as the high places of a forest

  • Psalms 28:1 - O LORD Unto thee will I cry my rock to me lest if thou be silent to me lest if thou be silent to me I become like them that go down into the pit

  • Isaiah 28:24 - all day Doth the plowman Doth the plowman to sow doth he open and break the clods of his ground

  • Numbers 30:4 - hear And her father at her then all her vows and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall hold his peace And her father shall stand at her then all her vows and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand

  • Numbers 30:7 - heard And her husband at her in the day heard it and held his peace shall stand it then her vows and her bonds wherewith she bound her soul shall stand

  • Numbers 30:11 - heard And her husband it and held his peace at her and disallowed shall stand her not then all her vows and every bond wherewith she bound her soul shall stand

  • Numbers 30:14 - altogether altogether But if her husband at her from day at her from day then he establisheth all her vows or all her bonds then he establisheth altogether at her from day that he heard

  • Psalms 32:3 - When I kept silence waxed old my bones through my roaring all the day

  • Job 33:31 - Mark well O Job hearken unto me hold thy peace and I will speak

  • Job 33:33 - If not hearken unto me hold thy peace and I shall teach thee wisdom

  • Genesis 34:5 - And Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah his daughter now his sons were with his cattle in the field held his peace And Jacob until they were come

  • Psalms 35:22 - This thou hast seen O LORD keep not silence O Lord be not far

  • Isaiah 36:21 - But they held their peace Answer him not a word commandment for the king's was saying Answer

  • Jeremiah 38:27 - Then came all the princes unto Jeremiah and asked him and he told them according to all these words had commanded that the king So they left off speaking was not perceived them according to all these words

  • Psalms 39:12 - Hear my prayer O LORD unto my cry and give ear at my tears hold not thy peace for I am a stranger with thee and a sojourner as all my fathers

  • Isaiah 41:1 - Keep silence before me O islands and let the people renew their strength let them come near then let them speak together to judgment let us come near

  • Job 41:12 - I will not conceal nor his power nor his comely proportion

  • Isaiah 42:14 - holden my peace I have long time I have been still and refrained like a travailing woman myself now will I cry I will destroy and devour at once

  • Psalms 50:3 - shall come Our God and shall not keep silence a fire before shall devour round about tempestuous him and it shall be very

  • Psalms 50:21 - These things hast thou done and I kept silence thou thoughtest that I was altogether that I was altogether such an one as thyself but I will reprove thee and set them in order before thine eyes

  • Psalms 83:1 - O God Keep not thou silence hold not thy peace and be not still O God

  • Psalms 109:1 - O God of my praise Hold not thy peace

  • Psalms 129:3 - upon my back The plowers The plowers they made long their furrows

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