H2889 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
pure (in a physical, chemical, ceremonial or moral sense) clean, fair, pure(-ness). or טָהֹר; from H2891 (טָהֵר);

87 instances of the word טָהוֹר ṭâhôwr (H2889)

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  • Malachi 1:11 - For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down shall be great for my name among the Gentiles and in every place incense shall be offered for my name offering and a pure shall be great for my name among the Gentiles saith the LORD of hosts

  • Habakkuk 1:13 - Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil not look on iniquity and canst not look thou upon them that deal treacherously and holdest thy tongue devoureth when the wicked the man that is more righteous

  • 2 Chronicles 3:4 - And the porch that was in the front of the house the length that was in the front of it was according to the breadth of the house cubits and twenty and the height was an hundred and twenty and he overlaid it within gold with pure

  • Zechariah 3:5 - And I said Let them set mitre a fair upon his head Let them set mitre a fair upon his head and clothed him with garments And the angel of the LORD stood by

  • Leviticus 4:12 - shall he carry forth Even the whole bullock where without the camp where place unto a clean where are poured out the ashes and burn him on the wood with fire are poured out the ashes and burn

  • Numbers 5:28 - be not defiled And if the woman but be clean then she shall be free and shall conceive seed

  • Leviticus 6:11 - And he shall put off garments and put on garments other and carry forth the ashes without the camp place unto a clean

  • Ezra 6:20 - were purified For the priests and the Levites together all of them were pure and killed the passover for all the children of the captivity and for their brethren For the priests

  • Genesis 7:2 - and of beasts Of every clean thou shalt take to thee by sevens to thee by sevens the male and his female and of beasts Of every clean by two the male and his female

  • Genesis 7:8 - and of beasts Of clean and of beasts Of clean and of fowls and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth

  • Leviticus 7:19 - And the flesh that toucheth any unclean shall eat with fire it shall be burnt And the flesh all that be clean shall eat And the flesh

  • Genesis 8:20 - builded And Noah an altar unto the LORD and took beast and of every clean fowl and of every clean and offered burnt offerings an altar

  • Ecclesiastes 9:2 - and to him that event All things come alike to all there is one to the righteous and to the wicked not as is the good and to the clean and to the unclean sacrificeth and to him that sacrificeth not as is the good so is the sinner and he that sweareth and to him that an oath

  • Numbers 9:13 - But the man that is clean and is not in a journey and forbeareth to keep the passover shall be cut off even the same soul from among his people not the offering of the LORD because he brought in his appointed season his sin shall bear But the man

  • 2 Chronicles 9:17 - made Moreover the king throne of ivory a great and overlaid gold it with pure

  • Leviticus 10:10 - And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy and between unclean and clean

  • Leviticus 10:14 - breast And the wave shoulder and heave shall ye eat place in a clean and thy sons and thy daughters due due and thy sons which are given out of the sacrifices of peace offerings and thy sons of Israel

  • Leviticus 11:36 - Nevertheless a fountain or pit wherein there is plenty of water shall be clean but that which toucheth their carcase shall be unclean

  • Leviticus 11:37 - fall And if any part of their carcase seed upon any sowing which is to be sown it shall be clean

  • Leviticus 11:47 - To make a difference between the unclean and the clean and between the beast that may be eaten and between the beast that may be eaten

  • Psalms 12:6 - The words of the LORD The words are pure as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times

  • Deuteronomy 12:15 - lusteth after whatsoever thy soul Notwithstanding thou mayest kill and eat flesh according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given in all thy gates thee the unclean and the clean and eat thereof as of the roebuck and as of the hart

  • Deuteronomy 12:22 - is eaten Even as the roebuck and the hart is eaten them the unclean and the clean of them alike is eaten

  • 2 Chronicles 13:11 - And they burn of the LORD burnt sacrifices every morning every morning and every evening and every evening incense and sweet the shewbread table also set they in order upon the pure and the candlestick of gold with the lamps thereof to burn and every evening and every evening for we keep the charge of the LORD our God but ye have forsaken

  • Leviticus 13:13 - shall consider Then the priest have covered and behold if the leprosy all his flesh he shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague it is all turned white he is clean

  • Leviticus 13:17 - shall see And the priest be turned him and behold if the plague into white shall pronounce him clean And the priest him and behold if the plague he is clean

  • Leviticus 13:37 - be in his sight at a stay But if the scall hair and that there is black grown is healed But if the scall he is clean shall pronounce him clean and the priest

  • Leviticus 13:39 - shall look Then the priest in the skin of their flesh and behold if the bright spots be darkish white it is a freckled spot that groweth in the skin he is clean

  • Leviticus 13:40 - And the man whose hair is fallen off his head he is bald yet is he clean

  • Leviticus 13:41 - off from the part toward his face And he that hath his hair fallen of his head he is forehead bald yet is he clean

  • Job 14:4 - Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean not one

  • Leviticus 14:4 - command Then shall the priest to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean wood and cedar and scarlet and hyssop

  • Deuteronomy 14:11 - birds Of all clean ye shall eat

  • Deuteronomy 14:20 - fowls But of all clean ye may eat

  • Leviticus 14:57 - To teach and when it is unclean and when it is clean this is the law of leprosy

  • Leviticus 15:8 - spit And if he that hath the issue upon him that is clean then he shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the even

  • Deuteronomy 15:22 - it within thy gates Thou shalt eat the unclean and the clean person shall eat it alike as the roebuck and as the hart

  • Proverbs 15:26 - are an abomination to the LORD The thoughts of the wicked but the words of the pure words are pleasant

  • Numbers 18:11 - And this is thine the heave offering of their gift with all the wave offerings of the children of Israel I have given of the children and to thy daughters with thee by a statute for ever every one that is clean in thy house shall eat

  • Numbers 18:13 - And whatsoever is first ripe in the land which they shall bring unto the LORD shall be thine every one that is clean in thine house shall eat

  • Numbers 19:9 - shall gather And a man in a clean up the ashes of the heifer and lay them up without the camp place in a clean for the congregation of the children of Israel and it shall be kept for a water of separation it is a purification for sin

  • Psalms 19:9 - The fear of the LORD is clean enduring for ever the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether

  • Numbers 19:18 - shall take hyssop and dip it in the water person And a clean and sprinkle it upon the tent and upon all the vessels and upon the persons that were there and upon him that touched a bone or one slain or one dead or a grave

  • Numbers 19:19 - person shall sprinkle And the clean upon the unclean day on the third day and on the seventh he shall purify day and on the seventh himself and wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and shall be clean at even

  • Leviticus 20:25 - Ye shall therefore put difference beasts and clean and between unclean fowls and between unclean and clean abominable and ye shall not make your souls beasts fowls or by any manner of living thing that creepeth on the ground Ye shall therefore put difference from you as unclean

  • 1 Samuel 20:26 - spake Nevertheless Saul not any thing that day for he thought Something hath befallen him he is not clean clean

  • Proverbs 22:11 - He that loveth of heart for the grace of his lips shall be his friend the king

  • Ezekiel 22:26 - Her priests have violated my law and I am profaned between the holy between the holy and profane they have put no difference difference between the unclean and the clean neither have they shewed from my sabbaths and have hid their eyes and I am profaned among

  • Deuteronomy 23:10 - If there be among you any man that is not clean by reason of uncleanness that chanceth him by night then shall he go abroad out of the camp he shall not come within out of the camp

  • Leviticus 24:4 - candlestick upon the pure He shall order the lamps before the LORD continually

  • Leviticus 24:6 - And thou shalt set them in two rows six on a row table upon the pure before the LORD

  • Exodus 25:11 - And thou shalt overlay gold it with pure within and without And thou shalt overlay it and shalt make upon it a crown gold round about

  • Exodus 25:17 - And thou shalt make a mercy seat gold of pure thereof and a cubit and a half shall be the length thereof and a cubit and a half the breadth

  • Exodus 25:24 - And thou shalt overlay gold it with pure and make thereto a crown gold round about

  • Exodus 25:29 - And thou shalt make the dishes thereof and spoons thereof and covers thereof and bowls thereof to cover withal gold of pure And thou shalt make

  • Exodus 25:31 - And thou shalt make a candlestick gold of pure of beaten work And thou shalt make a candlestick his shaft and his branches his bowls his knops and his flowers

  • Exodus 25:36 - Their knops and their branches beaten work shall be of the same all it shall be one gold of pure

  • Exodus 25:38 - And the tongs thereof and the snuffdishes gold thereof shall be of pure

  • Exodus 25:39 - Of a talent gold of pure shall he make it with all these vessels

  • Exodus 28:14 - And two chains gold of pure at the ends shalt thou make work of wreathen them and fasten chains of wreathen to the ouches

  • 1 Chronicles 28:17 - for the fleshhooks and the bowls and the cups and for the golden Also pure basons and for the golden and likewise silver by weight basons basons basons of silver and likewise silver by weight basons basons

  • Job 28:19 - shall not equal The topaz of Ethiopia gold with pure it neither shall it be valued

  • Exodus 28:22 - And thou shalt make upon the breastplate chains at the ends work of wreathen gold of pure

  • Exodus 28:36 - And thou shalt make a plate gold of pure and grave upon it like the engravings of a signet HOLINESS TO THE LORD

  • Exodus 30:3 - And thou shalt overlay gold it with pure the top thereof and the sides round about and the horns thereof and thou shalt make unto it a crown gold round about

  • Proverbs 30:12 - There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes from their filthiness and yet is not washed

  • 2 Chronicles 30:17 - For there were many in the congregation that were not sanctified therefore the Levites had the charge of the killing of the passovers for every one that was not clean that were not sanctified them unto the LORD

  • Exodus 30:35 - And thou shalt make it a perfume a confection after the art of the apothecary tempered together pure and holy

  • Exodus 31:8 - And the table and his furniture candlestick and the pure and his furniture and the altar of incense

  • Ezekiel 36:25 - Then will I sprinkle water clean upon you and ye shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your idols upon you and ye shall be clean

  • Exodus 37:2 - And he overlaid gold it with pure within and without and made a crown gold to it round about

  • Exodus 37:6 - And he made the mercy seat gold of pure thereof and one cubit and a half was the length thereof and one cubit and a half the breadth

  • Exodus 37:11 - And he overlaid gold it with pure and made thereunto a crown gold round about

  • Exodus 37:16 - And he made the vessels which were upon the table his dishes and his spoons and his bowls and his covers to cover withal gold of pure

  • Exodus 37:17 - And he made he the candlestick gold of pure of beaten work And he made he the candlestick his shaft and his branch his bowls his knops and his flowers

  • Exodus 37:22 - Their knops and their branches beaten work were of the same all of it was one gold of pure

  • Exodus 37:23 - And he made lamps his seven and his snuffers and his snuffdishes gold of pure

  • Exodus 37:24 - Of a talent gold of pure made he it and all the vessels

  • Exodus 37:26 - And he overlaid gold it with pure both the top of it and the sides round about and the horns of it also he made unto it a crown gold round about

  • Exodus 37:29 - And he made oil anointing the holy incense of sweet spices and the pure according to the work of the apothecary

  • Exodus 39:15 - And they made upon the breastplate chains at the ends work of wreathen gold of pure

  • Exodus 39:25 - And they made bells gold of pure and put bells between the pomegranates upon the hem of the robe round about between the pomegranates

  • Exodus 39:30 - And they made the plate crown HOLINESS gold of pure and wrote upon it a writing like to the engravings of a signet HOLINESS TO THE LORD

  • Exodus 39:37 - candlestick The pure thereof even with the lamps thereof even with the lamps to be set in order and all the vessels thereof and the oil for light

  • Ezekiel 44:23 - my people And they shall teach the difference between the holy and profane between the unclean and the clean and cause them to discern

  • Psalms 51:10 - heart in me a clean Create O God spirit a right and renew within

  • Isaiah 66:20 - And they shall bring all your brethren out of all nations an offering of the LORD upon horses and in chariots and in litters and upon mules and upon swift beasts mountain to my holy Jerusalem saith of the LORD And they shall bring as the children of Israel an offering vessel in a clean into the house of the LORD

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