H3202 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
{to be able, literally (can, could) or morally (may, might)} be able, can, couldest, prevail. (Aramaic) or יְכִיל; (Aramaic), to H3201 (יָכֹל)

11 instances of the word יְכֵל yᵉkêl (H3202)

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  • Daniel 2:10 - answered The Chaldeans before king and said not There is a man upon the earth matter king that can shew at any therefore at any king lord nor ruler matter such not that asked at any magician or astrologer The Chaldeans

  • Daniel 2:27 - answered Daniel in the presence of the king and said The secret of the king hath demanded the wise men the astrologers the magicians the soothsayers cannot shew of the king

  • Daniel 2:47 - answered The king unto Daniel and said Of a truth it is that is a God is a God is a God and a Lord The king and a revealer of secrets it is that seeing thou couldest and a revealer of secrets this

  • Daniel 3:17 - If is it be so our God whom we serve able and he will deliver us from furnace fiery the burning us from thine hand O king and he will deliver

  • Daniel 3:29 - Therefore I make a decree That every people nation and language which speak against God of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in pieces shall be cut and their houses a dunghill shall be made That every because no there is God other that can deliver after this

  • Daniel 4:18 - This dream have seen I king Nebuchadnezzar Now thou O Belteshazzar the interpretation declare all thereof forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able the interpretation to make known Now thou art able for the spirit gods of the holy

  • Daniel 4:37 - Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven all whose works are truth and his ways judgment and those that walk in pride he is able to abase

  • Daniel 5:16 - And I have heard that thou canst interpretations make doubts and dissolve now if that thou canst the writing read interpretations and make known with scarlet thereof thou shalt be clothed and have a chain of gold about thy neck and shalt be the third in the kingdom ruler

  • Daniel 6:4 - Then the presidents and princes sought occasion find against Daniel concerning the kingdom but occasion fault neither they could find but forasmuch as he was faithful but error fault neither find in him

  • Daniel 6:20 - And when he came to the den O Daniel voice with a lamentable he cried spake and the king and said O Daniel O Daniel servant God of the living God whom thou servest continually able to deliver thee from the lions

  • Daniel 7:21 - I beheld horn and the same made war with the saints and prevailed

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