H3239 Definition

Strong's number
yaw-no'-akh or (with enclitic) Yanowchah yaw-no'-khaw
Strong's definition
Janoach or Janochah, a place in Palestine Janoah, Janohah. from H3240 (יָנַח); quiet;

3 instances of the word יָנוֹחַ Yânôwach (H3239)

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  • 2 Kings 15:29 - In the days of Pekah king of Israel came Tiglathpileser king of Assyria and took Ijon and Abelbethmaachah and Janoah and Kedesh and Hazor and Gilead and Galilee all the land of Naphtali and carried them captive of Assyria

  • Joshua 16:6 - went out And the border toward the sea to Michmethah on the north side went about And the border by it on the east unto Taanathshiloh and passed by it on the east to Janohah

  • Joshua 16:7 - And it went down from Janohah to Ataroth and to Naarath and came to Jericho and went out at Jordan

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