H3245 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to set (literally or figuratively); intensively, to found; reflexively, to sit down together, i.e. settle, consult appoint, take counsel, establish, (lay the, lay for a) found(-ation), instruct, lay, ordain, set, [idiom] sure. a primitive root;

41 instances of the word יָסַד yâçad (H3245)

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  • Esther 1:8 - And the drinking was according to the law none did compel had appointed for so the king to all the officers of his house that they should do pleasure according to every man's according to every man's

  • Habakkuk 1:12 - Art thou not from everlasting O LORD my God mine Holy One we shall not die O LORD them for judgment thou hast ordained and O mighty God them for correction thou hast established

  • Psalms 2:2 - set The kings of the earth themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against his anointed

  • Haggai 2:18 - Consider day and upward day and twentieth from the four of the ninth day that the foundation temple of the LORD'S Consider

  • 2 Chronicles 3:3 - was instructed Now these are the things wherein Solomon for the building of the house of God The length by cubits measure after the first by cubits was threescore and the breadth by cubits twenty

  • Ezra 3:6 - day From the first month of the seventh began they to offer burnt offerings of the LORD of the temple of the LORD But the foundation

  • Ezra 3:10 - laid the foundation And when the builders of the temple of the LORD they set the priests in their apparel with trumpets and the Levites the sons of Asaph with cymbals to praise of the LORD after the ordinance of David king of Israel

  • Ezra 3:11 - And they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks of the LORD because he is good endureth for ever for his mercy toward Israel And all the people shouted shout with a great in praising of the LORD because the foundation of the house of the LORD

  • Ezra 3:12 - But many of the priests and Levites and chief of the fathers who were ancient men that had seen house the first was laid house before their eyes wept voice with a loud But many shouted for joy aloud voice

  • Proverbs 3:19 - The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth hath he established the heavens by understanding

  • Zechariah 4:9 - The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house The hands shall also finish it and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent

  • Song of Solomon 5:15 - His legs are as pillars of marble set upon sockets of fine gold his countenance is as Lebanon excellent as the cedars

  • 1 Kings 5:17 - commanded And the king and they brought stones great stones costly to lay the foundation of the house stones and hewed

  • Joshua 6:26 - adjured And Joshua them at that time saying Cursed be the man before the LORD that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho thereof in his firstborn he shall lay the foundation and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates

  • 1 Kings 6:37 - year In the fourth laid of the house of the LORD in the month Zif

  • 1 Kings 7:10 - And the foundation and stones was of costly and stones even great and stones of ten cubits and stones of eight cubits

  • Psalms 8:2 - Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger

  • Zechariah 8:9 - Thus saith of the LORD of hosts be strong Let your hands ye that hear in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets in these days that the foundation of the house of the LORD of hosts that the temple might be built

  • Amos 9:6 - It is he that buildeth in the heaven his stories his troop in the earth and hath founded he that calleth for the waters of the sea and poureth them out upon the face in the earth The LORD is his name

  • Exodus 9:18 - I will cause it to rain about this time Behold to morrow hail grievous a very such as hath not been in Egypt the foundation

  • 1 Chronicles 9:22 - All these which were chosen to be porters in the gates were two hundred and twelve whom in their villages These were reckoned by their genealogy whom did ordain David and Samuel the seer in their set office

  • Zechariah 12:1 - The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel saith of the LORD which stretcheth forth the heavens and layeth the foundation of the earth and formeth the spirit of man within

  • Isaiah 14:32 - What shall one then answer the messengers of the nation That the LORD hath founded Zion shall trust and the poor of his people

  • 1 Kings 16:34 - In his days build did Hiel the Bethelite Jericho thereof in Abiram his firstborn he laid the foundation son Segub thereof in his youngest and set up the gates according to the word of the LORD which he spake by Joshua the son of Nun

  • Isaiah 23:13 - Behold the land of the Chaldeans this people was not till the Assyrian founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness they set up the towers thereof they raised up the palaces thereof and he brought it to ruin

  • Psalms 24:2 - it upon the seas For he hath founded it upon the floods and established

  • Isaiah 28:16 - Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD Behold I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone for a foundation a stone a tried corner a precious foundation Behold I lay he that believeth shall not make haste

  • 2 Chronicles 31:7 - month In the third they began of the heaps to lay the foundation month them in the seventh and finished

  • Psalms 31:13 - For I have heard the slander of many fear was on every side while they took counsel together to take away my life against me they devised

  • Job 38:4 - Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth declare if thou hast understanding

  • Isaiah 44:28 - That saith of Cyrus He is my shepherd all my pleasure and shall perform That saith to Jerusalem Thou shalt be built and to the temple Thy foundation shall be laid

  • Isaiah 48:13 - Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth and my right hand hath spanned the heavens when I call unto them they stand up together

  • Isaiah 51:13 - And forgettest the LORD thy maker that hath stretched forth the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth and hast feared continually every day because and where is the fury of the oppressor as if he were ready to destroy and where is the fury of the oppressor

  • Isaiah 51:16 - And I have put my words in thy mouth thee in the shadow of mine hand and I have covered that I may plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth and say unto Zion Thou art my people

  • Isaiah 54:11 - O thou afflicted tossed with tempest and not comforted behold I will lay with fair colours thy stones and lay thy foundations with sapphires

  • Psalms 78:69 - And he built like high his sanctuary palaces like the earth which he hath established for ever

  • Psalms 89:11 - The heavens are thine the earth also is thine as for the world and the fulness thereof thou hast founded

  • Psalms 102:25 - Of old of the earth hast thou laid the foundation are the work of thy hands and the heavens

  • Psalms 104:5 - Who laid of the earth the foundations that it should not be removed for ever

  • Psalms 104:8 - They go up by the mountains they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded

  • Psalms 119:152 - of old I have known Concerning thy testimonies them for ever that thou hast founded

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