H3708 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
vexation anger, angry, grief, indignation, provocation, provoking, [idiom] sore, sorrow, spite, wrath. or (in Job) כַּעַשׂ; from H3707 (כַּעַס);

25 instances of the word כַּעַס kaʻaç (H3708)

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  • 1 Samuel 1:6 - also provoked And her adversary her sore for to make her fret had shut because the LORD up her womb

  • 1 Samuel 1:16 - Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken

  • Ecclesiastes 1:18 - For in much wisdom grief and he that increaseth knowledge and he that increaseth sorrow

  • Ecclesiastes 2:23 - For all his days are sorrows grief and his travail in the night taketh not rest yea his heart This is also vanity

  • Job 5:2 - the foolish man killeth For wrath the silly one slayeth and envy

  • Job 6:2 - Oh that weighed weighed my grief and my calamity in the balances laid together

  • Psalms 6:7 - is consumed because of grief Mine eye it waxeth old because of all mine enemies

  • Ecclesiastes 7:3 - is better Sorrow than laughter for by the sadness of the countenance is made better the heart

  • Ecclesiastes 7:9 - Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry for anger in the bosom of fools resteth

  • Psalms 10:14 - Thou hast seen mischief and spite it for thou beholdest to requite it with thy hand committeth the poor of the fatherless himself unto thee thou art the helper

  • Job 10:17 - Thou renewest thy witnesses against me and increasest thine indignation upon me changes and war

  • Ecclesiastes 11:10 - Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart and put away evil from thy flesh for childhood and youth are vanity

  • Proverbs 12:16 - A fool's is presently known wrath man covereth shame but a prudent

  • 1 Kings 15:30 - Because of the sins of Jeroboam sin sin and which he made Israel by his provocation to anger wherewith he provoked the LORD God and which he made Israel

  • Job 17:7 - also is dim by reason of sorrow Mine eye and all my members are as a shadow

  • Proverbs 17:25 - is a grief to his father son A foolish and bitterness to her that bare

  • Ezekiel 20:28 - For when I had brought them into the land for the which I lifted up mine hand and there they presented it to them then they saw hill every high trees and all the thick and they offered there their sacrifices and there they presented the provocation of their offering there also they made savour their sweet and poured out there their drink offerings

  • Proverbs 21:19 - It is better to dwell in the wilderness woman and an angry

  • 1 Kings 21:22 - And will make and like the house and like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat and like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah for the provocation wherewith thou hast provoked me to anger to sin and made Israel

  • 2 Kings 23:26 - turned Notwithstanding the LORD not from the fierceness wherewith his anger of his great was kindled wherewith his anger against Judah because of all the provocations had provoked that Manasseh

  • Proverbs 27:3 - is heavy A stone weighty and the sand wrath but a fool's is heavier than them both

  • Psalms 31:9 - Have mercy upon me O LORD for I am in trouble is consumed with grief mine eye yea my soul and my belly

  • Deuteronomy 32:19 - saw And when the LORD it he abhorred them because of the provoking of his sons and of his daughters

  • Deuteronomy 32:27 - Were it not the wrath of the enemy that I feared should behave themselves strangely lest their adversaries and lest they should say Our hand is high and the LORD hath not done

  • Psalms 85:4 - Turn us O God of our salvation toward us to cease and cause thine anger

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