H3816 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a community nation, people. or לְאוֹם; from an unused root meaning to gather;

31 instances of the word לְאֹם lᵉʼôm (H3816)

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  • Psalms 2:1 - rage Why do the heathen and the people imagine a vain thing

  • Habakkuk 2:13 - Behold is it not of the LORD of hosts shall labour that the people in the very fire and the people in the very vanity shall weary

  • Psalms 7:7 - So shall the congregation of the people compass thee about thou on high for their sakes therefore return

  • Psalms 9:8 - And he shall judge the world in righteousness he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness

  • Proverbs 11:26 - He that withholdeth corn shall curse the people him but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth

  • Proverbs 14:28 - In the multitude of people honour is the king's but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince

  • Proverbs 14:34 - Righteousness exalteth a nation is a reproach to any people but sin

  • Isaiah 17:12 - Woe to the multitude people of many like the noise of the seas like the noise and to the rushing of nations and to the rushing waters of mighty that make a rushing like the rushing

  • Isaiah 17:13 - The nations like the rushing waters of many shall rush but God shall rebuke them and they shall flee far off and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind

  • Proverbs 24:24 - He that saith unto the wicked Thou art righteous curse him shall the people shall abhor nations

  • Genesis 25:23 - said And the LORD and two manner nations are in thy womb and two manner and the one people from thy bowels shall be separated and the one people and the one people shall be stronger and the elder shall serve the younger

  • Genesis 27:29 - serve Let people bow down thee and nations to thee be lord over thy brethren bow down sons and let thy mother's be every one that curseth be every one that curseth be he that blesseth be he that blesseth

  • Isaiah 34:1 - Come near ye nations hear ye people and hearken hear let the earth and all that is therein the world and all things that come forth

  • Isaiah 41:1 - Keep silence before me O islands and let the people renew their strength let them come near then let them speak together to judgment let us come near

  • Isaiah 43:4 - Since thou wast precious in my sight thou hast been honourable and I have loved thee therefore will I give men for thee and people for thy life

  • Isaiah 43:9 - Let all the nations be gathered together be assembled and let the people who among them can declare us former things or let them hear let them bring forth their witnesses that they may be justified or let them hear and say It is truth

  • Psalms 44:2 - with thy hand the heathen How thou didst drive out and plantedst them how thou didst afflict the people and cast them out

  • Psalms 44:14 - Thou makest us a byword among the heathen a shaking of the head among the people

  • Psalms 47:3 - He shall subdue the people under us and the nations under our feet

  • Isaiah 49:1 - Listen O isles unto me and hearken ye people from far The LORD me from the womb hath called from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name

  • Isaiah 51:4 - Hearken of the people unto me O my nation and give ear for a law shall proceed from me and I will make my judgment for a light of the people to rest

  • Jeremiah 51:58 - Thus saith the LORD of hosts walls of Babylon The broad broken broken gates and her high the fire shall be burned shall labour and the people in in vain and the folk in the fire and they shall be weary

  • Isaiah 55:4 - him for a witness to the people Behold I have given a leader and commander to the people

  • Psalms 57:9 - I will praise among the people thee O Lord I will sing unto thee among the nations

  • Isaiah 60:2 - For behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people shall arise but the LORD upon thee and his glory shall be seen

  • Psalms 65:7 - Which stilleth the noise of the seas the noise of their waves and the tumult of the people

  • Psalms 67:4 - be glad and sing for joy O let the nations for thou shalt judge the people righteously O let the nations upon earth and govern Selah

  • Psalms 105:44 - And gave them the lands of the heathen the labour of the people and they inherited

  • Psalms 108:3 - I will praise among the people thee O LORD and I will sing praises unto thee among the nations

  • Psalms 148:11 - Kings of the earth and all people princes and all judges of the earth

  • Psalms 149:7 - To execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishments upon the people

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