H3851 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a flash; figuratively, a sharply polished blade or point of aweapon blade, bright, flame, glittering. from an usused root meaning to gleam;

10 instances of the word לַהַב lahab (H3851)

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  • Joel 2:5 - Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap Like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble people as a strong array set in battle

  • Nahum 3:3 - The horseman lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering spear and there is a multitude of slain and a great number of carcases and there is none end of their corpses they stumble of their corpses

  • Judges 3:22 - also went in And the haft after the blade closed and the fat upon the blade so that he could not draw the dagger out of his belly came out and the dirt

  • Isaiah 13:8 - And they shall be afraid pangs and sorrows shall take hold as a woman that travaileth of them they shall be in pain one at another they shall be amazed their faces shall be as flames their faces

  • Judges 13:20 - ascended For it came to pass when the flame from off the altar toward heaven ascended that the angel of the LORD For it came to pass when the flame from off the altar And Manoah and his wife looked on it and fell on their faces to the ground

  • Isaiah 29:6 - of the LORD of hosts Thou shalt be visited with thunder and with earthquake noise and great with storm and tempest and the flame fire of devouring

  • Isaiah 30:30 - to be heard And the LORD shall cause his glorious voice the lighting down of his arm and shall shew with the indignation of his anger and with the flame fire of a devouring with scattering and tempest and hailstones

  • Job 39:23 - rattleth The quiver against him the glittering spear and the shield

  • Job 41:21 - His breath coals kindleth and a flame of his mouth goeth out

  • Isaiah 66:15 - For behold the LORD of fire will come like a whirlwind and with his chariots to render with fury his anger and his rebuke with flames of fire

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