H386 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
permanence; hence (concrete) permanent; specifically a chieftain hard, mighty, rough, strength, strong. or (shortened) אֵתָן ; from an unused root (meaning to continue);

13 instances of the word אֵיתָן ʼêythân (H386)

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  • Jeremiah 5:15 - Lo I will bring a nation upon you from far O house of Israel saith the LORD a nation it is a mighty a nation it is an ancient a nation thou knowest whose language not neither understandest what they say

  • Amos 5:24 - run down as waters But let judgment and righteousness stream as a mighty

  • Micah 6:2 - Hear ye O mountains controversy for the LORD and ye strong foundations of the earth controversy for the LORD with his people with Israel and he will plead

  • Job 12:19 - princes away spoiled the mighty and overthroweth

  • Proverbs 13:15 - understanding Good giveth favour but the way of transgressors is hard

  • Exodus 14:27 - stretched forth And Moses his hand and the sea returned and the sea appeared when the morning to his strength and the Egyptians fled against overthrew it and the LORD and the Egyptians in the midst and the sea

  • Deuteronomy 21:4 - shall bring down And the elders of that city the heifer there in the valley unto a rough which is neither eared nor sown and shall strike off the heifer there in the valley

  • Numbers 24:21 - And he looked on the Kenites and took up his parable and said Strong is thy dwellingplace and thou puttest in a rock thy nest

  • Job 33:19 - He is chastened also with pain upon his bed and the multitude of his bones with strong

  • Jeremiah 49:19 - like a lion Behold he shall come up from the swelling of Jordan against the habitation of the strong but I will suddenly make him run away from her and who is a chosen man that I may appoint over her for who is like me and who will appoint me the time and who is that shepherd that will stand before

  • Genesis 49:24 - abode in strength But his bow were made strong and the arms by the hands by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob from thence is the shepherd the stone of Israel

  • Jeremiah 50:44 - like a lion Behold he shall come up from the swelling of Jordan unto the habitation of the strong them suddenly but I will make from her and who is a chosen man that I may appoint over her for who is like me and who will appoint me the time and who is that shepherd that will stand before

  • Psalms 74:15 - Thou didst cleave the fountain and the flood thou driedst up rivers mighty

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