H3966 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, vehemence, i.e. (with or without preposition) vehemently; by implication, wholly, speedily, etc. (often with other words as an intensive or superlative; especially when repeated) diligently, especially, exceeding(-ly), far, fast, good, great(-ly), [idiom] louder and louder, might(-ily, -y), (so) much, quickly, (so) sore, utterly, very ([phrase] much, sore), well. from the same as H181 (אוּד);

279 instances of the word מְאֹד mᵉʼôd (H3966)

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  • Obadiah 1:2 - thee small Behold I have made among the heathen despised thou art greatly

  • Job 1:3 - His substance also was seven thousand sheep and three thousand camels and five hundred yoke of oxen and five hundred she asses household great and a very so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east

  • 1 Kings 1:4 - And the damsel fair was very the king and cherished and ministered the king knew

  • 1 Kings 1:6 - had not displeased And his father him at any time in saying Why hast thou done so goodly and he also was a very man and his mother bare him after Absalom

  • Exodus 1:7 - And the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied mighty and waxed exceeding and waxed exceeding was filled and the land

  • Joshua 1:7 - Only be thou strong courageous and very that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law commanded which Moses my servant thee turn not from it to the right hand or to the left that thou mayest prosper

  • Esther 1:12 - refused But the queen Vashti to come commandment at the king's by his chamberlains wroth at the king's very and his anger burned

  • Ruth 1:13 - for them Would ye tarry till they were grown for them would ye stay from having husbands nay my daughters for it grieveth me much is gone out for your sakes that the hand of the LORD

  • Zephaniah 1:14 - is near day of the LORD The great is near and hasteth greatly even the voice day of the LORD there bitterly shall cry the mighty man

  • 1 Kings 1:15 - went in And Bathsheba and the king into the chamber and the king old was very and Abishag the Shunammite ministered and the king

  • Exodus 1:20 - dealt well Therefore God with the midwives multiplied and the people mighty and waxed very

  • Ruth 1:20 - And she said call me not Naomi call me Mara bitterly for the Almighty hath dealt very

  • 2 Samuel 1:26 - I am distressed for thee my brother Jonathan pleasant very to me was wonderful hast thou been unto me thy love hast thou been unto me thy love of women

  • Genesis 1:31 - saw And God every thing that he had made good and behold it was very And the evening and the morning day were the sixth

  • Nahum 2:1 - is come up He that dasheth in pieces before thy face keep the munition watch the way strong make thy loins fortify thy power mightily

  • Nehemiah 2:2 - said Wherefore the king unto me Why is thy countenance sad seeing thou art not sick this is nothing else but sorrow of heart afraid sore Then I was very

  • Deuteronomy 2:4 - thou the people And command saying Ye are to pass through the coast of your brethren the children of Esau which dwell in Seir and they shall be afraid heed of you take ye good

  • Jeremiah 2:10 - For pass over the isles of Chittim and see unto Kedar and send and consider diligently and see

  • Joel 2:11 - And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army great and very for his camp for he is strong that executeth his word is great for the day And the LORD terrible and very and who can abide

  • 1 Kings 2:12 - Solomon Then sat upon the throne of David his father was established and his kingdom greatly

  • Jeremiah 2:12 - Be astonished O ye heavens at this and be horribly afraid desolate be ye very saith the LORD

  • Job 2:13 - So they sat down with him upon the ground and seven days and seven nights and none spake a word unto him for they saw great that his grief was very

  • Judges 2:15 - Whithersoever they went out the hand and as the LORD was against them for evil had said and as the LORD had sworn and as the LORD distressed unto them and they were greatly

  • 1 Samuel 2:17 - Wherefore the sin of the young men great was very before of the LORD abhorred for men the offering of the LORD

  • 2 Samuel 2:17 - battle sore And there was a very that day was beaten and Abner of Israel before the servants of David

  • 1 Samuel 2:22 - Now Eli old was very and heard did all that his sons unto all Israel and how they lay with the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation

  • Jeremiah 2:36 - Why gaddest thou about so much to change thy way of Egypt as thou wast ashamed as thou wast ashamed of Assyria

  • Deuteronomy 3:5 - All these cities were fenced walls with high gates and bars All these cities beside unwalled many a great

  • 2 Samuel 3:8 - wroth Then was Abner very for the words of Ishbosheth and said head Am I a dog's which against Judah me to day do shew kindness unto the house of Saul thy father to his brethren and to his friends and have not delivered thee into the hand of David that thou chargest with a fault concerning this woman me to day

  • Joshua 3:16 - stood That the waters and those that came down from above and rose up heap upon an far very Adam from the city that is beside Zaretan and those that came down sea of the plain sea even the salt failed and were cut off and the people passed over right against Jericho

  • Judges 3:17 - And he brought the present and Eglon king of Moab and Eglon man fat was a very

  • Esther 4:4 - came maids So Esther's and her chamberlains and told grieved it her Then was the queen exceedingly and she sent raiment to clothe Mordecai and to take away his sackcloth from him but he received

  • Genesis 4:5 - And Cain and to his offering he had not respect wroth And Cain was very fell and his countenance

  • Nehemiah 4:7 - heard But it came to pass that when Sanballat and Tobiah and the Arabians and the Ammonites and the Ashdodites were made up that the walls of Jerusalem began and that the breaches to be stopped wroth then they were very

  • Deuteronomy 4:9 - Only take heed Only take heed thy soul diligently lest thou forget the things have seen which thine eyes and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life but teach and thy sons and thy sons and thy sons

  • 1 Samuel 4:10 - fought And the Philistines was smitten and Israel and they fled every man into his tent slaughter great and there was a very for there fell and Israel thirty thousand footmen

  • Deuteronomy 4:15 - heed Take ye therefore good unto yourselves for ye saw no manner of similitude on the day spake that the LORD unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire

  • 2 Chronicles 4:18 - made Thus Solomon all these vessels abundance in great could not be found out for the weight of the brass

  • 1 Kings 4:29 - gave And God wisdom Solomon and understanding much exceeding and largeness of heart even as the sand shore that is on the sea

  • Nehemiah 5:6 - angry And I was very when I heard their cry and these words

  • 1 Kings 5:7 - heard And it came to pass when Hiram the words of Solomon that he rejoiced greatly and said Blessed be the LORD this day which hath given unto David son a wise people over this great

  • 1 Samuel 5:9 - And it was so that after they had carried it about the hand of the LORD of the city destruction and great with a very and he smote of the city both small and great in their secret parts

  • 1 Samuel 5:11 - Send away and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines and said Send away the ark of God of Israel and let it go again to his own place that it slay us not and our people destruction for there was a deadly throughout all the city heavy was very the hand of God

  • Lamentations 5:22 - But thou hast utterly wroth us thou art very

  • Lamentations 5:22 - But thou hast utterly wroth us thou art very

  • Deuteronomy 6:3 - Hear therefore O Israel and observe to do it that it may be well with thee and that ye may increase mightily hath promised as the LORD God of thy fathers thee in the land that floweth with milk and honey

  • Psalms 6:3 - My soul vexed is also sore but thou O LORD

  • Deuteronomy 6:5 - And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might

  • Judges 6:6 - impoverished And Israel was greatly because of the Midianites cried and the children And Israel unto the LORD

  • Psalms 6:10 - and be ashamed vexed and sore Let all mine enemies let them return and be ashamed suddenly

  • Nehemiah 6:16 - heard And it came to pass that when all our enemies saw thereof and all the heathen that were about us cast down these things they were much in their own eyes for they perceived of our God was wrought that this work

  • 2 Chronicles 7:8 - kept Solomon the feast Also at the same time seven days and all Israel congregation great with him a very from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt

  • Genesis 7:18 - prevailed And the waters and were increased greatly upon the earth and the ark upon the face And the waters

  • Genesis 7:19 - And the waters prevailed exceedingly exceedingly upon the earth were covered hills and all the high that were under the whole heaven

  • 1 Kings 7:47 - left And Solomon all the vessels many unweighed because they were exceeding unweighed because they were exceeding found out neither was the weight of the brass

  • Joshua 8:4 - And he commanded them saying Behold ye shall lie in wait against the city even behind against the city far against the city not very but be ye all ready

  • Job 8:7 - Though thy beginning was small yet thy latter end increase should greatly

  • Daniel 8:8 - Therefore the he goat great waxed very and when he was strong was broken horn the great and for it came up notable ones four four winds of heaven

  • 2 Samuel 8:8 - And from Betah and from Berothai cities of Hadadezer took king David brass much exceeding

  • Nehemiah 8:17 - done so And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity booths and sat booths done so for since the days of Jeshua had not the children of Nun had not the children of Israel for since the days gladness great And there was very

  • 2 Chronicles 9:1 - And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame Solomon and when she was come to prove Solomon with hard questions at Jerusalem company great with a very and camels that bare spices and gold in abundance stones and precious and when she was come Solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart

  • Zechariah 9:2 - And Hamath also shall border thereby Tyrus and Zidon wise though it be very

  • Exodus 9:3 - Behold the hand of the LORD is upon thy cattle which is in the field upon the horses upon the asses upon the camels upon the oxen and upon the sheep murrain grievous there shall be a very

  • Zechariah 9:5 - shall see Ashkelon it and fear Gaza sorrowful also shall see it and be very and Ekron for her expectation shall perish and the king Gaza Ashkelon shall not be inhabited

  • Ezekiel 9:9 - Then said he unto me The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah great is exceeding is exceeding full and the land of blood and the city full of perverseness Then said hath forsaken The LORD and the land The LORD seeth

  • 2 Chronicles 9:9 - And she gave king an hundred and twenty talents of gold and of spices abundance great stones and precious and of spices And she gave as the queen of Sheba king Solomon

  • Joshua 9:9 - And they said country far unto him From a very are come thy servants because of the name of the LORD thy God for we have heard the fame of him and all that he did in Egypt

  • Zechariah 9:9 - Rejoice greatly O daughter of Zion shout O daughter of Jerusalem behold thy King cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation lowly and riding upon an ass and upon a colt the foal of an ass

  • Joshua 9:13 - And these bottles of wine which we filled were new and behold they be rent and these our garments and our shoes are become old long journey by reason of the very

  • Exodus 9:18 - I will cause it to rain about this time Behold to morrow hail grievous a very such as hath not been in Egypt the foundation

  • Jeremiah 9:19 - For a voice of wailing is heard out of Zion How are we spoiled confounded we are greatly because we have forsaken the land have cast us out because our dwellings

  • Deuteronomy 9:20 - for Aaron angry And the LORD was very to have destroyed him and I prayed for Aaron also the same time

  • Joshua 9:22 - called And Joshua for them and he spake unto them saying Wherefore have ye beguiled unto them saying far We are very among from you when ye dwell

  • Exodus 9:24 - So there was hail and fire mingled So there was hail grievous very such as there was none like it in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation

  • Joshua 9:24 - And they answered Joshua and said Because it was certainly Because it was certainly his servant commanded how that the LORD thy God Moses his servant to give of the land and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land because afraid you therefore we were sore of our lives because of you and have done this thing

  • Ezra 10:1 - had prayed Now when Ezra and when he had confessed weeping and casting himself down before the house of God there assembled unto him out of Israel congregation great a very of men and women and children weeping for the people very sore

  • 1 Kings 10:2 - And she came to Jerusalem train great and very with camels that bare spices gold much and very stones and precious And she came to Solomon she communed with him of all that was in her heart

  • Joshua 10:2 - That they feared greatly cities and because it was greater because Gibeon as one cities of the royal and because it was greater than Ai thereof were mighty

  • 1 Chronicles 10:4 - Then said Saul me But his armourbearer Draw a sword and thrust come me through therewith lest these uncircumcised and abuse would me But his armourbearer afraid not for he was sore took Saul a sword and fell

  • 2 Kings 10:4 - afraid But they were exceedingly But they were exceedingly and said Behold two kings him how then shall we stand not before him how then shall we stand

  • 2 Samuel 10:5 - When they told it unto David he sent to meet them because the men ashamed were greatly said and the king Tarry at Jericho be grown until your beards and then return

  • Judges 10:9 - passed over Moreover the children of Ammon Jordan to fight also against Judah and against Benjamin and against the house of Ephraim distressed so that Israel was sore

  • 1 Kings 10:10 - And she gave the king an hundred and twenty talents of gold and of spices great store very stones and precious there came and of spices no more such abundance And she gave as these which the queen of Sheba the king Solomon

  • 1 Kings 10:11 - And the navy also of Hiram that brought gold from Ophir brought in from Ophir trees of almug plenty great stones and precious

  • Exodus 10:14 - went up And the locusts over all the land of Egypt and rested in all the coasts of Egypt grievous very were they before them there were no such And the locusts as they neither after them there were no such

  • Exodus 10:19 - turned And the LORD wind sea strong a mighty which took away locust and cast sea them into the Red there remained locust not one in all the coasts of Egypt

  • Joshua 10:20 - had made an end And it came to pass when Joshua and the children of Israel of slaying slaughter great them with a very till they were consumed that the rest which remained of them entered cities into fenced

  • 2 Samuel 11:2 - And it came to pass in an eveningtide arose that David from off his bed and walked and from the roof house of the king's he saw a woman washing and from the roof a woman beautiful to look upon was very

  • Exodus 11:3 - gave And the LORD favour of the people and in the sight of Egypt Moreover the man Moses great was very in the land of Egypt and in the sight servants of Pharaoh's and in the sight of the people

  • Joshua 11:4 - And they went out they and all their hosts people many even as the sand shore that is upon the sea in multitude with horses and chariots many very

  • 1 Samuel 11:6 - came And the Spirit of God upon Saul when he heard those tidings was kindled and his anger greatly

  • Numbers 11:10 - heard Moses the people weep throughout their families every man in the door of his tent was kindled and the anger of the LORD greatly Moses

  • 2 Chronicles 11:12 - And in every several city And in every several city he put shields and spears strong and made them exceeding having Judah and Benjamin

  • 1 Samuel 11:15 - And all the people in Gilgal king and there Saul before the LORD in Gilgal and there they sacrificed sacrifices of peace offerings before the LORD rejoiced and there Saul of Israel greatly

  • 1 Kings 11:19 - found And Hadad favour in the sight of Pharaoh great so that he gave him to wife the sister him to wife the sister of Tahpenes the queen

  • Daniel 11:25 - And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south army great against the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle army great and mighty with a very but he shall not stand for they shall forecast devices

  • Judges 11:33 - And he smote them from Aroer even till thou come to Minnith even twenty cities and unto the plain of the vineyards slaughter great with a very were subdued Thus the children of Ammon before Thus the children of Israel

  • Numbers 11:33 - And while the flesh between their teeth was yet ere it was chewed the wrath and the LORD was kindled against the people smote and the LORD against the people plague great with a very

  • 2 Samuel 12:2 - The rich flocks and herds many man had exceeding

  • Judges 12:2 - said And Jephthah strife were unto them I and my people with the children of Ammon at great and when I called you ye delivered me not out of their hands

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