H4288 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, a dissolution; concretely, a ruin, or (abstractly) consternation destruction, dismaying, ruin, terror. from H2846 (חָתָה);

11 instances of the word מְחִתָּה mᵉchittâh (H4288)

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  • Proverbs 10:14 - Wise men lay up knowledge but the mouth of the foolish destruction is near

  • Proverbs 10:15 - wealth The rich man's city is his strong the destruction of the poor is their poverty

  • Proverbs 10:29 - is strength to the upright The way of the LORD but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity

  • Proverbs 13:3 - He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction

  • Proverbs 14:28 - In the multitude of people honour is the king's but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince

  • Jeremiah 17:17 - Be not a terror unto me thou art my hope in the day of evil

  • Proverbs 18:7 - mouth A fool's is his destruction and his lips are the snare of his soul

  • Proverbs 21:15 - It is joy to the just to do judgment but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity

  • Jeremiah 48:39 - saying How is it broken down They shall howl turned the back how hath Moab with shame how hath Moab be a derision and a dismaying to all them about

  • Isaiah 54:14 - In righteousness shalt thou be established thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear and from terror for it shall not come near

  • Psalms 89:40 - Thou hast broken down all his hedges thou hast brought his strong holds to ruin

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