H4548 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a peg (as bristling from the surface) nail. or מִסְמֵר; also (feminine) מַסְמְרָה; or מִסְמְרָה; or even מַשְׂמְרָה; (Ecclesiastes 12:11), from H5568 (סָמַר);

4 instances of the word מַסְמֵר maçmêr (H4548)

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  • 2 Chronicles 3:9 - And the weight of the nails shekels was fifty of gold the upper chambers And he overlaid of gold

  • Jeremiah 10:4 - it with silver and with gold They deck it with nails and with hammers they fasten that it move

  • 1 Chronicles 22:3 - iron in abundance for the nails for the doors of the gates and for the joinings prepared And David and brass in abundance without weight

  • Isaiah 41:7 - and he fastened So the carpenter the goldsmith and he that smootheth with the hammer him that smote the anvil saying for the sodering It is ready and he fastened it with nails that it should not be moved

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