H4585 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
{an abode, of God (the Tabernacle or the Temple), men (their home) or animals (their lair); hence, a retreat (asylum)} den, habitation, (dwelling) place, refuge. or מְעֹנָה; feminine of H4583 (מָעוֹן), and meaning the same

9 instances of the word מְעוֹנָה mᵉʻôwnâh (H4585)

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  • Nahum 2:12 - The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps and strangled for his lionesses and filled with prey his holes and his dens with ravin

  • Amos 3:4 - roar Will a lion in the forest when he hath no prey cry out will a young lion of his den nothing if he have taken

  • Song of Solomon 4:8 - with me from Lebanon my spouse with me from Lebanon Come look from the top of Amana from the top of Shenir and Hermon dens from the lions from the mountains of the leopards

  • Jeremiah 21:13 - Behold I am against thee O inhabitant of the valley and rock of the plain saith the LORD which say Who shall come down against us or who shall enter into our habitations

  • Deuteronomy 33:27 - is thy refuge God The eternal arms and underneath are the everlasting and he shall thrust out from before the enemy thee and shall say Destroy

  • Job 37:8 - go Then the beasts into dens in their places and remain

  • Job 38:40 - When they couch in their dens and abide in the covert to lie in wait

  • Psalms 76:2 - In Salem also is his tabernacle and his dwelling place in Zion

  • Psalms 104:22 - ariseth The sun they gather themselves together in their dens and lay them down

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