H4723 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
something waited for, i.e. confidence (objective or subjective); also a collection, i.e. (of water) a pond, or (of men and horses) a caravan or drove abiding, gathering together, hope, linen yarn, plenty (of water), pool. or מִקְוֵה; (1 Kings 10:28), or מִקְוֵאlemma מִּקְוֵא extra dagesh, corrected to מִקְוֵא; (2 Chronicles 1:16), from H6960 (קָוָה);

10 instances of the word מִקְוֶה miqveh (H4723)

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  • Genesis 1:10 - called And God the dry land Earth and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas saw And God that it was good

  • 2 Chronicles 1:16 - brought had horses And Solomon out of Egypt and linen yarn merchants the king's and linen yarn received at a price

  • Exodus 7:19 - Say And the LORD unto Moses Say unto Aaron Take thy rod and stretch out thine hand of water of Egypt upon their streams upon their rivers and upon their ponds and upon all their pools of water and that there may be blood and that there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt both in vessels of wood and in vessels of stone

  • Ezra 10:2 - answered And Shechaniah one of the sons of Jehiel one of the sons of Elam and said unto Ezra We have trespassed against our God and have taken wives strange of the people of the land yet now there is hope in Israel

  • 1 Kings 10:28 - brought had horses And Solomon out of Egypt and linen yarn merchants the king's received and linen yarn at a price

  • Leviticus 11:36 - Nevertheless a fountain or pit wherein there is plenty of water shall be clean but that which toucheth their carcase shall be unclean

  • Jeremiah 14:8 - O the hope of Israel the saviour thereof in time of trouble why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night

  • Jeremiah 17:13 - the hope of Israel O LORD all that forsake thee shall be ashamed and they that depart in the earth shall be written all that forsake the fountain waters of living O LORD

  • 1 Chronicles 29:15 - For we are strangers before thee and sojourners as were all our fathers are as a shadow our days on the earth and there is none abiding

  • Jeremiah 50:7 - All that found them have devoured them and their adversaries said We offend not because they have sinned against the LORD the habitation of justice the hope of their fathers against the LORD

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