H4758 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a view (the act of seeing); also an appearance (the thing seen), whether (real) a shape (especially if handsome, comeliness; often plural the looks), or (mental) a vision [idiom] apparently, appearance(-reth), [idiom] as soon as beautiful(-ly), countenance, fair, favoured, form, goodly, to look (up) on (to), look(-eth), pattern, to see, seem, sight, visage, vision. from H7200 (רָאָה);

82 instances of the word מַרְאֶה marʼeh (H4758)

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  • Daniel 1:4 - Children in whom was no blemish but well favoured and skilful in all wisdom and cunning in knowledge and understanding science and such as had ability in them to stand palace in the king's and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans

  • Ezekiel 1:5 - Also out of the midst had the likeness of four living creatures And this was their appearance had the likeness of a man they

  • Esther 1:11 - To bring Vashti the queen before the king with the crown royal to shew the people and the princes her beauty for she was fair to look on

  • Daniel 1:13 - and as thou seest before Then let our countenances Then let our countenances of the children that eat meat of the king's and as thou seest deal with thy servants

  • Ezekiel 1:13 - As for the likeness among the living creatures and like the appearance coals and out of the fire was like burning and like the appearance of lamps it went up and down among the living creatures was bright and out of the fire and out of the fire went forth lightning

  • Ezekiel 1:14 - And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning

  • Daniel 1:15 - And at the end days of ten appeared their countenances fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat meat of the king's

  • Ezekiel 1:16 - The appearance of a wheel and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl likeness had one and they four The appearance and their work of a wheel in the middle of a wheel

  • Ezekiel 1:26 - And above the firmament that was over their heads as the appearance stone of a sapphire and upon the likeness of a throne and upon the likeness of a throne and upon the likeness as the appearance of a man And above

  • Ezekiel 1:27 - And I saw as the colour of amber and from the appearance of fire within round about and from the appearance of his loins even upward and from the appearance of his loins even downward And I saw and from the appearance of fire and it had brightness round about

  • Ezekiel 1:28 - As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain As the appearance of the brightness round about As the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD And when I saw it I fell upon my face and I heard a voice of one that spake

  • Esther 2:2 - Then said servants for the king that ministered sought for the king young virgins unto him Let there be fair

  • Esther 2:3 - appoint And let the king officers in all the provinces of his kingdom that they may gather together young virgins all the fair unto Shushan the palace to the house of the women unto the custody of Hege chamberlain And let the king keeper of the women be given and let their things for purification

  • Joel 2:4 - The appearance of horses The appearance and as horsemen so shall they run

  • Nahum 2:4 - in the streets shall rage The chariots they shall justle one against another in the broad ways they shall seem like torches like the lightnings they shall run

  • Esther 2:7 - And he brought up Hadassah that is Esther daughter his uncle's for she had neither father and mother and the maid was fair and beautiful were dead for she had neither father and mother took whom Mordecai daughter

  • Genesis 2:9 - made the LORD God And out of the ground and the tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food and the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge and good and evil

  • Song of Solomon 2:14 - O my dove that art in the clefts of the rock in the secret places of the stairs let me see and thy countenance let me hear is thy voice is thy voice for sweet and thy countenance is comely

  • Exodus 3:3 - said And Moses I will now turn aside and see sight this great why is not burnt the bush

  • Job 4:16 - It stood still but I could not discern the form thereof an image was before mine eyes there was silence a voice and I heard

  • Song of Solomon 5:15 - His legs are as pillars of marble set upon sockets of fine gold his countenance is as Lebanon excellent as the cedars

  • Ecclesiastes 6:9 - Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire this is also vanity and vexation of spirit

  • Ezekiel 8:2 - Then I beheld and lo a likeness as the appearance fire as the appearance and from his loins even downward fire and from his loins even upward as the appearance of brightness as the colour of amber

  • Ezekiel 8:4 - And behold the glory of the God of Israel was there according to the vision that I saw in the plain

  • Numbers 8:4 - And this work of the candlestick thereof was beaten work gold unto the shaft thereof unto the flowers thereof was beaten work according unto the pattern had shewed which the LORD Moses so he made of the candlestick

  • Daniel 8:15 - had seen And it came to pass when I even I Daniel the vision and sought for the meaning then behold there stood before me as the appearance of a man

  • Daniel 8:16 - And I heard voice a man's between the banks of Ulai which called and said Gabriel man to understand make this the vision

  • Daniel 8:26 - And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true wherefore shut thou up the vision days for it shall be for many

  • Daniel 8:27 - And I Daniel fainted and was sick certain days afterward I rose up and did business the king's and I was astonished at the vision but none understood

  • Numbers 9:15 - And on the day was reared up that the tabernacle covered the cloud that the tabernacle namely the tent of the testimony and at even that the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire until the morning

  • Numbers 9:16 - So it was alway the cloud covered it by day and the appearance of fire by night

  • Daniel 9:23 - At the beginning of thy supplications came forth the commandment and I am come to shew and consider the commandment and consider the vision

  • Daniel 10:1 - year In the third of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel was called whose name Belteshazzar was true a thing but the time appointed was long and he understood a thing and had understanding of the vision

  • Ezekiel 10:1 - Then I looked and behold in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims stone over them as it were a sapphire as the appearance of the likeness of a throne Then I looked

  • Daniel 10:6 - His body also was like the beryl and his face as the appearance of lightning and his eyes as lamps of fire and his arms and his feet and his eyes brass to polished and the voice of his words and the voice of a multitude

  • Ezekiel 10:9 - And when I looked behold the four of the wheels by cherub of the wheels and another by cherub and another of the wheels and another by cherub and another and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour stone of a beryl

  • Ezekiel 10:10 - And as for their appearances likeness had one they four as if a wheel had been in the midst as if a wheel

  • Daniel 10:18 - Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man and he strengthened

  • Ezekiel 10:22 - And the likeness faces was the same faces which I saw by the river of Chebar their appearances every one straight faces

  • 2 Samuel 11:2 - And it came to pass in an eveningtide arose that David from off his bed and walked and from the roof house of the king's he saw a woman washing and from the roof a woman beautiful to look upon was very

  • Isaiah 11:3 - And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD after the sight of his eyes and he shall not judge after the hearing of his ears neither reprove

  • Ecclesiastes 11:9 - Rejoice O young man in thy youth and let thy heart thee in the days of thy youth and walk in the ways and let thy heart and in the sight of thine eyes but know will bring thou that for all these things God thee into judgment

  • Ezekiel 11:24 - Afterwards the spirit took me up and brought into Chaldea to them of the captivity So the vision Afterwards the spirit of God went up So the vision that I had seen

  • Numbers 12:8 - mouth mouth With him will I speak even apparently and not in dark speeches and the similitude of the LORD shall he behold wherefore then were ye not afraid With him will I speak against my servant Moses

  • Genesis 12:11 - And it came to pass when he was come near to enter into Egypt that he said unto Sarai his wife Behold now I know his wife that thou art a fair to look upon

  • Leviticus 13:3 - shall look And the priest and the plague in the skin of his flesh and when the hair and the plague is turned white in sight and the plague be deeper in the skin of his flesh and the plague of leprosy shall look And the priest on him and pronounce him unclean

  • Leviticus 13:4 - If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh be not deeper and in sight in the skin and the hair thereof be not turned be white shall shut then the priest up him that hath the plague seven days

  • Judges 13:6 - came Then the woman and told A man and told A man of God came unto me and his countenance unto me and his countenance of an angel of God terrible very but I asked he me his name him not whence he was neither told

  • Leviticus 13:12 - abroad abroad And if a leprosy all the skin cover And if a leprosy all the skin of him that hath the plague from his head even to his foot looketh wheresoever the priest

  • Leviticus 13:20 - seeth And if when the priest it behold it be in sight lower than the skin and the hair thereof be turned white shall pronounce him unclean And if when the priest it is a plague of leprosy out of the boil broken

  • Leviticus 13:25 - shall look Then the priest be turned upon it and behold if the hair white in the bright spot and it be in sight deeper than the skin it is a leprosy out of the burning broken shall pronounce him unclean Then the priest it is the plague it is a leprosy

  • Leviticus 13:30 - shall see Then the priest the plague and behold if it be in sight deeper than the skin hair and there be in it a yellow thin shall pronounce him unclean Then the priest it is a dry scall even a leprosy upon the head or beard

  • Leviticus 13:31 - look And if the priest on the plague of the scall and behold it be not in sight deeper than the skin hair and that there is no black shall shut And if the priest on the plague of the scall seven days

  • Leviticus 13:32 - shall look the priest on the plague day And in the seventh spread and behold if the scall hair not and there be in it no yellow be not in sight and behold if the scall deeper than the skin

  • Leviticus 13:34 - shall look the priest and behold if the scall day And in the seventh be not spread and behold if the scall in the skin nor be in sight deeper in the skin and be clean the priest and he shall wash his clothes and be clean

  • Leviticus 13:43 - shall look Then the priest upon it and behold if the rising of the sore be white reddish in his bald head or in his bald forehead appeareth as the leprosy in the skin of the flesh

  • 2 Samuel 14:27 - there were born And unto Absalom three sons daughter and one whose name was Tamar she was a woman of a fair countenance

  • Leviticus 14:37 - And he shall look and behold if the plague and behold if the plague be in the walls of the house with hollow strakes greenish or reddish which in sight are lower than be in the walls

  • 1 Samuel 16:7 - said But the LORD unto Samuel Look not on his countenance or on the height of his stature because I have refused looketh for man for man looketh on the outward appearance But the LORD looketh on the heart

  • 1 Samuel 17:42 - looked about And when the Philistine and saw David he disdained him for he was but a youth and ruddy and of a fair countenance

  • Joshua 22:10 - And when they came unto the borders by Jordan that are in the land of Canaan built and the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh altar by Jordan altar a great to see to

  • Ezekiel 23:15 - Girded with girdles upon their loins exceeding in dyed attire upon their heads to look to all of them princes after the manner of the Babylonians of Chaldea the land of their nativity

  • Ezekiel 23:16 - she doted And as soon as she saw them with her eyes upon them and sent messengers unto them into Chaldea

  • 2 Samuel 23:21 - and slew man an Egyptian a goodly hand an Egyptian had a spear but he went down to him with a staff and plucked had a spear hand an Egyptian And he slew had a spear

  • Genesis 24:16 - And the damsel fair to look upon was very a virgin neither had any man known her and she went down to the well and filled her pitcher and came up

  • Exodus 24:17 - And the sight of the glory of the LORD fire was like devouring on the top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel

  • Genesis 26:7 - asked of the place She is my wife and he said She is my sister for he feared and he said She is my wife should kill of the place me for Rebekah because she was fair to look upon

  • Deuteronomy 28:34 - So that thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see

  • Deuteronomy 28:67 - In the morning thou shalt say Would God it were and at even and at even thou shalt say Would God it were In the morning for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see

  • Genesis 29:17 - eyed Leah was tender but Rachel and well and well favoured

  • Genesis 39:6 - And he left hand And Joseph and he knew not ought he had save the bread which he did eat And Joseph person and well was a goodly person and well favoured

  • Ezekiel 40:3 - And he brought me thither and behold there was a man was like the appearance was like the appearance of brass with a line of flax in his hand reed and a measuring and he stood in the gate

  • Genesis 41:2 - out of the river And behold there came up seven kine well favoured and fatfleshed and they fed in a meadow

  • Genesis 41:3 - And behold seven kine other came up after them of the river ill favoured and leanfleshed and stood by kine upon the brink of the river

  • Genesis 41:4 - did eat up kine And the ill favoured and leanfleshed the seven kine well favoured and fat awoke So Pharaoh

  • Job 41:9 - Behold the hope of him is in vain even at the sight shall not one be cast down

  • Ezekiel 41:21 - of the temple The posts were squared and the face of the sanctuary of the one as the appearance of the one as the appearance

  • Genesis 41:21 - And when they had eaten them up it could not be known And when they had eaten them up but they were still ill favoured as at the beginning So I awoke

  • Ezekiel 42:11 - And the way before them was like the appearance of the chambers And the way the north as long as they and as broad as they and all their goings out were both according to their fashions and according to their doors

  • Ezekiel 43:3 - And it was according to the appearance And it was according to the appearance that I saw And it was according to the appearance that I saw when I came to destroy the city and the visions And it was according to the appearance that I saw by the river Chebar and I fell upon my face

  • Isaiah 52:14 - were astonied As many was so marred more than any man at thee his visage and his form more than the sons of men

  • Isaiah 53:2 - For he shall grow up him as a tender plant before and as a root ground out of a dry he hath no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire

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