H4864 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, (abstractly) a raising (as of the hands in prayer), or rising (of flame); figuratively, an utterance; concretely, a beacon (as raised); a present (as taken), mess, or tribute; figuratively, a reproach (as a burden) burden, collection, sign of fire, (great) flame, gift, lifting up, mess, oblation, reward. from H5375 (נָשָׂא);

14 instances of the word מַשְׂאֵת masʼêth (H4864)

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  • Lamentations 2:14 - Thy prophets but have seen for thee false and foolish things for thee and they have not discovered thine iniquity to turn away thy captivity but have seen burdens for thee false and causes of banishment

  • Esther 2:18 - and he made Then the king feast a great unto all his princes and his servants feast even Esther's a release to the provinces and he made and gave gifts according to the state Then the king

  • Zephaniah 3:18 - them that are sorrowful for the solemn assembly I will gather of it was a burden who are of thee to whom the reproach

  • Amos 5:11 - Forasmuch therefore as your treading is upon the poor from him burdens of wheat and ye take houses of hewn stone ye have built but ye shall not dwell vineyards pleasant in them ye have planted but ye shall not drink wine

  • Jeremiah 6:1 - gather yourselves to flee O ye children of Benjamin out of the midst of Jerusalem in Tekoa and blow the trumpet of fire in Bethhaccerem and set up a sign for evil appeareth out of the north destruction and great

  • 2 Samuel 11:8 - said And David And Uriah Go down house and wash thy feet departed out And Uriah house of meat from the king departed out and there followed him a mess of meat from the king

  • Judges 20:38 - Now there was an appointed sign between the men of Israel and the liers in wait that they should make a great rise up flame with smoke out of the city

  • Ezekiel 20:40 - in the mountain For in mine holy in the mountain of the height of Israel saith the Lord GOD serve there shall all the house of Israel all of them in the land me there will I accept them and there will I require your offerings and the firstfruits of your oblations For in mine holy

  • Judges 20:40 - But when the flame began ascended up of the city with a pillar of smoke looked behind ascended up them and behold the flame of the city to heaven

  • 2 Chronicles 24:6 - called And the king for Jehoiada the chief and said unto him Why hast thou not required of the Levites to bring in out of Judah and out of Jerusalem the collection according to the commandment of Moses the servant of the LORD and of the congregation of Israel for the tabernacle of witness

  • 2 Chronicles 24:9 - And they made a proclamation through Judah and Jerusalem to bring in to the LORD the collection that Moses the servant of God laid upon Israel in the wilderness

  • Jeremiah 40:5 - Now while he was not yet gone back Now while he was not yet gone back also to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan hath made governor whom the king of Babylon over the cities of Judah and dwell with him among the people wheresoever it seemeth convenient gave So the captain of the guard him victuals and a reward and let him go

  • Genesis 43:34 - And he took and sent messes unto them from before him so much as and sent messes but Benjamin's and sent messes was five times any of theirs And they drank and were merry

  • Psalms 141:2 - be set forth Let my prayer thee as incense before and the lifting up of my hands sacrifice as the evening

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