H4899 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
anointed; usually a consecrated person (as a king, priest, or saint); specifically, the Messiah anointed, Messiah. from H4886 (מָשַׁח);

38 instances of the word מָשִׁיחַ mâshîyach (H4899)

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  • 2 Samuel 1:14 - said And David unto him How wast thou not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy anointed the LORD'S

  • 2 Samuel 1:16 - against thee saying And David unto him Thy blood be upon thy head for thy mouth hath testified against thee saying I have slain anointed the LORD'S

  • 2 Samuel 1:21 - Ye mountains of Gilboa let there be no dew neither let there be rain upon you nor fields of offerings is vilely cast away for there the shield of the mighty for there the shield of Saul as though he had not been anointed with oil

  • Psalms 2:2 - set The kings of the earth themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against his anointed

  • 1 Samuel 2:10 - of the LORD shall be broken to pieces The adversaries out of heaven shall he thunder of the LORD shall judge the ends of the earth and he shall give strength unto his king and exalt the horn of his anointed

  • 1 Samuel 2:35 - And I will raise me up priest a faithful according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind that shall do and I will build house a faithful and he shall walk before mine anointed for ever

  • Habakkuk 3:13 - Thou wentest forth even for salvation of thy people even for salvation with thine anointed thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked by discovering the foundation unto the neck Selah

  • Leviticus 4:3 - If the priest that is anointed do sin according to the sin of the people then let him bring for a sin offering do sin bullock a young without blemish unto the LORD for a sin offering

  • Leviticus 4:5 - shall take And the priest that is anointed blood of the bullock's and bring it to the tabernacle of the congregation

  • Leviticus 4:16 - shall bring And the priest that is anointed blood of the bullock's to the tabernacle of the congregation

  • Lamentations 4:20 - The breath of our nostrils the anointed of the LORD was taken in their pits of whom we said Under his shadow we shall live among the heathen

  • Leviticus 6:22 - And the priest that is anointed of his sons in his stead shall offer it it is a statute for ever unto the LORD it shall be wholly burnt

  • 2 Chronicles 6:42 - O LORD God turn not away the face of thine anointed remember the mercies of David thy servant

  • Daniel 9:25 - Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment again and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince weeks shall be seven weeks and threescore and two again and to build the street and the wall even in troublous times

  • Daniel 9:26 - And after weeks threescore and two be cut off shall Messiah the city and the sanctuary shall destroy but not for himself and the people of the prince that shall come and the end thereof shall be with a flood and the end of the war are determined desolations

  • 1 Samuel 12:3 - Behold here I am witness against me before the LORD and before his anointed whose ox have I taken or whose ass have I taken or whom have I defrauded whom have I oppressed or of whose hand have I taken have I received any bribe to blind mine eyes therewith and I will restore

  • 1 Samuel 12:5 - And he said He is witness unto them The LORD He is witness against you and his anointed this day that ye have not found in my hand ought And he said He is witness

  • 1 Samuel 16:6 - And it came to pass when they were come that he looked on Eliab and said Surely the LORD'S anointed

  • 1 Chronicles 16:22 - Saying Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm

  • Psalms 18:50 - Great deliverance giveth he to his king and sheweth mercy to his anointed to David and to his seed for evermore

  • 2 Samuel 19:21 - answered But Abishai the son of Zeruiah and said be put to death Shall not Shimei for this because he cursed anointed the LORD'S

  • Psalms 20:6 - Now know saveth I that the LORD his anointed he will hear heaven him from his holy strength with the saving of his right hand

  • 2 Samuel 22:51 - He is the tower of salvation for his king and sheweth mercy to his anointed unto David and to his seed for evermore

  • 2 Samuel 23:1 - words David Now these be the last said David the son of Jesse said and the man who was raised up on high the anointed of the God of Jacob and the sweet psalmist of Israel

  • 1 Samuel 24:6 - And he said unto his men forbid The LORD that I should do this thing unto my master against him seeing he is the anointed The LORD to stretch forth mine hand against him seeing he is the anointed The LORD

  • 1 Samuel 24:10 - Behold this day have seen thine eyes had delivered for he is the LORD'S Behold this day into mine hand in the cave and some bade me kill thee but mine eye spared and some bade I will not put forth into mine hand against my lord anointed for he is the LORD'S

  • 1 Samuel 26:9 - said And David to Abishai Destroy him not for who can stretch forth his hand anointed against the LORD'S and be guiltless

  • 1 Samuel 26:11 - forbid The LORD that I should stretch forth mine hand anointed The LORD but I pray thee take thou now the spear that is at his bolster and the cruse of water

  • 1 Samuel 26:16 - is not good This thing that thou hast done liveth As the LORD ye are worthy to die because ye have not kept your master anointed As the LORD And now see spear where the king's is and the cruse of water that was at his bolster

  • 1 Samuel 26:23 - The LORD render to every man his righteousness and his faithfulness delivered The LORD to day mine hand but I would not stretch forth mine hand anointed The LORD

  • Psalms 28:8 - The LORD is their strength strength and he is the saving of his anointed

  • Isaiah 45:1 - Thus saith the LORD to his anointed to Cyrus I have holden whose right hand to subdue before nations the loins of kings him and I will loose him and I will loose before him the two leaved gates and the gates shall not be shut

  • Psalms 84:9 - our shield Behold O God and look upon the face of thine anointed

  • Psalms 89:38 - But thou hast cast off and abhorred thou hast been wroth with thine anointed

  • Psalms 89:51 - have reproached Wherewith thine enemies O LORD have reproached the footsteps of thine anointed

  • Psalms 105:15 - Saying Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm

  • Psalms 132:10 - David's For thy servant sake turn not away the face of thine anointed

  • Psalms 132:17 - There will I make the horn of David I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed

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