H5975 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to stand, in various relations (literal and figurative, intransitive and transitive) abide (behind), appoint, arise, cease, confirm, continue, dwell, be employed, endure, establish, leave, make, ordain, be (over), place, (be) present (self), raise up, remain, repair, [phrase] serve, set (forth, over, -tle, up), (make to, make to be at a, with-) stand (by, fast, firm, still, up), (be at a) stay (up), tarry. a primitive root;

494 instances of the word עָמַד ʻâmad (H5975)

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  • Psalms 1:1 - Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly in the way of sinners nor standeth in the seat of the scornful nor sitteth

  • 1 Kings 1:2 - said Wherefore his servants unto him Let there be sought for my lord the king a young virgin and let her stand before the king and let her cherish him and let her lie in thy bosom may get heat for my lord the king

  • Daniel 1:4 - Children in whom was no blemish but well favoured and skilful in all wisdom and cunning in knowledge and understanding science and such as had ability in them to stand palace in the king's and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans

  • Ecclesiastes 1:4 - One generation passeth away One generation cometh but the earth for ever abideth

  • Daniel 1:5 - appointed And the king provision them a daily them a daily meat And the king and of the wine which he drank so nourishing years them three that at the end thereof they might stand before And the king

  • Numbers 1:5 - And these are the names that shall stand with you of the tribe of Reuben Elizur the son of Shedeur

  • Nahum 1:6 - before his indignation Who can stand and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger his fury is poured out like fire and the rocks are thrown down

  • Zechariah 1:8 - I saw by night and behold a man riding horse him were there red and he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bottom and behind horse him were there red speckled and white

  • 2 Samuel 1:9 - He said unto me again Stand I pray thee upon me and slay is come me for anguish upon me because my life

  • 2 Samuel 1:10 - So I stood upon him and slew him because I was sure that he could not live after that he was fallen and I took the crown that was upon his head and the bracelet that was on his arm and have brought them hither unto my lord

  • Zechariah 1:10 - answered And the man that stood among the myrtle trees and said hath sent These are they whom the LORD to walk to and fro through the earth

  • Obadiah 1:11 - In the day that thou stoodest In the day carried away captive that the strangers his forces and foreigners entered into his gates upon Jerusalem and cast lots even thou wast as one

  • Zechariah 1:11 - And they answered the angel of the LORD that stood among the myrtle trees and said We have walked to and fro and behold all the earth and behold all the earth sitteth still and is at rest

  • Obadiah 1:14 - Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway to cut off those of his that did escape neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress

  • Jonah 1:15 - So they took up Jonah and cast him forth and the sea ceased and the sea from her raging

  • Daniel 1:19 - communed And the king with them and among them all was found none like Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah therefore stood they before And the king

  • Ezekiel 1:21 - and when those stood and when those stood and when those were lifted up from the earth and when those were lifted up the wheels over against them for the spirit of the living creatures the wheels

  • Ezekiel 1:24 - I heard as the noise of their wings as the noise waters of great as the noise of the Almighty as the noise of speech as the noise of an host when they stood they let down of their wings

  • Ezekiel 1:25 - And there was a voice from the firmament that was over their heads when they stood and had let down their wings

  • 1 Kings 1:28 - answered Then king David and said Call me Bathsheba And she came before Then king and stood before Then king

  • Deuteronomy 1:38 - But Joshua the son of Nun which standeth before thee he shall go in thither encourage to inherit him for he shall cause Israel

  • Ezekiel 2:1 - And he said unto me Son of man stand upon thy feet and I will speak

  • Habakkuk 2:1 - upon my watch I will stand and set me upon the tower and will watch to see what he will say unto me and what I shall answer when I am reproved

  • Daniel 2:2 - commanded Then the king to call the magicians and the astrologers and the sorcerers and the Chaldeans for to shew Then the king his dreams So they came and stood before Then the king

  • Ezekiel 2:2 - entered And the spirit him that spake unto me and set me upon my feet that I heard him that spake

  • Haggai 2:5 - According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt so my spirit remaineth among you fear

  • 2 Kings 2:7 - And fifty of the sons of the prophets went and stood to view afar off and they two and stood by Jordan

  • Ruth 2:7 - And she said I pray you let me glean and gather among the sheaves after the reapers so she came and hath continued even from the morning until now that she tarried in the house a little

  • Nahum 2:8 - But Nineveh like a pool of water is of old yet they shall flee away Stand Stand shall they cry but none shall look back

  • Ecclesiastes 2:9 - So I was great and increased more than all that were before me in Jerusalem also my wisdom remained

  • Song of Solomon 2:9 - is like My beloved a roe or a young hart behold he standeth behind our wall he looketh forth at the windows shewing himself through the lattice

  • 2 Kings 2:13 - He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and went back and stood by the bank of Jordan

  • Judges 2:14 - was hot And the anger of the LORD against Israel and he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them and he sold them into the hands of their enemies round about so that they could not any longer stand before of their enemies

  • Amos 2:15 - that handleth the bow Neither shall he stand and he that is swift of foot deliver himself neither shall he that rideth the horse deliver himself

  • 2 Samuel 2:23 - Howbeit he refused to turn aside smote wherefore Abner behind of the spear him under the fifth came out of the spear behind fell down and died in the same place and it came to pass that as many as came him under to the place fell down where Asahel and died stood still

  • 2 Samuel 2:25 - gathered themselves together And the children of Benjamin after Abner troop and became one and stood on the top of an hill and became one

  • 2 Samuel 2:28 - blew So Joab a trumpet stood still and all the people and pursued after Israel they any more no more neither fought

  • Ezra 2:63 - said And the Tirshatha unto them that they should not eat holy things holy things till there stood up a priest with Urim and with Thummim

  • Ezra 2:68 - And some of the chief of the fathers when they came for the house of the LORD which is at Jerusalem offered freely for the house of God to set it up in his place

  • Nehemiah 3:1 - rose up Then Eliashib priest the high with his brethren priest and they builded gate the sheep they sanctified it and set up the doors it unto the tower of Meah they sanctified it unto the tower of Hananeel

  • Zechariah 3:1 - And he shewed me Joshua priest the high standing before the angel of the LORD and Satan standing at his right hand to resist

  • Malachi 3:2 - But who may abide the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appeareth fire for he is like a refiner's ' soap and like fullers

  • Nehemiah 3:3 - gate But the fish build did the sons of Hassenaah who also laid the beams thereof and set up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars

  • Zechariah 3:3 - Now Joshua was clothed garments with filthy and stood before the angel

  • Esther 3:4 - Now it came to pass when they spake daily daily unto him and he hearkened for he had told Haman to see would stand matters whether Mordecai's for he had told them that he was a Jew

  • Zechariah 3:4 - And he answered and spake unto those that stood before and spake Take away garments the filthy and spake Behold to pass I have caused thine iniquity from thee and I will clothe thee with change of raiment

  • Exodus 3:5 - And he said Draw not nigh hither put off thy shoes from off thy feet for the place whereon thou standest ground is holy

  • Zechariah 3:5 - And I said Let them set mitre a fair upon his head Let them set mitre a fair upon his head and clothed him with garments And the angel of the LORD stood by

  • Habakkuk 3:6 - He stood the earth he beheld and drove asunder the nations were scattered mountains and the everlasting did bow hills are everlasting his ways are everlasting

  • Nehemiah 3:6 - gate Moreover the old repaired Jehoiada the son of Paseah and Meshullam the son of Besodeiah they laid the beams thereof and set up the doors thereof and the locks thereof and the bars

  • Numbers 3:6 - Bring the tribe of Levi and present them before Aaron the priest that they may minister

  • Zechariah 3:7 - Thus saith the LORD of hosts in my ways my charge and if thou wilt keep then thou shalt also judge my house and if thou wilt keep my courts and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by

  • Ezra 3:8 - year Now in the second and all they that were come out of the house of God at Jerusalem month Now in the second began Zerubbabel old of Shealtiel and Jeshua old of Jozadak and the remnant of their brethren the priests and the Levites and all they that were come out of the captivity at Jerusalem and appointed and the Levites old from twenty year and upward to set forward the work of the house of the LORD

  • Joshua 3:8 - And thou shalt command the priests that bear the ark of the covenant saying When ye are come to the brink of the water in Jordan in Jordan ye shall stand still

  • Ezra 3:9 - Then stood Jeshua and his sons and his brethren Kadmiel and his sons and his sons of Judah together to set forward the workmen in the house of God and his sons of Henadad and his sons and his brethren the Levites

  • Ezra 3:10 - laid the foundation And when the builders of the temple of the LORD they set the priests in their apparel with trumpets and the Levites the sons of Asaph with cymbals to praise of the LORD after the ordinance of David king of Israel

  • Habakkuk 3:11 - The sun and moon stood still in their habitation at the light of thine arrows they went and at the shining of thy glittering spear

  • 2 Chronicles 3:13 - The wings of these cherubims spread themselves forth cubits twenty and they stood on their feet and their faces were inward

  • Isaiah 3:13 - standeth up to plead The LORD and standeth to judge the people

  • Joshua 3:13 - shall rest And it shall come to pass as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests that bear the ark of the LORD the Lord of all the earth from the waters of Jordan from the waters of Jordan shall be cut off from the waters that come down from above and they shall stand heap upon an

  • Nehemiah 3:13 - gate The valley repaired Hanun and the inhabitants of Zanoah they built it and set up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof and a thousand cubits on the wall gate unto the dung

  • 2 Kings 3:14 - said And Elisha liveth As the LORD of hosts whom I stand before surely were it not that before of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah I regard I would not look toward thee nor see

  • Nehemiah 3:14 - gate But the dung repaired Malchiah the son of Rechab the ruler of part of Bethhaccerem he built it and set up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars

  • 1 Kings 3:15 - awoke And Solomon and behold it was a dream And he came to Jerusalem and stood before the ark of the covenant and offered up burnt offerings and made peace offerings and made a feast to all his servants

  • Nehemiah 3:15 - But the gate of the fountain repaired Shallun the son of Colhozeh the ruler of part of Mizpah he built it and covered it and set up the doors thereof the locks thereof and the bars thereof and the wall of the pool of Siloah garden by the king's and unto the stairs that go down from the city of David

  • 1 Kings 3:16 - Then came there two women that were harlots unto the king and stood before

  • Joshua 3:16 - stood That the waters and those that came down from above and rose up heap upon an far very Adam from the city that is beside Zaretan and those that came down sea of the plain sea even the salt failed and were cut off and the people passed over right against Jericho

  • Joshua 3:17 - stood And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD on dry ground in the midst Jordan firm and all the Israelites over on dry ground clean until all the people over Jordan

  • Judges 3:19 - But he himself turned again from the quarries that were by Gilgal and said errand I have a secret unto thee O king and said Keep silence by him went out And all that stood

  • 2 Kings 3:21 - And when all the Moabites heard were come up that the kings to fight against them they gathered all that were able to put on armour and upward and stood in the border

  • Ezekiel 3:23 - Then I arose and went forth into the plain and behold the glory of the LORD stood and behold the glory which I saw by the river of Chebar and I fell on my face

  • Ezekiel 3:24 - entered Then the spirit into me and set me upon my feet and spake with me and said entered shut thyself within thine house

  • 2 Chronicles 4:4 - It stood upon twelve oxen and three looking toward the north and three looking and the sea and three looking toward the south and three looking toward the east and the sea was set above upon them and all their hinder parts were inward

  • Esther 4:5 - Then called Esther for Hatach chamberlains one of the king's whom he had appointed to attend upon her and gave him a commandment to Mordecai to know

  • 2 Kings 4:6 - were full And it came to pass when the vessels And he said unto her son Bring And it came to pass when the vessels And he said And it came to pass when the vessels stayed more And the oil

  • Jeremiah 4:6 - Set up the standard toward Zion retire stay evil not for I will bring from the north destruction and a great

  • Nehemiah 4:9 - Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God and set a watch against them day and night because

  • Deuteronomy 4:10 - Specially the day that thou stoodest before the LORD thy God in Horeb said the LORD together me the people and I will make them hear my words and that they may teach to fear Specially the day that they shall live upon the earth their children and that they may teach

  • Joshua 4:10 - For the priests which bare the ark stood in the midst of Jordan was finished until every thing commanded that the LORD Joshua to speak and the people commanded according to all that Moses Joshua hasted and the people and passed over

  • Deuteronomy 4:11 - And ye came near and stood and the mountain and the mountain burned with fire unto the midst of heaven and thick darkness clouds with darkness

  • Ecclesiastes 4:12 - prevail And if one against him two shall withstand cord him and a threefold is not quickly broken

  • 2 Kings 4:12 - And he said to Gehazi his servant And when he had called this Shunammite And when he had called her she stood before

  • Nehemiah 4:13 - I even set I in the lower places behind the wall and on the higher places I even set the people after their families with their swords their spears and their bows

  • Esther 4:14 - For if thou altogether For if thou altogether at this time then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews place from another house but thou and thy father's shall be destroyed and who knoweth at this time whether thou art come to the kingdom

  • Zechariah 4:14 - Then said he These are the two ones anointed that stand by the Lord of the whole earth

  • Ecclesiastes 4:15 - I considered all the living which walk under the sun child with the second that shall stand up

  • 2 Kings 4:15 - And he said Call Call her she stood in the door

  • Job 4:16 - It stood still but I could not discern the form thereof an image was before mine eyes there was silence a voice and I heard

  • Judges 4:20 - Again he said unto her Stand in the door of the tent and it shall be when any man doth come and enquire Again he said Is there and it shall be when any man Again he said

  • Esther 5:1 - day Now it came to pass on the third put on that Esther her royal apparel and stood court house and the king in the inner over against house and the king and the king sat throne her royal house her royal over against the gate house

  • Esther 5:2 - saw And it was so when the king Esther the queen standing in the court that she obtained favour in his sight held out And it was so when the king Esther of the sceptre the golden that was in his hand drew near Esther and touched the top of the sceptre

  • Micah 5:4 - And he shall stand and feed in the strength of the LORD in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God and they shall abide for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth

  • Deuteronomy 5:5 - I stood between the LORD and you at that time to shew you the word between the LORD for ye were afraid by reason of the fire and went not up into the mount saying

  • 2 Kings 5:9 - came So Naaman with his horses and with his chariot and stood at the door of the house of Elisha

  • 2 Kings 5:11 - was wroth But Naaman Behold I thought Behold I thought He will surely He will surely to me and stand and call on the name of the LORD his God and strike his hand over the place and recover the leper

  • 2 Chronicles 5:12 - Also the Levites which were the singers all of them of Asaph of Heman of Jeduthun with their sons and their brethren being arrayed in white linen having cymbals and psalteries and harps stood at the east end of the altar priests and with them an hundred and twenty sounding with trumpets

  • Joshua 5:13 - And it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked a man and behold there stood over against him with his sword drawn in his hand And it came to pass when Joshua unto him and said unto him Art thou for us or for our adversaries

  • 2 Chronicles 5:14 - could So that the priests not stand to minister by reason of the cloud had filled for the glory of the LORD the house of God

  • 2 Kings 5:15 - And he returned to the man of God he and all his company and came and stood before him and he said Behold now I know of God in all the earth but in Israel now therefore I pray thee take a blessing of thy servant

  • Joshua 5:15 - said And the captain host of the LORD'S And Joshua Loose thy shoe from off thy foot for the place whereon thou standest is holy did And Joshua

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