H6045 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
ado, i.e. (generally) employment or (specifically) an affair business, travail. from H6031 (עָנָה);

8 instances of the word עִנְיָן ʻinyân (H6045)

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  • Ecclesiastes 1:13 - And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven travail this sore And I gave hath God to the sons of man to be exercised

  • Ecclesiastes 2:23 - For all his days are sorrows grief and his travail in the night taketh not rest yea his heart This is also vanity

  • Ecclesiastes 2:26 - to a man that is good before For God giveth wisdom and knowledge and joy but to the sinner For God giveth travail to gather and to heap up For God giveth that is good before God This also is vanity and vexation of spirit

  • Ecclesiastes 3:10 - I have seen the travail hath given which God to the sons of men to be exercised

  • Ecclesiastes 4:8 - There is one alone and there is not a second yea he hath neither child nor brother yet is there no end of all his labour neither is his eye satisfied with riches neither saith he For whom do I labour and bereave my soul of good This is also vanity travail yea it is a sore

  • Ecclesiastes 5:3 - cometh For a dream is known by multitude of business voice and a fool's is known by multitude of words

  • Ecclesiastes 5:14 - perish But those riches travail by evil and he begetteth a son in his hand and there is nothing

  • Ecclesiastes 8:16 - When I applied mine heart to know wisdom and to see the business that is done upon the earth for also there is that neither day nor night sleep with his eyes and to see

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