H6631 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
issue, i.e. produce, children that which cometh forth (out), offspring. from H3318 (יָצָא);

11 instances of the word צֶאֱצָא tseʼĕtsâʼ (H6631)

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  • Job 5:25 - Thou shalt know shall be great also that thy seed and thine offspring as the grass of the earth

  • Job 21:8 - Their seed is established in their sight with them and their offspring before their eyes

  • Isaiah 22:24 - And they shall hang upon him all the glory house of his father's the offspring and the issue all vessels of small all vessels of cups all vessels of flagons

  • Job 27:14 - be multiplied If his children it is for the sword and his offspring shall not be satisfied with bread

  • Job 31:8 - Then let me sow and let another eat yea let my offspring be rooted out

  • Isaiah 34:1 - Come near ye nations hear ye people and hearken hear let the earth and all that is therein the world and all things that come forth

  • Isaiah 42:5 - Thus saith God the LORD he that created the heavens and stretched them out he that spread forth the earth and that which cometh out of it he that giveth breath unto the people upon it and spirit to them that walk

  • Isaiah 44:3 - For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground For I will pour my spirit upon thy seed and my blessing upon thine offspring

  • Isaiah 48:19 - also had been as the sand Thy seed and the offspring of thy bowels like the gravel should not have been cut off nor destroyed thereof his name from before

  • Isaiah 61:9 - shall be known among the Gentiles And their seed and their offspring among the people all that see them shall acknowledge And their seed hath blessed which the LORD

  • Isaiah 65:23 - They shall not labour in vain nor bring forth for trouble for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD and their offspring

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