H6848 Definition

Strong's number
tseh'-fah or tsiphoniy tsif-o-nee'
Strong's definition
a viper (as thrusting out the tongue, i.e. hissing) adder, cockatrice. from an unused root meaning to extrude;

5 instances of the word צֶפַע tsephaʻ (H6848)

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  • Jeremiah 8:17 - For behold I will send serpents cockatrices among you which will not be charmed and they shall bite you saith the LORD

  • Isaiah 11:8 - shall play And the sucking child on the hole of the asp den on the cockatrice and the weaned child his hand shall put

  • Isaiah 14:29 - Rejoice not thou whole Palestina thee is broken because the rod of him that smote root for out of the serpent's shall come forth a cockatrice and his fruit serpent flying

  • Proverbs 23:32 - At the last like a serpent it biteth like an adder and stingeth

  • Isaiah 59:5 - eggs cockatrice They hatch web the spider's and weave he that eateth eggs dieth and that which is crushed They hatch into a viper

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