H7064 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a nest (as fixed), sometimes including the nestlings; figuratively, a chamber or dwelling nest, room. contracted from H7077 (קָנַן);

13 instances of the word קֵן qên (H7064)

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  • Obadiah 1:4 - Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle among the stars and though thou set thy nest thence will I bring thee down saith the LORD

  • Habakkuk 2:9 - Woe to him that coveteth covetousness an evil to his house that he may set on high his nest that he may be delivered from the power an evil

  • Genesis 6:14 - Make the ark wood of gopher rooms Make in the ark and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch

  • Isaiah 10:14 - hath found as a nest And my hand the riches of the people and as one gathereth eggs that are left all the earth and as one gathereth and there was none that moved the wing or opened the mouth or peeped

  • Isaiah 16:2 - bird For it shall be that as a wandering of the nest cast out so the daughters of Moab shall be at the fords of Arnon

  • Deuteronomy 22:6 - chance nest If a bird's to be before thee in the way in any tree or on the ground upon the young or eggs and the dam sitting upon the young or eggs thou shalt not take and the dam with the young

  • Numbers 24:21 - And he looked on the Kenites and took up his parable and said Strong is thy dwellingplace and thou puttest in a rock thy nest

  • Proverbs 27:8 - As a bird that wandereth from her nest so is a man that wandereth from his place

  • Job 29:18 - Then I said in my nest I shall die as the sand and I shall multiply my days

  • Deuteronomy 32:11 - As an eagle stirreth up her nest over her young fluttereth spreadeth abroad her wings taketh them beareth them on her wings

  • Job 39:27 - at thy command mount up Doth the eagle and make her nest

  • Jeremiah 49:16 - Thy terribleness hath deceived thee and the pride of thine heart O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock that holdest the height of the hill as high as the eagle though thou shouldest make thy nest I will bring thee down from thence saith the LORD

  • Psalms 84:3 - Yea the sparrow hath found an house and the swallow a nest for herself where she may lay her young even thine altars O LORD of hosts my King and my God

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