H7628 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
exiled; captured; as noun, exile (abstractly or concretely and collectively); by extension, booty captive(-ity), prisoners, [idiom] take away, that was taken. from H7618 (שְׁבוּ);

48 instances of the word שְׁבִי shᵉbîy (H7628)

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  • Nehemiah 1:2 - came That Hanani one of my brethren of Judah and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped which were left of the captivity and concerning Jerusalem

  • Nehemiah 1:3 - And they said that are left that are left of the captivity there in the province affliction are in great and reproach the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down and the gates thereof are burned with fire

  • Lamentations 1:5 - Her adversaries are the chief her enemies prosper for the LORD hath afflicted her for the multitude of her transgressions her children are gone into captivity before Her adversaries

  • Habakkuk 1:9 - all for violence They shall come shall sup up their faces as the east wind and they shall gather as the sand the captivity

  • Lamentations 1:18 - is righteous The LORD against his commandment for I have rebelled hear I pray you all people and behold my sorrow my virgins and my young men are gone into captivity

  • Ezra 2:1 - Now these are the children of the province that went up out of the captivity of those which had been carried away had carried away whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon of Babylon and came again unto Jerusalem and Judah every one unto his city

  • Ezra 3:8 - year Now in the second and all they that were come out of the house of God at Jerusalem month Now in the second began Zerubbabel old of Shealtiel and Jeshua old of Jozadak and the remnant of their brethren the priests and the Levites and all they that were come out of the captivity at Jerusalem and appointed and the Levites old from twenty year and upward to set forward the work of the house of the LORD

  • Nahum 3:10 - Yet was she carried away she went into captivity her young children also were dashed in pieces at the top of all the streets for her honourable men and they cast lots and all her great men were bound in chains

  • Amos 4:10 - I have sent among you the pestilence after the manner of Egypt have I slain with the sword your young men and have taken away your horses to come up and I have made the stink of your camps unto your nostrils yet have ye not returned unto me saith the LORD

  • Judges 5:12 - Awake Awake Deborah Awake Awake utter a song arise Barak and lead thy captivity captive thou son of Abinoam

  • 2 Chronicles 6:37 - Yet if they bethink themselves in the land whither they are carried captive Yet if they bethink and pray themselves in the land of their captivity saying We have sinned we have done amiss and have dealt wickedly

  • 2 Chronicles 6:38 - If they return to thee with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their captivity whither they have carried them captives and pray toward in the land which thou gavest unto their fathers and toward the city which thou hast chosen and toward the house which I have built for thy name

  • Nehemiah 7:6 - These are the children of the province that went up out of the captivity of those that had been carried away had carried away whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon and came again to Jerusalem and to Judah every one unto his city

  • Nehemiah 8:17 - done so And all the congregation of them that were come again out of the captivity booths and sat booths done so for since the days of Jeshua had not the children of Nun had not the children of Israel for since the days gladness great And there was very

  • Ezra 8:35 - which were come out of the captivity Also the children of those that had been carried away offered all this was a burnt offering unto the God for all Israel bullocks twelve for all Israel rams ninety and six lambs seventy and seven he goats for a sin offering twelve all this was a burnt offering unto the LORD

  • Amos 9:4 - into captivity before their enemies thence will I command the sword and it shall slay them and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil and not for good

  • Ezra 9:7 - Since the days of our fathers trespass have we been in a great Since the days and for our iniquities been delivered have we our kings and our priests into the hand have we our kings of the lands to the sword to captivity and to a spoil and to confusion of face Since the days

  • Daniel 11:8 - their gods with their princes vessels and with their precious of silver and of gold captives And shall also carry into Egypt more years and he shall continue than the king of the north

  • Daniel 11:33 - And they that understand among the people shall instruct many yet they shall fall by the sword and by flame by captivity and by spoil many days

  • Ezekiel 12:11 - Say I am your sign like as I have done like as I have done unto them they shall remove into captivity

  • Exodus 12:29 - And it came to pass that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt all the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne all the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon all the firstborn of cattle

  • Jeremiah 15:2 - And it shall come to pass if they say unto thee Whither shall we go forth And it shall come to pass if they say And it shall come to pass if they say the LORD Such as are for death Such as are for death and such as are for the sword and such as are for the sword and such as are for the famine and such as are for the famine and such as are for the captivity and such as are for the captivity

  • Ezekiel 16:53 - When I shall bring again and the captivity and the captivity of Sodom and her daughters and the captivity of Samaria and her daughters and the captivity in the midst

  • Isaiah 20:4 - lead away So shall the king of Assyria prisoners of Egypt captives and the Ethiopians young and old naked and barefoot uncovered even with their buttocks to the shame of Egypt

  • Jeremiah 20:6 - And thou Pashur and all that dwell in thine house into captivity to Babylon and thou shalt come and there thou shalt die and shalt be buried there thou and all thy friends to whom thou hast prophesied lies

  • Numbers 21:1 - heard the Canaanite And when king Arad which dwelt in the south came against Israel by the way of the spies then he fought against Israel and took some of them prisoners

  • Deuteronomy 21:13 - And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her and shall remain in thine house and bewail her father and her mother month a full and after that thou shalt go and she shall be thy wife

  • Numbers 21:29 - Woe to thee Moab thou art undone O people of Chemosh he hath given his sons that escaped and his daughters king of the Amorites unto Sihon

  • Jeremiah 22:22 - all thy pastors all thy pastors The wind and thy lovers into captivity surely then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded for all thy wickedness

  • 2 Chronicles 28:17 - For again the Edomites had come and smitten Judah and carried away captives

  • Deuteronomy 28:41 - sons and daughters Thou shalt beget into captivity

  • 2 Chronicles 29:9 - have fallen For lo our fathers by the sword and our sons and our daughters and our wives are in captivity

  • Jeremiah 30:10 - Therefore fear thou not O my servant Jacob saith the LORD neither be dismayed O Israel for lo I will save thee from afar and thy seed from the land of their captivity shall return Jacob and shall be in rest and be quiet and none shall make him afraid

  • Jeremiah 30:16 - Therefore all they that devour Therefore all they that devour and all thine adversaries into captivity and they that spoil thee shall be a spoil and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey

  • Ezekiel 30:17 - The young men of Aven and of Pibeseth by the sword shall fall into captivity

  • Ezekiel 30:18 - At Tehaphnehes shall be darkened also the day when I shall break there the yokes of Egypt shall cease and the pomp of her strength in her as for her a cloud shall cover her and her daughters into captivity

  • Numbers 31:12 - And they brought unto Moses and Eleazar the priest and unto the congregation of the children of Israel the captives and the prey and the spoil unto the camp at the plains of Moab which are by Jordan near Jericho

  • Numbers 31:19 - And do ye abide without the camp seven day whosoever hath killed any person and whosoever hath touched any slain purify day on the third day and on the seventh both yourselves and your captives

  • Numbers 31:26 - Take and the chief of the prey that was taken both of man and of beast thou and Eleazar the priest and the chief fathers of the congregation

  • Jeremiah 43:11 - And when he cometh he shall smite the land of Egypt and deliver such as are for death and deliver such as are for death and such as are for captivity and such as are for captivity and such as are for the sword and such as are for the sword

  • Isaiah 46:2 - They stoop they bow down together they could not deliver the burden but themselves into captivity are gone

  • Jeremiah 46:27 - But fear not thou O my servant Jacob and be not dismayed O Israel for behold I will save thee from afar off and thy seed from the land of their captivity shall return Jacob and be in rest and at ease and none shall make him afraid

  • Jeremiah 48:46 - Woe be unto thee O Moab perisheth the people of Chemosh are taken for thy sons captives and thy daughters captives

  • Isaiah 49:24 - be taken from the mighty Shall the prey captive or the lawful delivered

  • Isaiah 49:25 - But thus saith the LORD Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered with him that contendeth for I will contend thy children with thee and I will save

  • Isaiah 52:2 - Shake thyself from the dust arise and sit down O Jerusalem loose thyself from the bands of thy neck O captive daughter of Zion

  • Psalms 68:18 - Thou hast ascended on high captive thou hast led captivity thou hast received gifts for men yea for the rebellious might dwell also that the LORD God

  • Psalms 78:61 - And delivered into captivity his strength and his glory hand into the enemy's

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