H7666 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to deal in grain buy, sell. denominative from H7668 (שֶׁבֶר);

20 instances of the word שָׁבַר shâbar (H7666)

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  • Deuteronomy 2:6 - meat Ye shall buy of them for money that ye may eat water and ye shall also buy of them for money that ye may drink

  • Deuteronomy 2:28 - me meat for money Thou shalt sell that I may eat me water for money and give that I may drink only I will pass through on my feet

  • Amos 8:5 - Saying be gone When will the new moon that we may sell corn and the sabbath that we may set forth wheat small making the ephah great and the shekel and falsifying the balances by deceit

  • Amos 8:6 - That we may buy for silver the poor and the needy for a pair of shoes the refuse of the wheat yea and sell

  • Proverbs 11:26 - He that withholdeth corn shall curse the people him but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth

  • Genesis 41:56 - And the famine was over all the face in the land opened And Joseph all the storehouses and sold waxed sore And the famine in the land of Egypt

  • Genesis 41:57 - And all countries came into Egypt for to buy to Joseph was so sore corn because that the famine And all countries

  • Genesis 42:2 - And he said Behold I have heard that there is corn in Egypt get you down thither and buy for us from thence that we may live and not die

  • Genesis 42:3 - went down brethren And Joseph's ten to buy corn in Egypt

  • Genesis 42:5 - came And the sons of Israel to buy corn among came for the famine was in the land of Canaan

  • Genesis 42:6 - And Joseph was the governor of the land and he it was that sold to all the people of the land came brethren And Joseph and bowed down themselves before him with their faces of the land

  • Genesis 42:7 - saw And Joseph his brethren and he knew and he knew unto them and spake roughly unto them and he said unto them Whence come unto them and he said From the land of Canaan to buy food

  • Genesis 42:10 - And they said unto him Nay my lord are thy servants come but to buy food

  • Genesis 43:2 - And it came to pass when they had eaten up the corn which they had brought out of Egypt said their father unto them Go again buy us a little food

  • Genesis 43:4 - If thou wilt send our brother with us we will go down and buy thee food

  • Genesis 43:20 - And said O sir down down at the first time to buy food

  • Genesis 43:22 - money And other have we brought down in our hands to buy food we cannot tell who put money in our sacks

  • Genesis 44:25 - said And our father Go again and buy us a little food

  • Genesis 47:14 - gathered up And Joseph all the money that was found and in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan for the corn which they bought brought And Joseph all the money house into Pharaoh's

  • Isaiah 55:1 - Ho every one that thirsteth ye to the waters and he that hath no money buy and eat buy and he that hath no money and without price wine and milk

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