H838 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a step going, step. or אַשֻּׁר; from H833 (אָשַׁר) in the sense of going;

9 instances of the word אָשֻׁר ʼâshur (H838)

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  • Proverbs 14:15 - The simple believeth every word but the prudent man looketh well to his going

  • Psalms 17:5 - Hold up my goings in thy paths slip that my footsteps

  • Psalms 17:11 - us in our steps They have now compassed their eyes they have set bowing down to the earth

  • Job 23:11 - his steps hath held My foot his way have I kept and not declined

  • Job 31:7 - hath turned out If my step of the way after mine eyes walked and mine heart to mine hands hath cleaved and if any blot

  • Psalms 37:31 - The law of his God is in his heart shall slide none of his steps

  • Psalms 40:2 - He brought me up pit also out of an horrible clay out of the miry and set upon a rock my feet and established my goings

  • Psalms 44:18 - is not turned back Our heart declined neither have our steps from thy way

  • Psalms 73:2 - were almost gone But as for me my feet had well nigh slipped my steps

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