H8394 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
intelligence; by implication, an argument; by extension, caprice discretion, reason, skilfulness, understanding, wisdom. and (feminine) תְּבוּנָה; or תּוֹבֻנָה; from H995 (בִּין);

42 instances of the word תָּבוּן tâbûwn (H8394)

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  • Obadiah 1:7 - thee even to the border have brought All the men of thy confederacy with thee have deceived thee and prevailed All the men that were at peace against thee they that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee there is none understanding

  • Obadiah 1:8 - Shall I not in that day saith the LORD even destroy the wise men out of Edom and understanding out of the mount of Esau

  • Proverbs 2:2 - So that thou incline unto wisdom thine ear and apply thine heart to understanding

  • Proverbs 2:3 - after knowledge Yea if thou criest for understanding and liftest up thy voice

  • Proverbs 2:6 - For the LORD giveth wisdom out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding

  • Proverbs 2:11 - Discretion shall preserve thee understanding shall keep

  • Proverbs 3:13 - Happy and the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding

  • Proverbs 3:19 - The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth hath he established the heavens by understanding

  • 1 Kings 4:29 - gave And God wisdom Solomon and understanding much exceeding and largeness of heart even as the sand shore that is on the sea

  • Proverbs 5:1 - My son unto my wisdom attend to my understanding and bow thine ear

  • 1 Kings 7:14 - son He was a widow's of the tribe of Naphtali and his father was a man of Tyre a worker in brass and he was filled with wisdom and understanding and cunning and wrought all his work in brass And he came to king Solomon and wrought all his work

  • Proverbs 8:1 - Doth not wisdom cry and understanding put forth her voice

  • Jeremiah 10:12 - He hath made the earth by his power he hath established the world by his wisdom by his discretion and hath stretched out the heavens

  • Proverbs 10:23 - It is as sport to a fool to do mischief hath wisdom but a man of understanding

  • Proverbs 11:12 - despiseth his neighbour He that is void of wisdom but a man of understanding holdeth his peace

  • Job 12:12 - With the ancient is wisdom and in length of days understanding

  • Job 12:13 - With him is wisdom and strength he hath counsel and understanding

  • Hosea 13:2 - more and more And now they sin and have made them molten images of their silver according to their own understanding and idols all of it the work of the craftsmen they say that sacrifice of them Let the men the calves kiss

  • Proverbs 14:29 - He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly

  • Proverbs 15:21 - Folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom but a man of understanding uprightly

  • Proverbs 17:27 - spareth his words He that hath knowledge and a man of understanding

  • Proverbs 18:2 - hath no delight A fool in understanding may discover but that his heart

  • Proverbs 19:8 - He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul he that keepeth understanding shall find good

  • Proverbs 20:5 - water is like deep Counsel in the heart but a man but a man of understanding will draw it out

  • Proverbs 21:30 - There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD

  • Proverbs 24:3 - Through wisdom builded is an house and by understanding it is established

  • Job 26:12 - with his power He divideth the sea and by his understanding he smiteth through the proud

  • Ezekiel 28:4 - With thy wisdom and with thine understanding and hast gotten thee riches and hast gotten gold and silver into thy treasures

  • Proverbs 28:16 - The prince that wanteth understanding is also a great oppressor but he that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days

  • Exodus 31:3 - And I have filled him with the spirit of God in wisdom and in understanding and in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship

  • Job 32:11 - Behold I waited for your words I gave ear to your reasons whilst ye searched out what to say

  • Deuteronomy 32:28 - For they are a nation void of counsel neither is there any understanding

  • Exodus 35:31 - And he hath filled him with the spirit of God in wisdom in understanding and in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship

  • Exodus 36:1 - Then wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab man and every wise hearted put according to all that the LORD wisdom and understanding in whom to know Then wrought all manner of work for the service of the sanctuary had commanded according to all that the LORD

  • Isaiah 40:14 - With whom took he counsel and who instructed and taught him in the path of judgment and taught him knowledge to him the way of understanding and shewed

  • Isaiah 40:28 - Hast thou not known hast thou not heard God that the everlasting the LORD the Creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding

  • Isaiah 44:19 - And none considereth in his heart neither is there knowledge nor understanding to say part I have burned of it in the fire yea also I have baked upon the coals bread thereof I have roasted flesh and eaten the residue thereof an abomination it and shall I make to the stock of a tree shall I fall down

  • Psalms 49:3 - My mouth shall speak of wisdom and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding

  • Jeremiah 51:15 - He hath made the earth by his power he hath established the world by his wisdom by his understanding and hath stretched out the heaven

  • Psalms 78:72 - So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart them by the skilfulness of his hands and guided

  • Psalms 136:5 - made the heavens To him that by wisdom endureth for ever for his mercy

  • Psalms 147:5 - Great is our Lord and of great power his understanding is infinite

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