H948 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
probably cotton (of some sort) fine (white) linen. from an unused root (of the same form) meaning to bleach, i.e. (intransitive) be white;

8 instances of the word בּוּץ bûwts (H948)

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  • Esther 1:6 - Where were white green and blue hangings fastened with cords of fine linen and purple rings and silver and pillars marble the beds were of gold and silver upon a pavement of red marble and white and black

  • 2 Chronicles 2:14 - The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan and his father was a man of Tyre skilful to work in gold and in silver in brass in iron in stone and in timber in purple in blue and in fine linen and in crimson also to grave any manner of graving and to find out every device which shall be put and with the cunning men and with the cunning men of my lord David and his father

  • 2 Chronicles 3:14 - And he made the vail of blue and purple and crimson and fine linen and wrought cherubims

  • 1 Chronicles 4:21 - The sons of Shelah The sons of Judah were Er the father of Lecah and Laadah the father of Mareshah and the families of the house of them that wrought fine linen of the house of Ashbea

  • 2 Chronicles 5:12 - Also the Levites which were the singers all of them of Asaph of Heman of Jeduthun with their sons and their brethren being arrayed in white linen having cymbals and psalteries and harps stood at the east end of the altar priests and with them an hundred and twenty sounding with trumpets

  • Esther 8:15 - And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king apparel in royal of blue and white crown of gold and with a great and with a garment of fine linen and purple and the city of Shushan rejoiced

  • 1 Chronicles 15:27 - And David was clothed with a robe of fine linen and all the Levites that bare the ark and the singers and Chenaniah the master of the song and the singers And David also had upon him an ephod of linen

  • Ezekiel 27:16 - Syria was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of the wares of thy making with emeralds purple and broidered work and fine linen and coral and agate they occupied in thy fairs

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