When is the Day of Christ?
People use 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 to prove that the day of Christ, which is the rapture cannot happen until after the Antichrist is revealed.
However, they failed to read the context.
Answer: 2 Thessalonians 2:1 shows that the day of Christ is not just the Rapture. It includes the second coming of Jesus Christ, his Advent when he conquers the Antichrist. It shows the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, i.e. second Advent, and our gathering together, the rapture.
In verse 8, it shows that His coming is truly the second Advent when He conquers the Antichrist.
We on the other hand, the Rapture – it is not in the tribulation with the Antichrist.
The context of verse 8 through 12 shows that it’s not we Christians, but they the lost world.
Verse 13 and 14 show that we Christians are called to glory.
In Colossians 3:4, it shows that we are raptured in heaven with Jesus Christ when we’re called to glory.