What is the definition of a Bible believer?

In normal usage, a “Bible believer” means an individual or organization that believes the Bible is true and perfect. Bible believers hold the position that the King James Bible “contains no theological contradictions, historical discrepancies, or other such ‘errors.'”

Why is being a Bible believer important?

Many Christians have wrongly applied verses to their own lives which do not apply to the current Church age. A common example of this is a Bible verse where a person has to endure to the end to be saved (Matthew 24:13). However, this verse is applicable to those living during the Tribulation period, not Christians who have obtained eternal life upon their confession that they are a sinner in need of the Lord Jesus Christ for their salvation (Romans 10:9-10). 

For this reason, rightly dividing the word or dispensationalism is critical in understanding what verses apply to a specific time period and a specific group of people.

When studying dispensational doctrinal studies, it is important to use the King James Bible because it is the perfect word of God and does not omit “study” or “rightly divide” in the way that modern versions do.

Dispensationalism and the KJV are essential in studying God’s word of truth (John 17), with the basis of these two things found in 2 Timothy 2:15.

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

When applied together, biblical studies become clearer and there is no contradiction in the scriptures.

Higher and Lower Criticism on the Infallible Word of God

Those that attack the notion of the existence of a perfect word of God and KJV specifically use higher and lower criticism to teach that the word of God is fallible or that it has mistakes.

For instance, critics try to find words in the KJV that do not match words found in the original text in Greek and Hebrew and find meanings for those words according to their teachings to discredit the KJV as perfect. However, this becomes dangerous because the Bible is no longer the final authority and can be interpreted however the reader wants to interpret it and not how God intended.

As Bible believers, they take every word written in the Bible seriously, hold it to be accurate, and subscribe to biblical inerrancy. Similarly, during the Dark Ages, Protestants also believed that the word of God was true since they broke off from the Catholic teachings and the Catholic church.

Dispensationalism vs. Heretical Teachings

Covenant theology is the teaching of replacement theology or that the Christian church has replaced the nation of Israel (Roman Catholics teach this). In other words, they believe that God will no longer deal with or use the nation of Israel in future times and that the church will continue the work of Israel.

This teaching can be debunked with verses found in the Old Testament stating that Israel’s covenant with the Lord is everlasting and verses in the New Testament that state that God establishes a new covenant with the nation of Israel. Another teaching of covenant theology is that the church will go through Tribulation.

Covenant of grace, which Calvinists teach, teaches that salvation has been the same throughout history, which is salvation through faith. An example of this is Noah’s salvation since they claim that Noah was saved through faith only. However, him having to build the ark to escape the flood proves that it was more than just faith. It was much work, too (belief in God + building ark).

The lack of dispensationalism also gives birth to many false teachings including Seventh Day Adventists who believe that one needs to be a Torah observant believer.

Dispensationalism teaches that there is a division among people and their respective periods, meaning that their plans for salvation (depending on the people and time period) are different.

Christian History

When the first Christians began to preach the word of God, it was done in Antioch, present-day Syria. The manuscripts used to write the King James Bible were also from Syria.

Bible-believing dispensationalists take God’s word literally, which coincides with Antioch’s mindset where the disciples first called Christians, preached the literal word of God.

Calvinists, on the other hand, interpret the word of God metaphorically and figuratively, not literally, which coincides with the mindset of Alexandria, Egypt, and is where modern (Catholic) Bibles stem from.

During the Great Awakening, the preachers used the King James Bible to save many lost souls.

Who came up with dispensationalism?

Dispensationalism is also not a product of John Darby. In church history, there were church fathers who believed in tenets of dispensationalism.

Apart from that, the Bible also has dispensationalists.

In conclusion

True believers who are looking to understand the word of God and live a godly life in accordance to the word of God would do well to examine the tenets of Bible believers – Dispensationalism and KJV only.


Dispensationalism came to be a product of people studying and taking the word of God literally.

Bible believers came to be by combining the King James Bible and dispensationalism.


To learn more about the KJV issue, read the articles here or watch the videos here.

To learn more about dispensationalism, read the articles here or watch the videos here.

To find a Bible-believing church near you, click on this link here.