Shem. Note the Asyndeton ( App-6 ) here, and contrast the Polysyndeton of Genesis 7:13 . This order in Genesis 5:32 ; Genesis 6:10 ; Genesis 6:7 . Genesis 6:13 ; Gen 9:18 . 1 Chronicles 1:4 .
Japheth , the eldest, 1 Chronicles 1:5 . 1Ch 10:21 .
Ham , second, Genesis 9:24 . "Younger" than Japheth.
Shem , the youngest. Compare Genesis 5:32 with Genesis 11:10 . Last here (in Introversion) because his history is to be continued. Japheth = enlargement. Ham = Heat, Black. Shem = Name or Renown.

isles = coast-lands (Isaiah 42:15 ).
in their = these were the sons of Japheth in their, &c. For these fourfold divisions Compare Genesis 10:5 , Genesis 10:20 , Genesis 10:31 .Revelation 5:9 ; Revelation 7:9 ; Revelation 10:11 ; Revelation 11:9 ; Revelation 13:7 ; Revelation 14:6 ; Revelation 17:15 ; ten occurrences ( App-10 ). N. B. In Revelation 13:7 all critical texts add "and people". N. B. The same divisions seen in Israel. In Genesis "families"; in Exodus "tongue"; in Numbers. "nation"; in Deut. the "land" (in Leviticus the Sanctuary as being apart from the Earth).

Cush = Ethiopia, S. of Egypt.
Mizraim = Egypt, became the name of Egypt = "the two Matsors". One Matsor was country of the Delta within the great wall of defence called "Shur"; the other was Egypt proper. See notes on Isaiah 19:6 with Isaiah 37:25 .
Phut: compare Jeremiah 46:9 . Ezekiel 27:10 ; Ezekiel 30:5 ; Ezekiel 38:5 .Nahum 3:9 . Canaan became a province of Egypt, as shown by the Tel el-Amarna tablets.

mighty one = a hero. N. B. From Ham; not from Shem.

hunter. Compare Jeremiah 16:16 .
it is said. A later proverb of Semitic origin, as Jehovah was not known in Babylonia.
before = in defiance of (Genesis 6:11 ).

Babel. In Semitic Babylonian = Bab-ili = "the gate of the god", Compare Genesis 11:9 .
Shinar = Babylonia, and is to be distinguished from Assyria (Isaiah 11:11 ).

went forth: Targum of Onkelos says: "he [Nimrod] went forth into Asshur" (i.e. invaded it).
Nineveh. The competitor of Babylon as the capital of Assyria.
the City Rehoboth = better, "the city boulevards", in parenthesis.

great: i.e. the four cities Nineveh, Rehoboth, Calah, and Resen. Resen had ceased to be a great city in the time of Sennacherib.

Ludim = the Lydians, compare Jeremiah 46:9 . Ezekiel 27:10 ; Ezekiel 30:5 .

Philistim: hence the name of Palestine. Compare Amos 9:7 . Jeremiah 47:4 . The parenthesis in this verse should come after Caphtorim as these gave the name Philistine. The five cities of the Philistines (Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and Gath) were on the confines of Egypt (Deuteronomy 2:23 ).

Sidon = the oldest Canaanite city.
Heth = the Hittites.

Jebusite. The founders of Jebus; afterward Jerusalem. The Citadel was afterward Zion, S. of Moriah, 2 Samuel 5:6-9 . Compare Ezekiel 16:3 , Ezekiel 16:45 , which explains the connection of the Jebusite here, with the Amorite and Hittite, Genesis 10:15 .

tongues. See Genesis 10:5 .

Shem: comes last (ace. to the Structure, which is an Introversion) because his "Generations" occupy the rest of the book. Hence when mentioned with the other two, Shem the youngest comes first. See note Genesis 5:32 ; Genesis 9:24 ; Genesis 10:1 .
the elder , See Genesis 5:32 . Shem (N.T. Sem) was the seed-line that Christ would come through (Luke 3:36 ).

Elam = the mountainous district E. of Babylonia.

Uz: the country of the Sabeans and Chaldeans. See Job 1:15 , Job 1:17 , and Teman near Petra (Job 2:11 ).

Eber. Whence the name Hebrews (Genesis 14:13 ) = beyond. The people coming from and beyond the "Flood", i.e. the Euphrates, to Canaan (Joshua 24:2 , Joshua 24:3 , Joshua 24:14 , Joshua 24:15 ).

Peleg = division. His generations reserved till Genesis 11:10-27 .
divided. Hebrew. palag, to cleave. In verses: Genesis 10:5 , Genesis 10:32 , parad, to break off. In Deuteronomy 32:8 it is nahal, to divide for an inheritance.

families, &c. Note the thrice-repeated fourfold division in verses: Genesis 10:5 , Genesis 10:20 . See App-10 .

divided: i.e. in judgment. Compare Genesis 10:25 . Here parad = disruption in judgment. God's division (Genesis 10:25 ) included ZION. Man's disruption included BABYLON (Genesis 11:2 , Genesis 11:9 ).