God. Hebrew. 'elohlm, the Creator, because in connection with creation (Genesis 9:2 ) and the earth.
replenish = fill, as in Genesis 6:11 .

fear . . . dread. Figure of speech Synonymia .
beast = living thing, as in Genesis 3:1 .
earth. Hebrew. 'adhamah = the ground.

Every . . . all. Figure of speech Epanadiplosis ( App-6 ), for emphasis. Same word in Hebrew.

life = soul. Hebrew. nephesh. See App-13 .
blood. This is the essence and foundation of the doctrine of substitution and atonement = "life for life", "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23 ) and "without shedding of blood [and thus giving up the life] is no remission" (Hebrews 9:22 ).

of. Genitive of Apposition ( App-17 ) = "blood, [that is] your lives.
lives = souls. Plural of Hebrew. nephesh.
hand of every beast. Figure of speech Prosopopoeia ( App-6 ).

image of God. Hebrew image of 'elohim ( App-4 ). See note on Genesis 1:26 , and Genesis 3:7 . See App-15 for the Laws before Sinai.

I, behold, I. Figure of speech Epizeuxis, for emphasis.
covenant. Mentioned seven times in verses: Genesis 9:9-17 .

creature = soul. Hebrew. nephesh. So rendered in Genesis 1:21 , Genesis 1:24 ; Genesis 2:19 ; Genesis 9:10 , Genesis 9:12 , Genesis 9:15 , Genesis 9:16 . Leviticus 11:46 , &c. See App-13 .

token, or sign; then so associated with the bow.

set. Hebrew grant. Not then first seen as a phenomenon, but then first assigned as a token.

that. Hebrew = and [when]. See Genesis 9:13 .

remember. Figure of speech Anthropopatheia .

everlasting covenant. This expression occurs thirteen times in O.T. and once in N.T., making fourteen in all. Genesis 9:16 ; Genesis 17:13 , Genesis 17:19 . Lev 24:8 . 2 Samuel 23:5 . 1 Chronicles 16:17 . Psalms 105:10 . Isaiah 24:5 ; Isaiah 55:3 ; Isaiah 61:8 . Jeremiah 32:40 . Ezekiel 37:26 , and Hebrews 13:20 .

began to be = was. Hebrew idiom. Compare Luke 12:1 .Matthew 26:37 . Mark 10:41 .Luke 3:23 .Mark 11:15 .
husbandman. Hebrew. man of the ground, i.e. giving himself to tillage.

wine: first occurance. Hebrew. yayin. See App-27 .
[ Conversion Note:Some versions of the Companion Bible text on the Internet have the following comment for this verse but the original book (that I have) does not. Nevertheless the comment is presented.]
Compare Leviticus 18:8 , which says: "The nakedness of thy father's wife shall thou not uncover: it is thy father's nakedness." Ham committed a sinful sex act with his mother. See also Leviticus 20:11 .

awoke. Septuagint eknepho, only here 1 Samuel 25:37 . Habakkuk 2:7 , Habakkuk 2:19 ; and Joel 1:5 . In N.T. only 1 Corinthians 15:34 , means very much awake, awake to wisdom.
younger = than Japheth, not Shem. See notes on Genesis 5:32 ; Genesis 10:1 .

Cursed. Fulfillment in Book of Joshua. servant of servants. Figure of speech Polyptoton .

Blessed. Fulfillment in Shem being in the line of the promised seed, and in the overthrow of Canaanites.

enlarge Japheth. Figure of speech Paronomasia ( App-6 ). Yapht le-yephth. Fulfillment in increase of Western nations.
dwell: as in a Tabernacle (Genesis 3:24 , which see), i.e. worship the God of Shem: Israel's God, Hebrew. shakan. See App-40 . Gentiles to be blessed in Shem. The Eunuch (Ham) Acts 8 . Saul (Shem) Acts 9 . Cornelius (Japheth) Acts 10 . See note on Genesis 11:9 .
tents. Hebrew. 'ohel ( App-40 ). Probably plural of majesty, the Great Tent or Tabernacle of Shem, who would thus be the "Priest of the most High God". See note on Genesis 14:18 .