God = Hebrew. 'Elohim = the Creator, because every living creature is included. Compare Genesis 7:16 .
remembered. Figure of speech Anthropopatheia.
wind. Hebrew. ruach. See App-9 .

windows. Hebrew. 'arubboth. See note on Genesis 7:11 .

rested. Saturday, the Sabbath Day. Compare Genesis 7:4 .

first day. Tuesday. (The only day named that is not a Sabbath.)

window. Hebrew. challon = a small aperture. Compare Genesis 7:11 (not Genesis 8:2 ). Same as Joshua 2:18 , Jos 2:21 ; 1 Kings 6:4 .Ezekiel 40:16 ; Ezekiel 41:16 , Ezekiel 41:26 .

raven: an unclean bird. Leviticus 11:15 .Deuteronomy 14:14 .

dove: a clean bird. Deuteronomy 14:11 .

seven = the seven. Another Sabbath, 18th day of 11th month.

olive leaf. Hebrew a newly-sprouted olive leaf.

seven. Saturday, 25th day of 11th month.

six hundredth and first year: i.e. of Noah's life.
the first month, the first day. Six such important dates in Bible: (1) Here, the drying up of the waters (Genesis 8:13 ); (2) The setting up of Tabernacle by Moses (Exodus 40:2 ); (3) The sanctification of cleansed-up Temple by Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 29:17 ); (4) The going up of Ezra (Genesis 7:9 ); (5) The giving up of strange wives (Ezra 10:17 ); (6) The offering up of a bullock in Ezekiel's future Temple (Ezekiel 45:18 ).

twenty-seventh day of second month. Completing one solar year from Genesis 7:11 .

God. Elohim, the Creator, speaking from without. Compare Genesis 7:16 with Genesis 8:1 .

Go forth. Hebrew. z'e . But in Genesis 7:1 , Jehovah (from within), "Come thou". Hebrew. b'o. Compare Genesis 7:1 .

Bring forth. Elohim, speaking from without.

altar. The first mentioned in Scripture.
offered. Hebrew ' alah . App-43 .
burnt offerings. Hebrew. 'oldh.

the LORD = Jehovah, in covenant-relationship.
smelled a sweet savour. Hebrew "smelled a smell". Figure of speech Polyptoton ( App-6 ).
savour. First occurance. Hebrew. nihoah, found only in this connection = rest, acquiescence.
in His heart. Figure of speech Anthropopatheia , in condescension, and for emphasis.
for = although, as in Exo 13:17 . 2 Samuel 23:5 .Psalms 49:18 . Habakkuk 3:17 .

While. Jehovah's covenant with Noah was unconditional in connection with the earth; as with Abraham, to give him the land (Genesis 15 ), and with David, to give him the throne (2 Samuel 7 ).
and. Note the Figure of speech Polysyndeton ( App-6 ) seven times in this verse, to emphasize the completeness and perfection of the Covenant ( App-10 ). Eight things named in 4 pairs of opposites.