book of the generation. Only here and Matthew 1:1 , "the second man" and "last Adam".
In the day. See Genesis 2:17 and App-18 .
God = Elohim.
man. Art. not needed = the man Adam. App-14 .
him. Emph. reference to Adam.

them, i.e. Adam and Eve, going back to Genesis 1:27 ; Genesis 2:7 .

own. Adam created in God's likeness. All his descendants begotten in Adam's likeness, after his Fall. See Psalms 51:5 .Romans 5:12-19 .
Seth. Refers back to Genesis 4:25 , and develops his line.

the days of Adam. None of these particulars are given of Cain's line. Not even of their deaths.
begat. If Adam begat after Seth, so doubtless others after Cain and Abel.

Enos. See Genesis 4:26 .

Cainan = Hebrew a possession.

Mahalaleel = praise of God.

Jared = descent.

Enoch = teaching, or initiation.

Methuselah = when he is dead it shall be sent, i.e. the Deluge.

Walked = walked to and fro; why not literally as with Adam before the Fall? Genesis 2:19 ; Genesis 3:8 .

took him. See Hebrews 11:5 . Translated without dying: as Elijah was, 2 Kings 2:9 . Enoch was "the seventh from Adam" (Jude 1:14 ). He prophesied "by faith". Therefore Divinely instructed, Romans 10:17 .

Lamech (powerful).

Noah = rest, comfort, or consolation. Genesis 8:21 .
comfort us concerning = give us rest from.
work: should be works (with Samaritan Pentateuch, Septuagint, Syriac, &c).
work and toil = grievous toil, or trouble, " works " reference probably to the evil deeds going on around. See Genesis 6:3 , and compare Exodus 23:24 .Leviticus 18:3 .Micah 6:16 . Ecclesiastes 4:3 .Job 33:17 . Probably Figure of speech Hendiadys ( App-6 ), for emph. = toilsome labour.
the LORD. Hebrew. Jehovah. App-4 .

five. See chronology of Patriarchs. App-22 .
begat. See Genesis 6:10 below.
Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Named in inverted order. Japheth was the elder (Genesis 10:21 ), Shem the youngest, and, as in other cases, the youngest chosen for the blessing. Compare the inversion of the order in Genesis 10:1 , and Genesis 2:6 , and Genesis 2:21 , and See Genesis 11:10 and note on Genesis 9:24 ; Genesis 10:1 .