G3588 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc the definite article;

7062 instances of the word ὁ ho (G3588)

  • 1 Peter 3:6 - Even as Sara obeyed Abraham lord him calling whose ye are daughters as long as ye do well and not afraid with any amazement

  • 1 Thessalonians 3:6 - now But came when Timotheus unto us from of your also brought us faith also charity of your also that ye have remembrance of us good always desiring greatly us to see as also we to see you

  • 1 Timothy 3:6 - Not a novice Not being lifted up with pride into the condemnation he fall of the devil

  • 2 Corinthians 3:6 - Who also able us ministers of the new testament not of the letter but of the spirit for of the letter killeth but of the spirit giveth life

  • 2 Peter 3:6 - Whereby that then was the world with water being overflowed perished

  • 2 Thessalonians 3:6 - we command Now you brethren in the name Lord of our Jesus Christ that ye withdraw yourselves from every brethren disorderly that walketh and not after the tradition which he received of of our

  • 2 Timothy 3:6 - of this sort For are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away lusts with divers

  • James 3:6 - And the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity so the tongue is among members our that it defileth the whole body And it is set on fire the course of nature And it is set on fire of hell

  • John 3:6 - That which is born of flesh flesh is and That which is born of spirit spirit is

  • Luke 3:6 - And shall see all flesh the salvation of God

  • Mark 3:6 - And went forth the Pharisees and straightway with the Herodians counsel took against him how him they might destroy

  • Matthew 3:6 - And were baptized in Jordan of him confessing sins him

  • Philippians 3:6 - Concerning zeal persecuting which the church Concerning the righteousness which is in the law blameless

  • Revelation 3:6 - He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches

  • Romans 3:6 - God forbid for then how judge God the world

  • Titus 3:6 - Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ Saviour our

  • Acts 3:7 - And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up immediately and received strength him feet And ankle bones

  • Ephesians 3:7 - Whereof I was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me according the effectual working power of his

  • Galatians 3:7 - Know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham

  • Hebrews 3:7 - Wherefore (as saith Ghost the Holy To day if voice his ye will hear

  • 1 Corinthians 3:7 - So neither he that planteth is any thing neither he that watereth but that giveth the increase God

  • 1 John 3:7 - Little children no man deceive you he that doeth righteousness righteous is even as he righteous is

  • 1 Peter 3:7 - ye husbands Likewise dwell with them according to knowledge as unto the weaker vessel unto the wife giving honour as and being heirs together of the grace of life that not be prayers your

  • 1 Thessalonians 3:7 - Therefore we were comforted brethren in you in all affliction and distress our Therefore your faith

  • 1 Timothy 3:7 - must Moreover he and report a good have of them which are without into reproach he fall and the snare of the devil

  • 2 Corinthians 3:7 - if But which the ministration which of death glorious and engraven glorious stones was glorious the glory so not could stedfastly behold which that the children of Israel the face which countenance of Moses for which the glory which countenance of his which glory was to be done away

  • 2 Peter 3:7 - But which are now the heavens and the earth by the same word kept in store are unto fire reserved against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men

  • James 3:7 - every For kind of beasts and and of birds of serpents and and of things in the sea hath been tamed and hath been tamed kind

  • Luke 3:7 - said Then that came forth he to the multitude to be baptized of him O generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from to come the wrath

  • Mark 3:7 - But Jesus withdrew himself with disciples him to the sea But a great multitude from Galilee followed him But from Judaea

  • Matthew 3:7 - when he saw But many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to baptism unto them he said unto them O generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from to come the wrath

  • Philippians 3:7 - But what things were to me gain those I counted for Christ loss

  • Revelation 3:7 - And to the angel in Philadelphia of the church write These things saith he that is holy he that is true he that hath the key of David he that openeth And no man shutteth And shutteth And no man he that openeth

  • Romans 3:7 - if For the truth of God through my lie hath more abounded unto glory his why yet I also as a sinner am

  • Titus 3:7 - That being justified by his grace heirs we should be made according to the hope life of eternal

  • Acts 3:8 - And he leaping up stood And walked And entered with them into the temple walked And leaping And praising God

  • Colossians 3:8 - now But put off also ye all these anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy communication out of mouth your

  • Ephesians 3:8 - Unto me who am less than the least of all saints given grace this among the Gentiles that I should preach the unsearchable riches of Christ

  • Galatians 3:8 - foreseeing And the scripture saying through faith would justify nations God preached before the gospel unto Abraham saying be blessed In thee all nations

  • Hebrews 3:8 - not Harden hearts your as in the provocation in the day of temptation in the wilderness

  • 1 Corinthians 3:8 - he that planteth Now and he that watereth one are every man Now his own reward shall receive according his own labour

  • 1 John 3:8 - He that committeth sin of of the devil is for from the beginning of the devil sinneth For this purpose was manifested the Son of God that he might destroy the works of the devil

  • 1 Peter 3:8 - Finally be ye all of one mind having compassion one of another love as brethren be pitiful be courteous

  • 2 Corinthians 3:8 - How not rather shall of the spirit be glorious

  • 2 Thessalonians 3:8 - Neither for nought bread did we eat any man's to any but with labour and travail night and day wrought that not be chargeable to any of you

  • 2 Timothy 3:8 - as Now Jannes also Jambres do Moses so also these do the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith

  • James 3:8 - But the tongue no can man tame it is an unruly evil full poison of deadly

  • John 3:8 - The wind where it listeth bloweth and the sound thereof thou hearest but not canst whence it cometh and whither it goeth so is every one that is born of The wind

  • Luke 3:8 - Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance and not begin I say within yourselves to our father We have Abraham I say for unto you That is able God of stones these to raise up children Abraham

  • Mark 3:8 - And from Jerusalem And from Idumaea And from beyond Jordan And they about Tyre And Sidon multitude a great when they had heard what great things he did came unto him

  • Matthew 3:8 - Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance

  • Philippians 3:8 - Yea doubtless and I count all things but loss for for the excellency of the knowledge Christ Jesus Lord my for whom all things I have suffered the loss and I count but dung for that Christ I may win

  • Revelation 3:8 - I know thee works behold I have set before thee door an open and no man can shut it for a little thou hast strength and hast kept my word and not denied name my

  • Romans 3:8 - And not as we be slanderously reported And as affirm some that we say Let us do evil that may come good whose damnation just is

  • Titus 3:8 - This is a faithful saying and these things I will that thou affirm constantly that might be careful good works to maintain they which have believed in God These things are good and profitable unto men

  • Acts 3:9 - And saw him all the people walking And praising God

  • Colossians 3:9 - not Lie one to another seeing that ye have put off the old man with deeds his

  • Ephesians 3:9 - And men see all what which is the fellowship which of the mystery which hath been hid from which the beginning of the world in which God which which all created by Jesus Christ

  • Galatians 3:9 - So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham

  • Hebrews 3:9 - When tempted me fathers your proved me and saw works my forty years

  • 1 John 3:9 - Whosoever he is born of God commit sin he cannot doth because seed him in him remaineth and he cannot sin because of God he is born

  • 1 Thessalonians 3:9 - what For thanks can we God again for you for all the joy wherewith we joy for your sakes before God our

  • 1 Timothy 3:9 - Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience

  • 2 Corinthians 3:9 - if For doth the ministration of condemnation be glory much more exceed doth the ministration of righteousness in be glory

  • 2 Peter 3:9 - not is The Lord concerning his promise as some men slackness count but is longsuffering to us-ward not willing some men should perish but that all to repentance should come

  • 2 Thessalonians 3:9 - Not because Not we have power but to ourselves an ensample make unto you to follow us

  • 2 Timothy 3:9 - But no they shall proceed further for folly their manifest shall be unto all men as also theirs was

  • James 3:9 - Therewith bless we which God and the Father and Therewith curse we which men which after the similitude God are made

  • Luke 3:9 - now And also the axe unto the root of the trees is laid every therefore of the trees not forth fruit good is hewn down also into the fire cast

  • Mark 3:9 - And he spake disciples him that a small ship should wait on him because of the multitude that they should throng him

  • Matthew 3:9 - And not think I say within yourselves to our father We have Abraham I say for unto you that is able God of stones these to raise up children Abraham

  • Philippians 3:9 - And be found in him not having mine own righteousness that which is of the law but that which is through faith of Christ that which is of God righteousness by that which faith

  • Revelation 3:9 - Behold I will make them of which the synagogue which of Satan which say they Jews are and not are but do lie Behold I will make them to come and worship before which feet thy and to know that I have loved thee

  • Acts 3:10 - they knew And unto him that he it was which for which alms sat at which the Beautiful gate which of the temple and they were filled with wonder and amazement at which that which had happened unto him

  • Colossians 3:10 - And have put on man which the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him man which that created him

  • Ephesians 3:10 - To the intent that places might be known now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly by the church the manifold wisdom of God

  • Galatians 3:10 - as many as For of the works of the law are under the curse are are written For Cursed all things that not continueth in all things which are written in which the book which of the law which to do them

  • Hebrews 3:10 - Wherefore I was grieved generation with that and said alway They do in their heart they and not have ways my

  • 1 Corinthians 3:10 - According which to the grace which of God which is given unto me as a wise masterbuilder the foundation I have laid another But buildeth thereon every man But let how buildeth thereon

  • 1 John 3:10 - In this manifest are the children God and the children of the devil whosoever not doeth righteousness not are of God and not he that loveth brother

  • 1 Peter 3:10 - For he that will life love and see days good let him refrain tongue from evil and lips no that they speak guile

  • 1 Thessalonians 3:10 - Night and day praying that we might see in your face and might perfect that which is lacking faith in your

  • 2 Corinthians 3:10 - even For had no glory glory in this respect by reason that excelleth of the glory

  • 2 Peter 3:10 - will come But the day of the Lord as a thief in the night in the which the heavens with a great noise shall pass away the elements But with fervent heat shall melt also the earth also in the works shall be burned up

  • 2 Timothy 3:10 - thou But hast fully known my doctrine manner of life purpose faith longsuffering charity patience

  • James 3:10 - Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing not ought brethren My these things so to be

  • John 3:10 - answered Jesus and said unto him thou Art a master of Israel and these things not knowest

  • Luke 3:10 - And asked him the people saying What then shall we do

  • Matthew 3:10 - now And also the axe unto the root of the trees is laid every therefore of the trees not forth fruit good is hewn down also into the fire cast

  • Philippians 3:10 - That I may know him and the power resurrection him and the fellowship sufferings him being made conformable death him

  • Revelation 3:10 - Because thou hast kept which the word which patience of my I also thee thou hast kept from which the hour which of temptation which shall come upon which the world all to try which them that dwell upon which the earth

  • Acts 3:11 - held And which was healed as the lame man Peter and John ran together unto them all the people in the porch that is called Solomon's greatly wondering

  • Colossians 3:11 - Where neither there is Greek and Jew circumcision and uncircumcision Barbarian Scythian bond nor free but all and in all Christ

  • Ephesians 3:11 - According to purpose the eternal which he purposed in Christ Jesus Lord our

  • Galatians 3:11 - for But by the law no man is justified in the sight of God it is evident for The just by faith shall live

  • Hebrews 3:11 - So I sware in wrath my not They shall into rest my

  • 1 Corinthians 3:11 - foundation For other no man can lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ

  • 1 John 3:11 - For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning that we should love one another

  • 1 Thessalonians 3:11 - himself Now God and Father our and Lord our Jesus Christ direct way our unto you

  • 2 Corinthians 3:11 - if For that which is done away was glorious much more that which remaineth is glorious