G3588 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc the definite article;

7062 instances of the word ὁ ho (G3588)

  • Romans 8:4 - That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us not after the flesh who walk but after the Spirit

  • Acts 8:5 - Philip Then went down to the city of Samaria and preached unto them Christ

  • Hebrews 8:5 - Who unto the example and shadow serve of heavenly things as was admonished of God Moses when he was about to make the tabernacle See for saith he that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount

  • 1 Corinthians 8:5 - and For though there be that are called gods or in heaven or in earth (as there be gods many and lords many

  • 2 Corinthians 8:5 - And this they did not as we hoped but their own selves gave first to the Lord And unto us by the will of God

  • John 8:5 - in Now the law Moses us commanded that such should be stoned thou but what sayest

  • Luke 8:5 - went out A sower A sower seed he and as A sower he some fell by the way side and it was trodden down and the fowls of the air devoured he

  • Mark 8:5 - And he asked them How many have ye loaves And they said Seven

  • Matthew 8:5 - was entered And Jesus into Capernaum there came him a centurion beseeching him

  • Revelation 8:5 - And took the angel the censer And filled it with fire of the altar And cast it into the earth And there were voices And thunderings And lightnings And an earthquake

  • Romans 8:5 - the things For after of the flesh they that are the things the things of the flesh do mind the things but after of the Spirit the things the things of the Spirit

  • Acts 8:6 - gave heed And the people spake unto those things which Philip with one accord hearing and seeing the miracles which he did

  • 1 Corinthians 8:6 - But to us one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him

  • 2 Corinthians 8:6 - Insomuch desired that we Titus that as he had begun so also finish Insomuch you also grace

  • John 8:6 - This But they said tempting him that they might have to accuse him But Jesus down stooped and with his finger wrote on the ground

  • Luke 8:6 - And some fell upon a rock And as soon as it was sprung up it withered away because it lacked moisture

  • Mark 8:6 - And he commanded the people to sit down on the ground And he took the seven loaves and gave thanks and brake And gave disciples to set before And set before the people

  • Matthew 8:6 - And saying Lord servant my lieth at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented

  • Revelation 8:6 - And which the seven angels had which the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound

  • Romans 8:6 - For minded carnally is death but minded spiritually is life and peace

  • Acts 8:7 - many For that were possessed spirits unclean crying with loud voice came out many with them and taken with palsies and that were lame were healed

  • Hebrews 8:7 - if For first that covenant had been faultless no then should for the second have been sought place

  • 1 Corinthians 8:7 - Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge some for conscience of the idol unto this hour it as a thing offered unto an idol eat and conscience their weak being is defiled

  • 2 Corinthians 8:7 - Therefore as in every ye abound thing in faith also utterance also knowledge also every diligence also in your in us love see that also in grace ye abound

  • John 8:7 - when So they continued asking her he lifted up himself and said unto her He that is without sin among you first a stone at her cast

  • Luke 8:7 - And some fell among the thorns And sprang up with it the thorns and choked it

  • Matthew 8:7 - And saith him Jesus I will come and heal him

  • Revelation 8:7 - and The first angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood and they were cast upon the earth and the third part of trees was burnt up and all grass green was burnt up

  • Romans 8:7 - Because mind the carnal is enmity against God for to the law God not it is neither for can be

  • Acts 8:8 - And there was joy great in city that

  • Hebrews 8:8 - finding fault For with them he saith Behold the days come he saith the Lord and I will make with the house of Israel and with the house covenant a new

  • 1 Corinthians 8:8 - meat But us not commendeth to God neither for if we eat are we the better neither if we eat are we the worse

  • 2 Corinthians 8:8 - not by commandment I speak but by occasion of others of the forwardness and of your love the sincerity to prove

  • John 8:8 - And again down he stooped and wrote on the ground

  • Luke 8:8 - And other fell on ground good And sprang up and bare fruit an hundredfold these things And when he had said he cried He that hath ears let him hear let him hear

  • Matthew 8:8 - and answered The centurion said Lord not I am worthy that my under roof thou shouldest come but only speak the word and shall be healed servant my

  • Revelation 8:8 - And the second angel sounded And as it were mountain a great with fire burning was cast into of the sea And became the third part of the sea blood

  • Romans 8:8 - So then in the flesh they that are God please cannot

  • Acts 8:9 - man But some called Simon which beforetime in the same city used sorcery and bewitched the people of Samaria giving out was some that himself great one

  • Hebrews 8:9 - Not according to covenant that I made with fathers their in the day when I took by the hand their to lead their out of the land of Egypt because their Not continued in covenant by the hand and I not their saith the Lord

  • 1 Corinthians 8:9 - take heed But lest by any means liberty of yours this a stumblingblock become to them that are weak

  • 2 Corinthians 8:9 - ye know For the grace Lord of our Jesus Christ that sakes your he became poor rich though he was that ye through his poverty might be rich

  • John 8:9 - And they which heard and by their own conscience being convicted went out beginning at the eldest even unto the last and was left alone Jesus and the woman in the midst standing

  • Luke 8:9 - asked And him disciples him saying What be parable this

  • Mark 8:9 - were And they that had eaten about four thousand and away them

  • Matthew 8:9 - and For I a man am under authority having under me soldiers and I say to this he goeth and he goeth and to another Come and Come and servant to my Do this and Do

  • Revelation 8:9 - And died which the third part which of the creatures which were in which the sea which and had life And which the third part which of the ships were destroyed

  • Acts 8:10 - To whom gave heed they all from the least to the great saying This man is power of God the great

  • Hebrews 8:10 - For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after days those saith the Lord I will put laws my into mind their and in hearts their write their and I will be their into a God and their I will be me into a people

  • 1 Corinthians 8:10 - if For any man see thee which hast knowledge in the idol's temple sit at meat not which the conscience of him weak which is be emboldened which which those things which are offered to idols to eat

  • 2 Corinthians 8:10 - And my advice herein I give this for for you is expedient who not only to do but And to be forward have begun before ago a year

  • John 8:10 - had lifted up himself When Jesus and none saw but Woman he said unto her Woman where are those accusers thine no man thee condemned

  • Luke 8:10 - And he said Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God And to others in parables that see not see and hearing not they might

  • Mark 8:10 - And straightway he entered into a ship with disciples and came into the parts of Dalmanutha

  • Matthew 8:10 - heard When Jesus it he marvelled and said to them that followed Verily I say unto you no not in Israel so great faith I have

  • Revelation 8:10 - And the third angel sounded And it fell from heaven star a great burning as it were a lamp And it fell upon the third of the rivers And upon the fountains of waters

  • Romans 8:10 - if And Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin And the Spirit is life because of righteousness

  • Acts 8:11 - they had regard And them because that of long time with sorceries he had bewitched them

  • Hebrews 8:11 - And teach every man neighbour And every man brother saying Know the Lord for all shall know me from the least to the greatest

  • 1 Corinthians 8:11 - And perish the weak brother through thy knowledge for whom Christ died

  • 2 Corinthians 8:11 - Now also the doing perform of it that as there was a readiness to will so also perform out of that which ye have

  • John 8:11 - And She said No man Lord She said And unto her Jesus Neither I thee condemn go and no more sin

  • Luke 8:11 - is Now this the parable The seed is the word of God

  • Mark 8:11 - And came forth the Pharisees And began to question him seeking of him a sign from heaven tempting him

  • Matthew 8:11 - I say And unto you That many from the east and west shall come and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven

  • Revelation 8:11 - And the name of the star is called Wormwood And became the third part of the waters Wormwood And many men died of of the waters because they were made bitter

  • Romans 8:11 - if But Spirit he that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead quicken also mortal bodies your by that dwelleth his Spirit in you

  • Acts 8:12 - when But they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized men both and women

  • Hebrews 8:12 - For merciful I will be unrighteousness their and sins their and iniquities their will I remember more

  • 1 Corinthians 8:12 - so But when ye sin against the brethren and wound their conscience weak against Christ when ye sin

  • 2 Corinthians 8:12 - if there For a willing mind be first according to that hath a man it is accepted and not according to and not hath

  • John 8:12 - again Then Jesus unto them spake saying I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall in darkness but shall have the light of life

  • Luke 8:12 - Those by the way side are they that hear then cometh the devil and taketh away the word out of hearts their they should believe and be saved

  • Mark 8:12 - And he sighed deeply spirit I say Why generation this a sign doth verily I say unto you There shall no be given generation this a sign

  • Matthew 8:12 - But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into darkness outer there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth

  • Revelation 8:12 - And the fourth angel sounded And was smitten for a third part of the sun And for a third part of the moon And for a third part of the stars so as was darkened for a third part of them And the day not shone for a third part of them And the night likewise

  • Romans 8:12 - Therefore brethren debtors we are not the flesh after the flesh to live

  • Acts 8:13 - Then Simon also himself believed also when he was baptized he continued with Philip beholding and signs also the miracles which were done wondered

  • Hebrews 8:13 - In that he saith A new covenant he hath made the first Now covenant he hath made and waxeth old is ready to vanish away

  • 1 Corinthians 8:13 - Wherefore if meat I make brother my I will eat flesh while the world standeth brother my I make

  • John 8:13 - said therefore unto him The Pharisees Thou of thyself bearest record record thy not is true

  • Luke 8:13 - They on the rock are they which when they hear with joy receive the word and these root no have are they which for a while believe and in a while of temptation fall away

  • Mark 8:13 - And he left them and entering again into the ship departed into the other side

  • Matthew 8:13 - And said Jesus unto the centurion Go thy way And as thou hast believed so be it done unto thee And was healed servant his in hour the selfsame

  • Revelation 8:13 - And I beheld And heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven saying voice with a loud Woe Woe Woe which to the inhabiters of which the earth by reason of which the other voice which of the trumpet which of the three angel which are yet to sound

  • Romans 8:13 - if For after the flesh ye live ye shall die if but through the Spirit the deeds of the body do mortify ye live

  • Acts 8:14 - heard Now which were at Jerusalem when the apostles that had received which Samaria which the word which of God they sent unto them which Peter and John

  • 2 Corinthians 8:14 - But by an equality at that now this time your abundance a supply for their want that also their abundance may be a supply for your want that may be an equality

  • John 8:14 - answered Jesus and said unto them Though I bear record of myself true is record yet my for I know whence I came and whither I go ye but cannot I know whence I came and whither I go

  • Luke 8:14 - And among thorns that which fell they are which when they have heard and with cares and riches and pleasures of this life go forth are choked and no bring

  • Mark 8:14 - Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread Now one bread had with them they in the ship

  • Matthew 8:14 - And was come when Jesus into house Peter's he saw wife's mother his laid And sick of a fever

  • 2 Corinthians 8:15 - As it is written He that had gathered He that had gathered much no had and He that had gathered He that had gathered little no had

  • John 8:15 - Ye after the flesh judge I no judge man

  • Luke 8:15 - But in an honest ground they are which in heart an honest and good having heard the word keep and bring forth fruit in patience

  • Mark 8:15 - And he charged them saying Take heed beware of of the leaven of the Pharisees And of the leaven of Herod

  • Matthew 8:15 - And he touched hand her And left her the fever And she arose And ministered her

  • Romans 8:15 - not For received the Spirit of bondage again to fear but received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father

  • Acts 8:16 - as yet (For he was upon none of them fallen only baptized they were in the name of the Lord Jesus

  • 2 Corinthians 8:16 - thanks But which be to God which put which the same earnest care for you into which the heart of Titus