G3588 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc the definite article;

7062 instances of the word ὁ ho (G3588)

  • Hebrews 10:30 - we know For him that hath said belongeth unto me Vengeance I will recompense saith The Lord And again The Lord shall judge people

  • John 10:30 - I and my Father one are

  • Luke 10:30 - answering And Jesus said man A certain went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and thieves fell among which and of his raiment him and wounded him and departed leaving him half dead

  • Mark 10:30 - he shall receive an hundredfold now in time this houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions and in the world to come life eternal

  • Matthew 10:30 - of your But the very hairs head all numbered are

  • Acts 10:31 - And said Cornelius is heard thine prayer And alms thine are had in remembrance in the sight of God

  • Hebrews 10:31 - It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands God of the living

  • John 10:31 - took up Then again stones the Jews to stone him

  • Luke 10:31 - by chance And priest a certain there came down that way and when he saw him he passed by on the other side

  • Mark 10:31 - many But shall be first last and last first

  • Hebrews 10:32 - call to remembrance But the former days in which after ye were illuminated a great fight ye endured of afflictions

  • 1 Corinthians 10:32 - none offence Give neither to the Jews neither to the Gentiles neither to the church of God

  • John 10:32 - answered of those Jesus Many good works have I shewed you from Father my for which of those works do ye stone me

  • Luke 10:32 - likewise And and a Levite when he was at the place came and looked on him and passed by on the other side

  • Mark 10:32 - they were And in the way going up to Jerusalem And they were before them Jesus And they were amazed And as they followed they were afraid And he took again the twelve and began them to tell what things should them happen

  • Matthew 10:32 - Whosoever therefore shall confess is in me before which men shall confess also is in him before which Father my which is in heaven

  • Acts 10:33 - Immediately therefore I sent to thee thou and hast well done that thou art come Now therefore all we before God are to hear all that are commanded thee of God

  • Hebrews 10:33 - Partly by reproaches both and afflictions whilst ye were made a gazingstock Partly and companions so of them that were whilst ye became

  • 1 Corinthians 10:33 - Even as I all all please things not seeking the profit mine own profit but the profit the profit of many that they may be saved

  • John 10:33 - answered him The Jews saying For a good work not we stone thee but For blasphemy and because that thou a man being makest thyself God

  • Mark 10:33 - Saying Behold we go up to Jerusalem and the Son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests and unto the scribes and they shall condemn him to death and shall be delivered him to the Gentiles

  • Matthew 10:33 - whosoever But shall deny me before which men deny him will I also before which Father my which is in heaven

  • Acts 10:34 - opened Then Peter his mouth and said Of a truth I perceive that no is respecter of persons God

  • Hebrews 10:34 - For bonds in my ye had compassion of me For the spoiling goods of your joyfully took knowing that ye have in yourselves a better substance in heaven For an enduring

  • John 10:34 - answered them Jesus not Is it written in law your I said gods Ye are

  • Luke 10:34 - And went to him and bound up wounds him pouring in oil And wine set and him on his own beast and brought him to an inn And took care him

  • Mark 10:34 - And they shall mock him And shall scourge him And shall spit upon him And shall kill him And the third day he shall rise again

  • Matthew 10:34 - not Think that I am come to send peace on earth not I am come to send peace but a sword

  • Acts 10:35 - But in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness accepted him is

  • Hebrews 10:35 - not Cast therefore confidence your which hath recompence of reward great

  • John 10:35 - If them he called gods unto whom the word gods came and cannot be broken the scripture

  • Luke 10:35 - And on the morrow when he departed he took out two pence and gave them to the host And said of him Take care of him And thou spendest more I come again when I will repay thee

  • Mark 10:35 - And come unto him James And John the sons of Zebedee saying Master we would that whatsoever we shall desire thou shouldest do for us

  • Matthew 10:35 - I am come For at variance a man against father her and the daughter against mother her and the daughter in law against mother in law her

  • Acts 10:36 - The word which God sent unto the children of Israel preaching peace by Jesus Christ (he is of all Lord

  • Hebrews 10:36 - of patience For ye have need that the will of God after ye have done ye might receive the promise

  • John 10:36 - of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world ye Say because Thou blasphemest because I said the Son of God I am

  • Luke 10:36 - Which now of these three thinkest thou neighbour was unto him that fell among the thieves

  • Mark 10:36 - And he said unto them What would should do ye that I for you

  • Matthew 10:36 - And foes a man's household shall be they of his own

  • Acts 10:37 - I say ye know which was published That word throughout all Judaea and began from Galilee after the baptism which preached John

  • Hebrews 10:37 - yet For a little while while and he that shall come will come and not tarry

  • John 10:37 - If not I do the works Father of my not believe me

  • Luke 10:37 - And he said He that shewed mercy on him he said Then him Jesus Go and thou He that shewed likewise

  • Mark 10:37 - They said unto him Grant unto us that one on right hand thy and one on left hand thy we may sit in glory thy

  • Matthew 10:37 - He that loveth father or mother more than me not is of me worthy and He that loveth son or daughter more than me not is of me worthy

  • Acts 10:38 - Jesus of Nazareth How anointed him God Ghost with the Holy and with power went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him

  • Hebrews 10:38 - Now the just by faith shall live but if any man draw back no pleasure soul my in him

  • John 10:38 - if But I do though me not believe the works believe that ye may know and believe that in me the Father and I in him

  • Luke 10:38 - it came to pass Now as went he that he entered into village a certain woman Now a certain named Martha received he into house he

  • Mark 10:38 - But Jesus said unto them not Ye know what ye ask can ye drink of the cup that I drink and with the baptism that I am baptized with am baptized with

  • Matthew 10:38 - And he not that taketh cross And followeth after me not is me worthy

  • Acts 10:39 - And we are witnesses of all things which he did in both the land of the Jews And in Jerusalem which they slew and hanged on a tree

  • John 10:39 - they sought Therefore again him to take but he escaped out of hand him

  • Luke 10:39 - And she had a sister called Mary which And sat at feet Jesus and heard word his

  • Mark 10:39 - And said unto him We can And Jesus said unto him indeed of the cup that I Ye shall Ye shall and with the baptism that I am baptized withal am baptized withal

  • Matthew 10:39 - He that findeth life it he that loseth it and he that loseth life it sake for my He that findeth it

  • Acts 10:40 - Him God raised up the third day and him openly shewed

  • John 10:40 - And went away again beyond Jordan into the place where John baptized And he abode there

  • Luke 10:40 - But Martha was cumbered about much serving came to him But and said Lord not care thou that sister my alone me hath left to serve and said therefore her that me she help

  • Mark 10:40 - But to sit on right hand my and on left hand my not is mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared

  • Matthew 10:40 - He that receiveth you me He that receiveth and me He that receiveth He that receiveth him that sent me

  • Acts 10:41 - Not to all the people but unto witnesses chosen before of God even to us who did eat and drink with he after rose he from the dead

  • Luke 10:41 - answered And and said unto her Jesus Martha Martha thou art careful and troubled about many things

  • Mark 10:41 - And heard when the ten it they began to be much displeased with James And John

  • Matthew 10:41 - He that receiveth a prophet in the name a prophet reward a prophet he that receiveth and He that receiveth a righteous man in the name a righteous man reward a righteous man he that receiveth

  • Acts 10:42 - And he commanded us to preach which unto the people And to testify that he it is which was ordained of which God to be the Judge of quick And dead

  • Luke 10:42 - one thing But is needful Mary But that good part hath chosen which not be taken away from her

  • Mark 10:42 - But Jesus called over them to him and saith over them Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them and great ones over them exercise authority over them

  • Matthew 10:42 - And whosoever shall give to drink unto one little ones of these a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple verily I say unto you lose reward

  • Acts 10:43 - To him all the prophets give remission of sins shall receive that through name him all believeth in him

  • Acts 10:44 - yet spake While Peter words these fell Ghost the Holy on all them which heard the word

  • Acts 10:45 - And were astonished they of the circumcision which believed as many as came with Peter because And that on the Gentiles the gift of the Holy Ghost was poured out

  • Mark 10:45 - and For the Son of man not came to be ministered unto but to be ministered unto and to give life a ransom for many

  • Acts 10:46 - they heard For them speak with tongues and magnify God Then answered Peter

  • Mark 10:46 - And they came to Jericho And as he went his out of Jericho And disciples his And number of people a great the son of Timaeus Bartimaeus blind sat by the highway side begging

  • Acts 10:47 - Can water forbid any man not be baptized that these which Ghost the Holy have received well as as we

  • Mark 10:47 - And when he heard that Jesus of Nazareth it was he began to cry out And say thou Son of David Jesus have mercy on me

  • Acts 10:48 - he commanded And him to be baptized in the name of the Lord Then prayed they him to tarry days certain

  • Mark 10:48 - And charged him a great deal that he should hold his peace but a great deal the more he cried Thou Son of David have mercy on me

  • Mark 10:49 - And stood still Jesus and commanded him he calleth And he calleth the blind man saying him Be of good comfort rise he calleth thee

  • Mark 10:50 - And he casting away garment rose and came to Jesus

  • Mark 10:51 - And answered and said unto him Jesus What wilt thou that I should do unto thee The blind man said unto him Lord that I might receive my sight

  • Mark 10:52 - And Jesus said unto him Go thy way faith thy hath made thee And immediately he received his sight And followed Jesus in the way

  • Acts 11:1 - heard And the apostles also brethren that were in Judaea that also the Gentiles had the word of God

  • 2 Corinthians 11:1 - Would to God bear with me a little in my folly indeed and bear with me

  • John 11:1 - man was Now a certain sick named Lazarus of Bethany the town of Mary and Martha sister her

  • Luke 11:1 - And it came to pass in was he in place a certain praying when he ceased said a certain disciples he unto he Lord taught us praying as And John taught disciples he

  • Mark 11:1 - And when they came nigh to Jerusalem to Bethphage And Bethany at the mount of Olives he sendeth forth two disciples

  • Matthew 11:1 - And it came to pass when had made an end Jesus of commanding twelve disciples their he departed thence to teach And to preach in cities their

  • Revelation 11:1 - And there was given me a reed like unto a rod And the angel stood saying Rise And measure the temple of God And the altar And them that worship therein

  • Romans 11:1 - I say then God forbid Hath God people God forbid also For I an Israelite am of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin

  • Acts 11:2 - And when was come up Peter to Jerusalem contended with him they that were of the circumcision

  • Hebrews 11:2 - by For obtained a good report the elders

  • 1 Corinthians 11:2 - I praise Now you brethren that in all things me ye remember and as I delivered them to you the ordinances keep

  • 2 Corinthians 11:2 - I am jealous For over you with godly jealousy I have espoused For over you to one husband virgin you as a chaste that I may present to Christ

  • John 11:2 - (It was that Mary which anointed which the Lord with ointment and wiped which feet his which hair his whose which brother Lazarus was sick

  • Luke 11:2 - he said And unto them When ye pray say Father Our which art in which heaven Hallowed be which name Thy come which kingdom Thy be done which will Thy as art in heaven so in which earth

  • Mark 11:2 - And saith him Go your way into the village over against you And as soon as ye be entered into him ye shall find a colt tied whereon never man sat loose him and bring

  • Matthew 11:2 - Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ he sent two disciples