G3588 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc the definite article;

7062 instances of the word ὁ ho (G3588)

  • John 12:24 - Verily Verily I say unto you if a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it alone abideth if but and die much fruit it bringeth forth

  • Luke 12:24 - Consider the ravens for neither sow nor reap which neither have storehouse nor barn and God feedeth them how much more ye are the fowls

  • Mark 12:24 - And answering Jesus said unto them not therefore Do ye not because ye know the scriptures neither the power of God

  • Matthew 12:24 - But when the Pharisees heard it they said This not cast out devils by Beelzebub the prince devils

  • Acts 12:25 - Barnabas And and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had fulfilled their ministry took with them and John whose surname was Mark

  • Hebrews 12:25 - See not that ye refuse him that speaketh if For they not escaped on earth that ye refuse that spake much more shall not we that speaketh from heaven escape if we turn away from him

  • 1 Corinthians 12:25 - there should be schism in the body but the same one for another care that the members

  • John 12:25 - He that loveth life it shall lose it and he that hateth life it in world this unto life eternal shall keep it

  • Luke 12:25 - which And of you with taking thought can add to stature cubit one

  • Mark 12:25 - when For from the dead they shall rise nor marry nor are given in marriage but are as the angels which are in which heaven

  • Matthew 12:25 - knew And Jesus thoughts their and said their Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and Every city or house divided against itself not shall

  • Hebrews 12:26 - Whose voice the earth shook then now but he hath promised saying Yet once more I shake not only the earth but also heaven

  • 1 Corinthians 12:26 - And or suffer one member suffer with it all member or be honoured one member rejoice with it all member

  • John 12:26 - If me serve any man me let him follow also where am I there also servant my be also If any man me serve honour him my Father

  • Luke 12:26 - If ye then not that thing which is least able to do why for the rest take ye thought

  • Mark 12:26 - as touching And the dead that they rise not have ye in the book of Moses in the bush how spake unto him God saying I God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of Jacob

  • Matthew 12:26 - And if Satan Satan cast out against himself he is divided how then shall his kingdom

  • Hebrews 12:27 - And this word Yet once more signifieth be shaken the removing as of things that are made that may remain those things which cannot be shaken

  • John 12:27 - Now soul my is and what shall I say Father save me from hour but cause for this came I unto hour

  • Luke 12:27 - Consider the lilies how they grow not they toil not they spin I say and yet unto you not that Solomon in all glory arrayed like one of these

  • Mark 12:27 - not He is the God of the dead but the God of the living ye therefore greatly do

  • Matthew 12:27 - And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils children do your by whom cast out therefore they do your shall be judges

  • Hebrews 12:28 - Wherefore a kingdom which cannot be moved we receiving let us have grace whereby we may serve acceptably God with reverence and godly fear

  • 1 Corinthians 12:28 - And some hath set God in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments diversities of tongues

  • John 12:28 - Father glorified thy name came there Then a voice from heaven both glorified both it again glorified

  • Luke 12:28 - If then the grass in the field is to day which and to morrow into the oven is cast God so clothe how much more will he clothe you O ye of little faith

  • Mark 12:28 - And came one of the scribes and having heard him reasoning together and perceiving that well him he had answered asked him Which is the first of all commandment

  • Matthew 12:28 - if But I by the Spirit of God cast out devils then is come unto you the kingdom of God

  • Hebrews 12:29 - For God our fire is a consuming

  • John 12:29 - therefore The people that stood by and heard it said that it thundered others it said An angel to him spake

  • Mark 12:29 - And Jesus answered him The first of all the commandments is Hear O Israel Lord God our Lord one is

  • Matthew 12:29 - Or else how can one enter into house a strong man's and goods his he will spoil he first bind a strong man's and then house his he will spoil

  • John 12:30 - answered Jesus and said not because of me This voice came but because of your sakes

  • Luke 12:30 - these things For all the nations of the world do your and Father knoweth that ye have need of these things

  • Mark 12:30 - And thou shalt love the Lord God thy with all heart thy And with all soul thy And with all mind thy And with all strength thy this is the first commandment

  • Matthew 12:30 - not He that is with me against me is and not he that gathereth with me scattereth abroad

  • 1 Corinthians 12:31 - covet earnestly But gifts the best and yet a more excellent way unto you shew I

  • John 12:31 - Now the judgment is world of this Now the prince world of this be cast out

  • Luke 12:31 - But rather seek ye the kingdom of God and these things all shall be added unto you

  • Mark 12:31 - And the second is like Thou shalt love neighbour thy as thyself greater than these other commandment none There is

  • Matthew 12:31 - Wherefore I say unto you All manner of sin and blasphemy be forgiven unto men but against the Holy Ghost blasphemy not be forgiven unto men

  • John 12:32 - And I if I be lifted up from the earth all will draw men unto me

  • Luke 12:32 - not Fear little flock for good pleasure Father's your to give you the kingdom

  • Mark 12:32 - And said he the scribe Well Master the truth said for one there is God And none there is other but he

  • Matthew 12:32 - And but whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man be forgiven him but whosoever speaketh against Ghost the Holy not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come

  • Luke 12:33 - Sell have that ye and give alms provide yourselves bags not old a treasure that faileth not in the heavens where thief no approacheth neither moth corrupteth

  • Mark 12:33 - And to love him with all the heart And with all the understanding And with all the soul And with all the strength And to love his neighbour as himself more is than all whole burnt offerings And sacrifices

  • Matthew 12:33 - Either make the tree good and fruit his good Either make the tree corrupt and fruit his corrupt by for fruit the tree is known

  • John 12:34 - answered him The people We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth for ever and how thou sayest that must be lifted up Son of man who is this Son of man

  • Luke 12:34 - where For is treasure your there also heart your be

  • Mark 12:34 - And when Jesus saw him that discreetly he answered he said him not far Thou art from the kingdom of God And no man after that durst him ask

  • Matthew 12:34 - O generation of vipers how can ye good things speak evil being out of for the abundance of the heart the mouth speak

  • John 12:35 - said Then unto them Jesus Yet a little while the light with you is Walk while the light ye have darkness you come upon for Walk in darkness not knoweth whither he goeth

  • Luke 12:35 - Let your loins girded about and your lights burning

  • Mark 12:35 - And answered Jesus and said while he taught in the temple How and said the scribes that Christ the Son is of David

  • Matthew 12:35 - A good man out of A good treasure of the heart bringeth forth A good and an evil man out of an evil treasure bringeth forth an evil

  • John 12:36 - While light ye have believe in light that the children light ye may be These things spake Jesus and and departed did hide himself from them

  • Luke 12:36 - And ye yourselves like unto men that wait lord for their when he will return from the wedding that when he cometh And knocketh immediately they may open unto him

  • Mark 12:36 - himself For David said by Ghost the Holy said Lord Lord my Sit thou on right hand my till I make enemies thine footstool thine

  • Matthew 12:36 - I say But unto you That every word idle that shall speak men they shall give thereof account in the day of judgment

  • Luke 12:37 - Blessed servants are those whom when he cometh the lord shall find watching verily I say unto you that he shall gird himself and make them and will come forth and serve them

  • Mark 12:37 - him therefore David calleth him Lord And whence son him is he And the common people heard him gladly

  • Matthew 12:37 - by For words thy thou shalt be justified and by words thy thou shalt be condemned

  • John 12:38 - That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord to whom hath believed report our and hath the arm Lord to whom been revealed

  • Luke 12:38 - And if come in the second watch And in the third watch come And find them so blessed are servants those

  • Mark 12:38 - And he said unto them in which doctrine unto them Beware of which the scribes which love in long clothing to go And love salutations in which the marketplaces

  • Matthew 12:38 - Then answered certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees saying Master we would from thee a sign see

  • Luke 12:39 - this And know that if had known the goodman of the house what hour the thief would come he would have watched and not have suffered to be broken through house

  • Mark 12:39 - And the chief seats at the synagogues And the uppermost rooms at feasts

  • Matthew 12:39 - But he answered and said to it generation An evil and adulterous a sign seeketh after and a sign there shall no be given to it a sign Jonas of the prophet

  • John 12:40 - He hath blinded their eyes and hardened their heart see eyes and understand heart and be converted and I should heal their

  • Luke 12:40 - also ye therefore Be ready for at an hour not when ye think the Son of man cometh

  • Mark 12:40 - devour houses widows and for a pretence long make these shall receive damnation

  • Matthew 12:40 - as For was Jonas in belly the whale's three days and three nights so be shall the Son of man in the heart of the earth three days and three nights

  • John 12:41 - These things said Esaias when he saw glory him and spake of him

  • Luke 12:41 - said Then unto him Peter Lord to us parable speakest thou or even to all

  • Mark 12:41 - And sat Jesus over against the treasury and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury And many that were rich cast many

  • Matthew 12:41 - The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with generation and shall condemn it because they repented at the preaching Jonas and behold a greater than Jonas is here

  • John 12:42 - Nevertheless also among the chief rulers many believed on him but because of the Pharisees not confess put out of the synagogue they should be

  • Luke 12:42 - said And his lord Who is that faithful steward and wise whom shall make ruler his lord over household to give in due season them their portion of meat

  • Matthew 12:42 - The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with generation and shall condemn it for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom Solomon and behold a greater than Solomon is here

  • John 12:43 - they loved For the praise of men more than the praise of God

  • Luke 12:43 - Blessed servant is that whom when he cometh lord his shall find doing so

  • Mark 12:43 - And he called disciples unto them I say unto them Verily I say unto you That widow this poor more than all hath cast hath cast into the treasury

  • Matthew 12:43 - When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and none findeth

  • John 12:44 - Jesus cried and said He that believeth on me not He that believeth on me but on him that sent me

  • Luke 12:44 - Of a truth I say unto you that over all hath he will make him ruler

  • Mark 12:44 - all For of abundance their did cast in their but of want their all that she had did cast in even all living their

  • Matthew 12:44 - Then he saith I will return into house my from whence I came out and when he is come he findeth it empty swept and garnished

  • John 12:45 - And he that seeth me he that seeth him that sent me

  • Luke 12:45 - if But and say servant that in heart delayeth lord My his coming and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens to eat and and drink and to be drunken

  • Matthew 12:45 - Then goeth he also taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked himself also they enter in and dwell there also is the last man state of that worse than the first Even so shall it be also generation wicked

  • John 12:46 - I a light into the world am come whosoever believeth into me in darkness abide

  • Luke 12:46 - will come The lord servant of that at a day when not for and at an hour when not aware and in sunder him and portion him with the unbelievers will appoint

  • Matthew 12:46 - While yet he talked to the people behold his mother and his brethren he stood without desiring he talked

  • John 12:47 - And any man my hear words And not believe I not judge him not for I came to judge the world but to save the world

  • Luke 12:47 - that And which servant which knew which to his will which lord's his and not prepared himself neither did according which to his will shall be beaten with many

  • Matthew 12:47 - said Then one unto him Behold mother thy and brethren thy without stand desiring with thee to speak

  • John 12:48 - He that rejecteth me and not receiveth words my hath one that judgeth him the word that I have spoken the same one that judgeth him in the last day

  • Luke 12:48 - But not he that knew did commit But things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few But to whom men is given much much required of him and to whom men have committed much they will ask him