G3588 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc the definite article;

7062 instances of the word ὁ ho (G3588)

  • Matthew 14:3 - For Herod had laid hold on John and bound him and put him in prison for Herodias' wife Philip's brother him

  • Revelation 14:3 - And they sung as it were song a new before which the throne And before which and four beasts And which the elders And no man could learn which song which the hundred and forty and four thousand which were redeemed from which the earth

  • Romans 14:3 - him that eateth not him that eateth not Let and not him that eateth him that eateth not judge God for him hath received

  • Acts 14:4 - was divided But the multitude of the city and part held part with the Jews But part with the apostles

  • 1 Corinthians 14:4 - He that speaketh in an unknown tongue himself edifieth but he that prophesieth the church edifieth

  • John 14:4 - And whither I go ye know And the way ye know

  • Luke 14:4 - And they held their peace And he took him and healed him And let him go

  • Mark 14:4 - there were And some that had indignation within themselves and said Why waste this of the ointment made

  • Matthew 14:4 - said For her John not It is for thee to have her

  • Revelation 14:4 - These are they which with women not defiled virgins for are they These are they which follow which the Lamb whithersoever he goeth These were redeemed from which among men being the firstfruits which unto God and which the Lamb

  • Romans 14:4 - thou Who art that judgest another man's servant to his own master he standeth or falleth he shall be holden up Yea able for is God he shall be holden up him

  • Acts 14:5 - when And made an assault of the Gentiles both and of the Jews with rulers their to use them despitefully and to stone their

  • 1 Corinthians 14:5 - I would but all that ye he that speaketh with tongues rather but that is he that prophesieth greater for is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret that the church edifying may receive

  • John 14:5 - saith unto him Thomas Lord not know whither thou goest and how can we the way know

  • Luke 14:5 - And answered them him saying Which of you shall have an ass or an ox into a pit fallen And not straightway out him on day the sabbath

  • Mark 14:5 - might For it have been sold for more than three hundred pence And have been given to the poor And they murmured against her

  • Matthew 14:5 - And when he would him have put he feared the multitude because as a prophet him they counted

  • Revelation 14:5 - And in mouth their no was found guile without fault for they are before the throne of God

  • Romans 14:5 - another One esteemeth another above another another esteemeth every another every man in his own mind alike Let

  • Acts 14:6 - They were ware of it and fled unto cities of Lycaonia Lystra and Derbe and unto the region that lieth round about

  • John 14:6 - saith unto him Jesus I am the way and the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father by me

  • Mark 14:6 - And Jesus said Let her why her trouble ye a good work she hath wrought on me

  • Matthew 14:6 - birthday But was kept Herod danced the daughter of Herodias before them and pleased Herod

  • Revelation 14:6 - And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having gospel the everlasting to preach unto them that dwell on the earth And to every nation And kindred And tongue And people

  • Romans 14:6 - He that regardeth the day it unto the Lord He that regardeth and not He that regardeth the day it unto the Lord not He that regardeth eateth it unto the Lord eateth thanks for giveth God and not eateth it unto the Lord not eateth and thanks giveth God

  • 1 Corinthians 14:7 - And even things without life sound giving or pipe or harp a distinction in the sounds giving how shall it be known what is piped or harped

  • John 14:7 - If ye had known me also Father my ye had known also from henceforth ye had known him also have seen him

  • Luke 14:7 - he put forth And to those which were bidden a parable when he marked how the chief rooms they chose out he put forth to them

  • Mark 14:7 - always For the poor ye have with you and whensoever ye will ye may them good do me but not always ye have

  • Revelation 14:7 - Saying with voice a loud Fear God and give of his glory for is come the hour judgment of his and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters

  • Acts 14:8 - And a certain man at Lystra impotent in his feet there sat a cripple from womb mother's being who never had walked

  • John 14:8 - saith unto him Philip Lord shew us the Father and it sufficeth us

  • Luke 14:8 - When bidden of any in a wedding not down in the highest room lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him

  • Mark 14:8 - what could she She hath done she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying

  • Matthew 14:8 - And she being before instructed of mother Give me said here in a charger head John Baptist's

  • Revelation 14:8 - And another angel there followed saying is fallen is fallen Babylon city that great because of the wine of the wrath fornication drink all nations

  • Romans 14:8 - and whether For we live the Lord's we live and whether die the Lord's die and whether therefore we live and whether die the Lord's we are

  • Acts 14:9 - The same heard Paul speak who stedfastly beholding him and perceiving that faith he had to be healed

  • 1 Corinthians 14:9 - So likewise ye by the tongue easy to be understood words ye utter how shall it be known speak ye shall for into the air speak

  • John 14:9 - saith unto him Jesus so long time with you Have I been and not hast thou me Philip hath seen me hath seen the Father and how thou saith then Shew us the Father

  • Luke 14:9 - And him come thee And he that bade and say to thee Give this man place And thou begin with shame the lowest place to take

  • Mark 14:9 - Verily I say unto you Wheresoever shall be preached gospel this of for the whole world this also hath done that she shall be spoken of for a memorial of her

  • Matthew 14:9 - And was sorry the king nevertheless for the oath's sake And them which sat with him at meat he commanded it to be given

  • Revelation 14:9 - And the third angel followed his saying with voice a loud the beast worship And image his And receive his mark in forehead his or in hand his

  • Acts 14:10 - Said with a loud voice Stand on feet thy upright And he leaped And walked

  • John 14:10 - not Believest thou that I in the Father and the Father in me me the words that I I speak unto you of myself not I speak but the Father in me that dwelleth he doeth the works

  • Luke 14:10 - But when he that bade go and sit down in the lowest room that when cometh he that bade thee he may say shalt thou Friend go up higher then have shalt thou worship in the presence of them that sit at meat shalt thou

  • Mark 14:10 - And Judas Iscariot one of the twelve went unto the chief priests to betray him him

  • Matthew 14:10 - And he sent and beheaded John in the prison

  • Revelation 14:10 - and The same shall drink of which the wine which of the wrath which of God which is poured out without mixture into which the cup which indignation The same and he shall be tormented into fire and brimstone in the presence which of the holy angels and in the presence which of the Lamb

  • Romans 14:10 - thou But why dost brother thy or thou why set at nought brother thy all for stand before the judgment seat of Christ

  • Acts 14:11 - And when the people saw what had done Paul they lifted up voices in the speech of Lycaonia saying The gods in the likeness of men are come down to us

  • 1 Corinthians 14:11 - Therefore I know the meaning of the voice I shall be he that speaketh a barbarian and he that speaketh unto me a barbarian

  • John 14:11 - Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father am in me for works sake Believe me

  • Luke 14:11 - For whosoever exalteth himself he that humbleth and he that humbleth himself exalteth

  • Mark 14:11 - And when they heard it they were glad And promised him money to give And he sought how he might conveniently him betray

  • Matthew 14:11 - And she brought head his in a charger And given to the damsel And she brought mother his

  • Revelation 14:11 - And who the smoke who torment his ascendeth up for and ever and ever And no they have rest day And night who worship who the beast And who image his And receiveth who the mark who name his

  • Romans 14:11 - it is written For live As I saith the Lord to me shall bow every knee and every tongue shall confess to God

  • Acts 14:12 - they called And Barnabas Jupiter and Paul Mercurius because he was the chief speaker

  • 1 Corinthians 14:12 - so Even ye forasmuch as zealous ye are of spiritual to the edifying of the church gifts seek that ye may excel

  • John 14:12 - Verily Verily I say unto you He that believeth on me the works I do also do and these do because I unto Father my go

  • Luke 14:12 - said he Then also to him that bade him When thou makest a dinner or a supper not call friends thy neither brethren thy neither kinsmen thy neither neighbours thy rich lest also him thee again also be made thee a recompence

  • Mark 14:12 - And the first day of unleavened bread when the passover they killed said his disciples his Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover

  • Matthew 14:12 - And came disciples his and took up the body And buried his And went and told Jesus

  • Revelation 14:12 - Here the patience of the saints is Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus

  • Romans 14:12 - then So every one of us of himself account shall give to God

  • Acts 14:13 - which Then the priest which of Jupiter which was before which city their oxen and garlands unto which the gates brought with which the people and would have done sacrifice

  • 1 Corinthians 14:13 - Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret

  • John 14:13 - And ye shall ask in name my that will I do that may be glorified the Father in the Son

  • Mark 14:13 - And he sendeth forth two disciples him And saith him Go ye into the city And there shall meet you a man a pitcher of water bearing follow him

  • Matthew 14:13 - When had heard Jesus of it he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart When had heard when the people thereof they followed him on foot out of the cities

  • Revelation 14:13 - And I heard a voice from which heaven saith unto me Write Blessed which are the dead which in the Lord die from henceforth Yea saith which the Spirit that they may rest from which labours their which and works their do follow their

  • Romans 14:13 - any more not therefore one another Let us but this Let us rather that no man put a stumblingblock in his brother's way or an occasion to fall

  • Acts 14:14 - heard Which when the apostles Barnabas and Paul of they rent clothes and ran in among the people crying out

  • 1 Corinthians 14:14 - if For I pray in an unknown tongue spirit my I pray but understanding my unfruitful is

  • John 14:14 - If any thing ye shall ask in name my I will do

  • Luke 14:14 - And blessed thou shalt be for they cannot recompense thee recompense for thee at the resurrection of the just

  • Mark 14:14 - And where he shall go in say ye to the goodman of the house The Master saith Where is the guestchamber where the passover with disciples my I shall eat

  • Matthew 14:14 - And went forth Jesus and saw a great multitude And was moved with compassion toward their And he healed sick their

  • Revelation 14:14 - And I looked And behold cloud a white And on cloud one sat like unto the Son of man having on head crown a golden And in hand sickle a sharp

  • Romans 14:14 - I know and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing it is unclean of itself to him that esteemeth any thing it is unclean to be to him it is unclean

  • Acts 14:15 - And saying Sirs why these do ye And We of like passions are with you men and preach unto you from these things vanities that ye should turn unto God the living which do ye heaven And earth And the sea And all things that are therein

  • 1 Corinthians 14:15 - What then is it I will pray with the spirit I will pray and also with the understanding I will sing with the spirit I will sing and also with the understanding

  • John 14:15 - If ye love me commandments my keep

  • Luke 14:15 - heard And when one of them that sat at meat with him these things he said unto him Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God

  • Matthew 14:15 - evening And when it was came his disciples his saying a desert This is place and the time is now past away the multitude that they may go into the villages and buy themselves victuals

  • Revelation 14:15 - And another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud Thrust in sickle thy And reap for is come for thee the time reap for is ripe the harvest of the earth

  • Romans 14:15 - if But with meat brother thy be grieved not charitably walkest thou not meat thy him Destroy for whom Christ died

  • Acts 14:16 - Who in past times suffered all nations to walk ways

  • 1 Corinthians 14:16 - Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned how say Amen at thy giving of thanks seeing what thou sayest not he understandeth

  • John 14:16 - And I will pray the Father And another Comforter he shall give you that he may abide with you for ever

  • Luke 14:16 - Then said he unto him man A certain made supper a great and bade many

  • Mark 14:16 - And went forth disciples his And came into the city And found as he had said his And they made ready the passover

  • Matthew 14:16 - But Jesus said them not They need depart give them ye to eat

  • Revelation 14:16 - And thrust in he that sat on the cloud sickle on the earth And was reaped the earth

  • Romans 14:16 - not Let then your good

  • Acts 14:17 - and Nevertheless not without witness himself he left in that he did good from heaven us rain and gave and seasons fruitful filling with food and gladness hearts our

  • 1 Corinthians 14:17 - thou verily For well givest thanks but the other not edified

  • John 14:17 - Even the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because cannot it seeth him neither know him ye but know him because with you he dwelleth and in you shall be