G3588 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc the definite article;

7062 instances of the word ὁ ho (G3588)

  • Revelation 16:2 - And went which the first And poured out which vial his upon which the earth And there fell sore a noisome And grievous upon which the men which had which the mark which of the beast And which which image his upon them which worshipped

  • Romans 16:2 - That her ye receive in the Lord as becometh saints also that ye assist her in whatsoever of you she hath need business also for her a succourer of many hath been also her

  • Acts 16:3 - Him would which Paul with him have to go forth and took and circumcised him because which of the Jews which were in which quarters those they knew for all which father him that a Greek was

  • 1 Corinthians 16:3 - when And I come whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters them will I send to bring liberality your unto Jerusalem

  • John 16:3 - And these things will they do unto you because not known the Father nor me

  • Luke 16:3 - said Then within himself the steward What shall I do for lord my taketh away the stewardship from me dig I cannot to beg I am ashamed

  • Mark 16:3 - And they said among themselves Who away us the stone from the door of the sepulchre

  • Matthew 16:3 - And in the morning to day It will be foul weather is red for and lowring of the sky O ye hypocrites the face of the sky ye can discern but discern the signs of the times not can ye

  • Revelation 16:3 - And the second angel poured out vial upon the sea And it became the blood as of a dead And every soul living died in the sea

  • Romans 16:3 - Greet Priscilla and Aquila helpers my in Christ Jesus

  • Acts 16:4 - as And they went through which the cities they delivered them for to keep which the decrees which that were ordained of which the apostles and which elders which were at Jerusalem

  • 1 Corinthians 16:4 - if And it be meet also that I go with me that I go

  • John 16:4 - But these things have I told unto you that when shall come the time ye may remember of them because I I said unto you these things And unto you at the beginning not I said because with you I was

  • Luke 16:4 - I am resolved what to do that when I am put out of the stewardship they may receive me into houses their

  • Mark 16:4 - And when they looked they saw that was rolled away the stone it was for great very

  • Matthew 16:4 - generation A wicked And adulterous a sign seeketh after And a sign there shall no be given them a sign Jonas of the prophet And he left them and departed

  • Revelation 16:4 - And the third angel poured out vial upon the rivers And upon fountains of waters And they became blood

  • Romans 16:4 - Who for life my their own necks have unto whom not I only give thanks but also all the churches of the Gentiles

  • Acts 16:5 - And so the churches established in the faith and increased in number daily

  • John 16:5 - now But I go my way to him that sent me and none of you asketh me Whither I go my way

  • Luke 16:5 - So he called one every debtors lord of his unto him and said unto the first How much owest thou lord unto my

  • Mark 16:5 - And entering into the sepulchre they saw a young man sitting on the right side clothed garment in a long white And they were affrighted

  • Matthew 16:5 - And were come disciples when his to the other side they had forgotten bread to take

  • Revelation 16:5 - And I heard which the angel which of the waters say righteous O Lord Thou art which And which wast And which shalt be because thus thou hast judged

  • Romans 16:5 - Likewise that is in house their greet the church Salute Epaenetus wellbeloved my who is the firstfruits of Achaia unto Christ

  • Acts 16:6 - when they had gone throughout Now Phrygia and of Galatia the region and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia

  • John 16:6 - But because these things I have said unto you sorrow hath filled your heart

  • Luke 16:6 - And he said An hundred measures of oil And he said unto him Take thy bill And sit down quickly and write fifty

  • Mark 16:6 - which And he saith him not Be Jesus Ye seek which of Nazareth which was crucified he is risen not he is here which the place where they laid him

  • Matthew 16:6 - Then Jesus said unto them Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees

  • Acts 16:7 - After they were come into Mysia they assayed into Bithynia to go but not suffered them the Spirit

  • 1 Corinthians 16:7 - not I will For you now by the way see I trust but a while to tarry with you if the Lord permit

  • John 16:7 - Nevertheless I the truth tell for you It is expedient for you that I I go if for I go the Comforter not come unto you if but I depart I will send him unto you

  • Luke 16:7 - Then to another he said thou And how much owest And he said An hundred measures of wheat And he said unto him Take thy bill And write fourscore

  • Mark 16:7 - But go your way he said disciples him and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee there him shall ye see as he said unto you

  • Matthew 16:7 - And they reasoned among themselves saying It is because bread no we have taken

  • Revelation 16:7 - And I heard another out of the altar say Even so Lord God Almighty true And righteous judgments are thy

  • Romans 16:7 - Salute Andronicus also Junia kinsmen my also fellowprisoners my who are of note among the apostles who also before me were among Christ

  • Acts 16:8 - they passing by And Mysia came down to Troas

  • 1 Corinthians 16:8 - I will tarry But at Ephesus until Pentecost

  • John 16:8 - And when he is come he will reprove the world of sin And of righteousness And of judgment

  • Luke 16:8 - And commended the lord steward the unjust because wisely he had done because the children world of this wiser than the children of light in generation their are

  • Mark 16:8 - And they went out quickly and fled from the sepulchre they trembled for And were amazed And any thing any thing said they they were afraid man for

  • Matthew 16:8 - perceived Which when Jesus he said unto them why reason ye among yourselves O ye of little faith because bread no ye have brought

  • Revelation 16:8 - And the fourth angel poured out vial unto him upon the sun And power was given unto him to scorch men with fire

  • Romans 16:8 - Greet Amplias beloved my in the Lord

  • Acts 16:9 - And a vision in the night appeared to Paul a man There stood of Macedonia and prayed him And saying Come over into Macedonia and help us

  • Luke 16:9 - And I unto you say Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness that when ye fail they may receive you into everlasting habitations

  • Mark 16:9 - when Jesus was risen Now early the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven devils

  • Matthew 16:9 - not yet Do ye neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand and how many baskets ye took up

  • Revelation 16:9 - And were scorched which men heat with great And blasphemed which the name which of God which hath power over which plagues And not they repented to give him glory

  • Romans 16:9 - Salute Urbane helper our in Christ and Stachys beloved my

  • Acts 16:10 - after And the vision he had seen immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia assuredly gathering that had called us the Lord for to preach the gospel unto them

  • 1 Corinthians 16:10 - if Now come Timotheus see that without fear he may be with you for the work of the Lord he worketh as also I

  • John 16:10 - Of righteousness because to Father my I go and more ye see me

  • Luke 16:10 - He that is faithful in that which is least also in much He that is faithful is also in that which is least he that is unjust also in much he that is unjust is

  • Mark 16:10 - And she went and told with him them that had been as they mourned and wept

  • Matthew 16:10 - Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many baskets ye took up

  • Revelation 16:10 - And the fifth angel poured out vial his upon the seat of the beast And was kingdom his full of darkness And they gnawed tongues his for pain

  • Romans 16:10 - Salute Apelles them approved in Christ Salute them which are of them Aristobulus

  • Acts 16:11 - loosing Therefore from Troas we came with a straight course day to Samothracia and the next day to Neapolis

  • 1 Corinthians 16:11 - no man therefore him Let conduct but him in peace that he may come unto me I look for for him with the brethren

  • John 16:11 - Of judgment because the prince world of this is judged

  • Luke 16:11 - If therefore in the unrighteous mammon faithful not been the true who to your trust

  • Matthew 16:11 - How it not understand is it that it not concerning bread that I spake to you that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees

  • Revelation 16:11 - And blasphemed the God of heaven because of pains And because of sores And not repented because of deeds

  • Romans 16:11 - Greet Herodion them kinsman my Greet them that be of them the household of Narcissus them are in the Lord

  • Acts 16:12 - from thence And to Philippi which is the chief of that part of Macedonia city and a colony and in city abiding days certain

  • 1 Corinthians 16:12 - touching As Apollos our brother greatly I him to come unto you with our brother but at all not was his will to at this come come As when he shall have convenient time

  • Luke 16:12 - And if in that which is another man's faithful not been that which is your own who you shall give

  • Matthew 16:12 - Then understood they how that them not he bade beware of the leaven of bread but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees

  • Revelation 16:12 - And the sixth angel poured out vial thereof upon river the great Euphrates And was dried up the water thereof that might be prepared the way of the kings of the east

  • Romans 16:12 - Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa laboured in the Lord Salute Persis the beloved which much laboured in the Lord

  • Acts 16:13 - And on the sabbath we went out of the city by a river side where was wont prayer to be made and we sat down and spake which resorted unto the women

  • 1 Corinthians 16:13 - Watch ye stand fast in the faith quit be strong

  • John 16:13 - when Howbeit is come he the Spirit of truth he will guide you into all of truth not for he shall of himself but whatsoever he shall hear he shall and is come he will shew you

  • Luke 16:13 - No servant can two masters serve either for the one he will hate and the other love either the one he will hold and the other despise Ye cannot can God serve and mammon

  • Mark 16:13 - And they went and told it unto the residue neither them believed they

  • Matthew 16:13 - came When Jesus into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi he asked disciples say Whom that I say do men am the Son do men

  • Revelation 16:13 - And I saw come out of the mouth of the dragon And come out of the mouth of the beast And come out of the mouth of the false prophet spirits three unclean like frogs

  • Romans 16:13 - Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord and mother his and mine

  • Acts 16:14 - And a certain woman named Lydia a seller of purple of the city of Thyatira which worshipped God heard us whose the Lord opened heart that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul

  • John 16:14 - He me shall glorify for of he shall receive and shall shew it unto you

  • Luke 16:14 - heard And these things all also the Pharisees covetous who were also they derided him

  • Mark 16:14 - Afterward sat at meat as they unto the eleven he appeared and upbraided unbelief as they and hardness of heart because them which had seen as they after he was risen not they believed

  • Matthew 16:14 - And they said Some say that thou art John the Baptist some And Elias others And Jeremias or one of the prophets

  • Revelation 16:14 - they are For the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and world of the whole to gather them to the battle day of that great of God Almighty

  • Romans 16:14 - Salute Asyncritus Phlegon Hermas Patrobas Hermes and which are with them the brethren

  • Acts 16:15 - when And she was baptized and house her she besought us saying If ye have judged me faithful to the Lord to be come into house my and abide and she constrained us

  • 1 Corinthians 16:15 - I beseech you brethren (ye know the house of Stephanas that it is the firstfruits of Achaia and to the ministry of the saints that they have addicted themselves

  • John 16:15 - All things that hath the Father mine are therefore said I that of he shall take and shall shew it unto you

  • Luke 16:15 - And he said unto them Ye are they which justify yourselves before men but God knoweth hearts your for among men that which is highly esteemed abomination before God is

  • Mark 16:15 - And he said unto them Go ye into the world all and preach the gospel to every creature

  • Revelation 16:15 - Behold I come as a thief Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth garments his naked he walk and they see shame his

  • Romans 16:15 - Salute Philologus and Julia Nereus and sister his and Olympas and which are with his all the saints

  • Acts 16:16 - it came to pass And went as we to prayer damsel a certain possessed with a spirit of divination met us which gain much brought masters by soothsaying

  • 1 Corinthians 16:16 - That and ye submit yourselves unto such and to every one that helpeth and laboureth

  • John 16:16 - A little while and not see me and again A little while and ye shall see me because I go to the Father

  • Luke 16:16 - The law and the prophets were until John since that time the kingdom of God is preached and every man into it presseth

  • Mark 16:16 - He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned