G3588 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc the definite article;

7062 instances of the word ὁ ho (G3588)

  • John 17:25 - Father O righteous and the world thee not hath I but thee hath and these hath that thou me hast sent

  • Luke 17:25 - first But must he many things suffer and be rejected of generation

  • Matthew 17:25 - He saith Yes And when he was come into the house prevented him Jesus He saith What thou thinkest Simon the kings of the earth of What do custom or tribute of children him or of strangers

  • Acts 17:26 - hath made And of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and hath determined before appointed the times and the bounds habitation of their

  • John 17:26 - And I have declared them name thy And I have declared it that the love wherewith thou hast loved me in them may be and I in them

  • Luke 17:26 - And as it was in the days of Noe so shall it be And in the days of the Son of man

  • Matthew 17:26 - saith unto him Peter Of strangers saith unto him Jesus Then free are the children

  • Acts 17:27 - That they should seek the Lord if haply they might feel after him and find him though not far from one every of us he be

  • Luke 17:27 - They did eat they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until that the day entered Noe into the ark and came the flood and destroyed them all

  • Acts 17:28 - in him For we live also move also have our being as also certain own of your poets have said his For also offspring have our being

  • Luke 17:28 - Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot they did eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they builded

  • Acts 17:29 - the offspring Forasmuch then as we are of God not we ought to think unto gold or silver or stone graven by art and device man's that the Godhead is like

  • Acts 17:30 - And the times of this ignorance winked at God commandeth men all every where to repent

  • Luke 17:30 - Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed

  • Acts 17:31 - Because he hath appointed a day by the which he will judge the world by righteousness by that man the which he hath ordained assurance whereof he hath given unto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead

  • Luke 17:31 - In that day he which shall be upon the housetop and stuff his In the house him not come down away his and In the field likewise him not let him back

  • Acts 17:32 - We will hear And of the resurrection of the dead some mocked And others said We will hear thee again of this

  • Luke 17:32 - Remember wife Lot's

  • Acts 17:33 - So Paul departed from among them

  • Luke 17:33 - Whosoever shall seek life his to save shall lose his and Whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve his

  • Acts 17:34 - certain Howbeit men clave them and believed among the which and was Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them

  • Luke 17:34 - I tell you night there shall be two men in bed the one the one shall be taken and the other shall be left

  • Luke 17:35 - Two women shall be grinding together shall be taken and the other left

  • Luke 17:36 - Two men shall be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left

  • Acts 18:1 - After these things departed Paul from Athens and came to Corinth

  • John 18:1 - these words had spoken When Jesus he went forth with disciples he over the brook Cedron where was a garden into the which entered he and disciples he

  • Luke 18:1 - he spake And and a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint

  • Matthew 18:1 - At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus saying Who the greatest is At the kingdom of heaven

  • Revelation 18:1 - And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having power great And the earth was lightened from glory his

  • Acts 18:2 - And found a certain Jew named Aquila in Pontus born lately come from Italy And Priscilla wife his (because that had commanded Claudius to depart all Jew from Rome and came his

  • John 18:2 - knew And also Judas which betrayed him which the place for ofttimes resorted which Jesus thither with which disciples him

  • Luke 18:2 - Saying judge a There was in a city God not which feared neither man not regarded

  • Matthew 18:2 - And called Jesus a little child and set him in the midst him

  • Revelation 18:2 - And he cried with mightily voice a strong saying is fallen is fallen Babylon a strong And is become the habitation of devils And a cage of every spirit foul And a cage of every bird foul And hateful

  • Acts 18:3 - And because of the same craft he was he abode with them And wrought they were for tentmakers by their occupation

  • John 18:3 - then Judas having received a band and from the chief priests and Pharisees officers cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons

  • Luke 18:3 - a widow And there was in city that and she came unto him saying Avenge me of adversary mine

  • Matthew 18:3 - And said Verily I say unto you ye be converted And become as little children enter into the kingdom of heaven

  • Revelation 18:3 - For of the wine of the wrath fornication her have drunk all nations and the kings of the earth with her have committed fornication and the merchants of the earth of the abundance delicacies her are waxed rich

  • Acts 18:4 - he reasoned And in the synagogue every sabbath persuaded and the Jews and the Greeks

  • John 18:4 - Jesus therefore knowing all things that should come upon him went forth and said him Whom seek ye

  • Luke 18:4 - And not he would for a while but afterward he said within himself And God not I fear And man not regard

  • Matthew 18:4 - Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as little child this the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven

  • Revelation 18:4 - And I heard another voice from heaven saying Come from her people my partakers sins her And ye receive from plagues her

  • Acts 18:5 - when And were come from Macedonia Silas and Timotheus was pressed in the spirit Paul and testified to the Jews was Christ that Jesus

  • John 18:5 - They answered him Jesus which of Nazareth saith him which Jesus I am stood he And also Judas which betrayed him with him

  • Luke 18:5 - because Yet troubleth me widow I will avenge her by her continual coming she weary me

  • Matthew 18:5 - And whoso receiveth little child such one in name my me receiveth

  • Revelation 18:5 - For have reached her sins unto heaven and hath remembered God iniquities her

  • Acts 18:6 - when they opposed And them and blasphemed he shook his raiment and said unto them blood Your be upon own heads Your am clean I from henceforth unto the Gentiles I will go

  • John 18:6 - As soon then as he had said unto them I am he they went backward and fell to the ground

  • Luke 18:6 - said And the Lord Hear what judge the unjust saith

  • Matthew 18:6 - whoso But shall offend one which little ones of these which believe in me it were better for him that were hanged a millstone about which neck for him and that he were drowned in which the depth which of the sea

  • Revelation 18:6 - Reward her as and her Reward you and double her double according to works her in the cup which fill fill her double

  • Acts 18:7 - And he departed thence and entered into house a certain named Justus one that worshipped God whose house joined hard to the synagogue

  • John 18:7 - again Then them asked he Whom seek ye And they said Jesus of Nazareth

  • Luke 18:7 - which And God which avenge which elect him which cry unto him day and night and he bear long with him

  • Matthew 18:7 - Woe unto the world because of offences it must needs ! for be come offences but Woe to that man by whom offences come

  • Revelation 18:7 - How much she hath glorified herself and lived deliciously so much give her torment and sorrow for in heart her she saith I sit a queen and widow no am and sorrow no shall see

  • Acts 18:8 - Crispus And the chief ruler of the synagogue believed on the Lord with all house and many of the Corinthians hearing believed and were baptized

  • John 18:8 - answered Jesus I have told you that I am he if therefore me ye seek let these go their way

  • Luke 18:8 - I tell you that he will avenge them speedily Nevertheless the Son of man cometh when shall he find faith on the earth

  • Matthew 18:8 - if Wherefore hand thy or feet thy offend thee thee cut them and cast them from thy better for thee it is to enter into into life halt or maimed or two hand or two feet having cast into fire everlasting

  • Revelation 18:8 - Therefore in day come who plagues her death and mourning and famine and in fire she shall be utterly burned for strong is the Lord who God who judgeth her

  • Acts 18:9 - spake Then the Lord in a vision by the night to Paul not Be but speak and not hold

  • John 18:9 - That might be fulfilled the saying which he spake which thou gavest me have I lost Of them none

  • Luke 18:9 - he spake And and unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised which others which parable

  • Matthew 18:9 - And if eye thee offend thee out it And cast it from thee better for thee it is with one eye into life to enter rather than two eye having cast into hell fire

  • Revelation 18:9 - And shall bewail her And lament for her who the kings who of the earth who with her have committed fornication And lived deliciously when they shall see who the smoke who burning her

  • Acts 18:10 - For I am with thee and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee For people have I much in city

  • John 18:10 - Simon Then Peter having a sword drew his and smote the high priest's The servant's and cut off his ear right was name The servant's Malchus

  • Luke 18:10 - men Two went up into the temple to pray the one a Pharisee and the other a publican

  • Matthew 18:10 - Take heed not that ye despise one which little ones of these I say for unto you That which angels their in heaven do always behold which the face which Father of my which in heaven

  • Revelation 18:10 - off afar Standing for the fear torment of her saying Alas Alas city that great Babylon city that mighty ! for in hour come judgment thy

  • Acts 18:11 - he continued And there a year and months six teaching among them the word of God

  • John 18:11 - said Then Jesus unto Peter Put up sword thy into the sheath the cup which hath given me my Father drink it

  • Luke 18:11 - The Pharisee stood with himself thus and prayed God I thank thee that not I am as other men are extortioners unjust adulterers or even as this publican

  • Matthew 18:11 - is come For that which the Son that which of man to save that which was lost

  • Revelation 18:11 - And the merchants of the earth shall weep And mourn over her for merchandise her no man buyeth any more

  • Acts 18:12 - when Gallio And was the deputy of Achaia made insurrection with one accord against the Jews Paul and brought him to the judgment seat

  • John 18:12 - Then the band and the captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus and bound him

  • Luke 18:12 - I fast twice in the week I give tithes of all that I possess

  • Matthew 18:12 - How ye think if have a man an hundred sheep and be gone astray one of them not doth he that which the ninety and nine into that which the mountains and goeth and seeketh that which be gone astray

  • Acts 18:13 - Saying contrary to the law This fellow persuadeth men to worship God

  • John 18:13 - And away him to Annas first he was for father in law to Caiaphas which he was the high priest year that same

  • Luke 18:13 - And the publican afar off standing not would so much as his eyes unto heaven lift up but smote unto breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner

  • Matthew 18:13 - And if so be that he find it verily I say unto you he rejoiceth of it more sheep than of which the ninety and nine which not astray

  • Acts 18:14 - was now about And when Paul to open his mouth said Gallio unto the Jews If it were matter of wrong a or lewdness wicked O the Jews reason would that I should bear with you

  • John 18:14 - was he Now Caiaphas which gave counsel which to the Jews that it was expedient that one man should die for which the people

  • Luke 18:14 - I tell you went down this man justified to house rather than the other for every one shall be exalted himself he that humbleth and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted

  • Matthew 18:14 - Even so not it is the will of which Father your which is in heaven that should perish one which little ones of these

  • Revelation 18:14 - And which the fruits which lusted after which soul that thy are departed from that thy And all things which were dainty And which goodly are departed from that thy And no more thou shalt find them

  • Acts 18:15 - if But a question it be of words and names and law of your look ye judge to it for I of such no will be

  • John 18:15 - followed And Jesus Simon Peter and so did another disciple And disciple that was known of the high priest and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high priest

  • Luke 18:15 - they brought And them also infants that them he would touch saw And when his disciples it they rebuked them

  • Matthew 18:15 - if Moreover shall trespass against thee brother thee go and his fault him between thee and him alone if thee he shall hear thou hast gained brother thee

  • Revelation 18:15 - which The merchants of these things which were made rich by her by afar shall stand for which the fear which torment her weeping and wailing

  • Acts 18:16 - And he drave them from the judgment seat

  • John 18:16 - But Peter stood at the door without went out Then disciple that other which was known unto the high priest and spake unto her that kept the door and brought in Peter

  • Luke 18:16 - But Jesus called them unto him and said Suffer little children to come unto me and not forbid them for of such is the kingdom of God