G3588 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc the definite article;

7062 instances of the word ὁ ho (G3588)

  • Revelation 21:23 - And the city no need had of the sun neither of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it And is the light it the Lamb

  • Acts 21:24 - Them take and purify thyself with that thou thyself also be at charges with that thou thyself that they may shave their heads also may know all that those things whereof they were informed concerning thee nothing are but walkest orderly also that thou thyself the law and keepest

  • John 21:24 - This is which the disciple which testifieth of these things and wrote these things and we know that true is which testimony his

  • Luke 21:24 - And they shall fall by the edge of the sword And shall be led away captive into all nations And Jerusalem shall be trodden down of nations until be fulfilled the times nations

  • Matthew 21:24 - answered And Jesus and said unto them will ask you I also thing one which if and said me I also you will tell by what authority these things I do

  • Revelation 21:24 - And the nations of them which are saved in the light it shall walk And the kings of the earth do bring glory And honour it into it

  • John 21:25 - there are And also other things many which did Jesus the which if that should be written every one could not itself I suppose the world contain that should be written the books Amen

  • Acts 21:25 - touching As which believe the Gentiles we have written and concluded no such thing observe that they that they keep that they from things offered to idols and from blood and from strangled and from fornication

  • John 21:25 - there are And also other things many which did Jesus the which if that should be written every one could not itself I suppose the world contain that should be written the books Amen

  • Luke 21:25 - And there shall be signs in the sun And in the moon And in the stars And upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity roaring the sea And the waves

  • Matthew 21:25 - The baptism of John whence was it From heaven or From men And they reasoned with themselves saying If we shall say From heaven he will say unto us Why then not believe him

  • Revelation 21:25 - And the gates of it no be shut by day night for no there shall be there

  • Acts 21:26 - Then Paul took the men and the next day with of them purifying himself entered into the temple to signify the accomplishment day of purification until that should be offered for one every of them an offering

  • Luke 21:26 - hearts failing them Men's for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken

  • Matthew 21:26 - if But we shall say Of men we fear the people all for hold John as a prophet

  • Revelation 21:26 - And they shall bring the glory And honour of the nations into it

  • Acts 21:27 - when And were almost the seven days ended which were of Asia the Jews when they saw him in the temple stirred up all the people and laid hands on him

  • Luke 21:27 - And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power And glory great

  • Matthew 21:27 - And they answered Jesus and said We cannot tell he said unto them And unto them Neither I tell you by what authority these things I do

  • Revelation 21:27 - And enter into it any thing that defileth And whatsoever worketh abomination And maketh a lie they which are written in book of life the Lamb's

  • Acts 21:28 - Crying out Men of Israel help This is the man against the people also the law also place this all men every where that teacheth further and also Greeks brought into the temple also hath polluted holy place this

  • Luke 21:28 - begin And when these things to come to pass then look up and lift up heads your for draweth nigh redemption your

  • Matthew 21:28 - what But ye think A certain man had Son two and he came to the first and said Son go to day work in vineyard my

  • Acts 21:29 - they had (For seen before Trophimus an Ephesian in the city with him whom they supposed that into the temple had brought Paul

  • Luke 21:29 - And he spake a parable to them Behold the fig tree And all the trees

  • Matthew 21:29 - He answered and said not I will afterward He answered he repented and went

  • Acts 21:30 - was moved And the city all and ran together the people and they took Paul and drew him out of the temple and forthwith were shut the doors

  • Luke 21:30 - When shoot forth now ye see of your own selves and know that now nigh at hand summer is

  • Matthew 21:30 - And he came to the second and said likewise And he answered and said I go sir And not went

  • Acts 21:31 - as they went about And him to kill came tidings unto the chief captain of the band that all was in an uproar Jerusalem

  • Luke 21:31 - So likewise ye when ye see these things come to pass know ye that nigh at hand is the kingdom of God

  • Matthew 21:31 - Whether of them twain did the will of his father I say unto him The first I say unto him Jesus Verily I say unto you That the publicans and the harlots before you into the kingdom of God

  • Acts 21:32 - Who immediately took soldiers and centurions and ran down unto them and when they saw the chief captain and soldiers they left beating of Paul

  • Luke 21:32 - Verily I say unto you pass away generation This till all be fulfilled

  • Matthew 21:32 - came For unto you John in the way of righteousness and not believed him and the publicans and the harlots believed him ye and when ye had seen not it repented afterward believed him

  • Acts 21:33 - Then came near the chief captain and took him and commanded him to be bound with chains two and demanded what he was and what he had done

  • Luke 21:33 - Heaven and earth pass away but words my pass away

  • Acts 21:34 - some And some one thing cried among the multitude not when he could And know the certainty for the tumult he commanded to be carried him into the castle

  • Luke 21:34 - take heed And to yourselves lest at any time be overcharged your hearts with surfeiting and drunkenness and cares of this life and unawares upon you come day so that

  • Matthew 21:34 - when And drew near the time of the fruit he sent servants of it to the husbandmen that they might receive of the fruit of it

  • Acts 21:35 - when And he came upon the stairs so it was that he was borne of the soldiers for the violence of the people

  • Luke 21:35 - as a snare For shall it come on all them that dwell on the face all earth

  • Matthew 21:35 - And took the husbandmen servants his another and beat another and killed another and stoned

  • Acts 21:36 - followed after For the multitude of the people crying Away with him

  • Luke 21:36 - Watch ye therefore always all and pray that ye may be accounted worthy to escape these things all that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man

  • Matthew 21:36 - Again he sent other servants more than the first and they did unto them likewise

  • Acts 21:37 - was to be And led into Who the castle Who as Paul he said Who unto the chief captain May I speak unto thee Who said Greek Canst thou speak

  • Luke 21:37 - he was And in the day time in the temple teaching And at night he went out and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives

  • Matthew 21:37 - last of all But he sent unto them son them saying They will reverence son my

  • Acts 21:38 - not thou Art that Egyptian which before these days madest an uproar and leddest out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers

  • Luke 21:38 - And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple for to hear him

  • Matthew 21:38 - But when the husbandmen saw the son they said among themselves This is the heir come let us kill him and let us seize inheritance him

  • Acts 21:39 - said But Paul I a man am which am a Jew of Tarsus a city in Cilicia of no mean city a citizen I beseech But thee suffer me to speak unto the people

  • Matthew 21:39 - And they caught him and cast him out of the vineyard And slew

  • Acts 21:40 - licence And him Paul stood on the stairs and beckoned with the hand unto the people a great And silence when there was made he spake unto them in the Hebrew tongue saying

  • Matthew 21:40 - When therefore cometh the lord of the vineyard what will he do husbandmen unto those

  • Matthew 21:41 - They say him wicked men He will miserably destroy him and his vineyard will let out unto other husbandmen which shall render him the fruits in seasons him

  • Matthew 21:42 - saith unto them Jesus never Did ye in the scriptures The stone which rejected the builders the same doing the head of the corner is the Lord's doing the same and it is marvellous in eyes our

  • Matthew 21:43 - Therefore say I unto you shall be taken from you The kingdom of God and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof

  • Matthew 21:44 - And it shall fall on stone this shall be broken on but whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him

  • Matthew 21:45 - And had heard when the chief priests And Pharisees his parables them they perceived that of them he spake

  • Matthew 21:46 - But when they sought him to lay hands they feared the multitude because for a prophet him they took

  • Acts 22:1 - Men brethren and fathers hear ye my unto you which I make now defence

  • Luke 22:1 - drew nigh Now the feast of unleavened bread which is called the Passover

  • Matthew 22:1 - And answered Jesus again and spake unto them by parables and said

  • Revelation 22:1 - And he shewed me a pure river of water of life clear as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God And of the Lamb

  • Acts 22:2 - when they heard (And that in the Hebrew tongue he spake to them the more they kept silence and he saith

  • Luke 22:2 - And sought the chief priests And scribes how they might kill him they feared for the people

  • Matthew 22:2 - is like The kingdom of heaven unto a certain king which made a marriage son

  • Revelation 22:2 - In the midst of the street of it and of the river side and side of the tree of life which bare fruit twelve every month and yielded fruit of it and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations

  • Acts 22:3 - I verily am a man which am a Jew born in Tarsus a city in Cilicia brought up yet in city at the feet of Gamaliel and taught according to the perfect manner of the fathers of the law zealous and was toward God as all ye are this day

  • Luke 22:3 - entered Then Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot being of the number of the twelve

  • Matthew 22:3 - And sent forth servants them that were bidden them that were bidden to the wedding And not they would come

  • Revelation 22:3 - And curse no shall be more And the throne of God And of the Lamb in him shall be And servants him shall serve him

  • Acts 22:4 - And I way persecuted unto the death binding and delivering into prisons men both and women

  • Luke 22:4 - And he went his way and communed with the chief priests And captains how him he might betray him

  • Matthew 22:4 - Again he sent forth other servants saying Tell them which are bidden Behold dinner my I have prepared oxen my and my fatlings are killed and all things are ready come unto the marriage

  • Revelation 22:4 - And they shall see face his And name his shall be in foreheads his

  • Acts 22:5 - As also the high priest doth bear me also all the estate of the elders from whom also letters I received unto the brethren to Damascus went to bring also there them which were bound to Jerusalem for to be punished

  • Matthew 22:5 - But they made light of it and went their ways one to his farm But to merchandise

  • Revelation 22:5 - And night no there shall be there And they need no candle And light of the sun for the Lord God giveth them And they shall reign for and ever and ever

  • Acts 22:6 - it came to pass And my journey and was come nigh unto Damascus about noon suddenly from heaven round light a great about me

  • Luke 22:6 - And he promised And sought opportunity to betray him him in the absence of the multitude

  • Matthew 22:6 - And the remnant took servants his entreated them spitefully and slew

  • Revelation 22:6 - And he said unto me These sayings are faithful And true And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent angel to shew servants the things which must be done shortly

  • Acts 22:7 - I fell And unto the ground and heard a voice saying unto me Saul Saul why me persecutest thou

  • Luke 22:7 - came Then the day of unleavened bread when must be killed the passover

  • Matthew 22:7 - heard But when the king thereof he was wroth and he sent forth armies their and destroyed murderers those and city their burned up

  • Revelation 22:7 - Behold I come quickly blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy book of this

  • Acts 22:8 - I And answered Who art thou Lord he said And unto me I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou persecutest

  • Luke 22:8 - And he sent Peter And John saying Go and prepare us the passover that we may eat

  • Matthew 22:8 - Then saith he servants The wedding ready is but they which were bidden not were worthy

  • Revelation 22:8 - And I John which saw these things And I had heard And when I had heard And saw I fell down to worship before which the feet which of the angel which shewed me these things

  • Acts 22:9 - And with me they that were indeed the light saw and afraid were And the voice not they heard of him that spake to me

  • Luke 22:9 - And they said unto him Where wilt thou that we prepare

  • Matthew 22:9 - Go ye therefore into the highways and as many as ye shall find bid to the marriage

  • Revelation 22:9 - Then saith he unto me See thou do it not fellowservant of thy for I am Then brethren of thy the prophets Then of them which keep the sayings book of this God worship

  • Acts 22:10 - I said And What shall I do Lord And Lord I said unto me Arise and go into Damascus and there for thee it shall be told of all things which are appointed for thee shall I do

  • Luke 22:10 - And he said him Behold are entered when ye into the city meet you a man a pitcher of water bearing follow him into the house where he entereth in

  • Matthew 22:10 - So went out servants those into the highways and gathered together all as many as they found bad both So good So was furnished the wedding with guests