G5100 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
some or any person or object a (kind of), any (man, thing, thing at all), certain (thing), divers, he (every) man, one (X thing), ought, + partly, some (man, -body, - thing, -what), (+ that no-)thing, what(-soever), X wherewith, whom(-soever), whose(-soever) an enclitic indefinite pronoun;

499 instances of the word τὶς tìs (G5100)

  • Matthew 8:28 - And was come him into the other side into the country of the Gergesenes there met him two possessed with devils out of the tombs coming fierce exceeding so that no might man pass by way that

  • Acts 8:31 - And he said How can I some man should guide me he desired And Philip that he would come up and sit with him

  • Acts 8:34 - answered And the eunuch Philip and said I pray thee of whom the prophet speaketh this of himself or of other man some

  • Acts 8:36 - as And they went on their way they came unto a certain here is water and said the eunuch See here is water what doth hinder me to be baptized

  • Romans 8:39 - Nor height Nor depth Nor any creature other shall be able us to separate from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus Lord our

  • Luke 8:46 - And Jesus said hath touched me Somebody I for perceive that virtue is gone out of me

  • Luke 8:49 - yet While he spake there cometh one from the ruler of the synagogue's house saying While he is dead daughter Thy not trouble the Master

  • John 8:51 - Verily Verily I say unto you If a man saying my keep death he shall

  • John 8:52 - said Then unto him the Jews Now we know that a devil thou hast Abraham is dead and the prophets and thou sayest If a man saying my keep he shall of death

  • Mark 9:1 - And I say unto them Verily I say unto you That there be some here of them that stand which shall of death till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power

  • Acts 9:2 - And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues that if any he found of this way they were men whether or women bound he might bring them to Jerusalem

  • Matthew 9:3 - And behold certain of the scribes said within themselves This man blasphemeth

  • Luke 9:7 - heard Now Herod the tetrarch that was done by him of all and he was perplexed because that it was said by some that John was risen from the dead

  • Luke 9:8 - of some And that Elias had appeared of others And that prophets one of the old was risen again

  • Acts 9:10 - there was And a certain disciple at Damascus named Ananias and he said to him am here Lord at a vision Ananias And he said Behold I am here Lord

  • Romans 9:11 - not yet (For born neither having done any good or evil that according to election of God the purpose might stand not of works but of him that calleth

  • 1 Corinthians 9:12 - If others of this power over you be partakers are not rather we Nevertheless are not used of this power Nevertheless all things suffer hinder we should the gospel of Christ

  • 1 Corinthians 9:15 - I But none have used of these things neither have I written But these things that so done unto me for for me it were better to die than glorying my that any man should make

  • John 9:16 - said Therefore of the Pharisees some This a man not is of God because the sabbath day not he keepeth Others said How can a man that is a sinner such miracles do And a division there was among them

  • Acts 9:19 - And when he had received meat he was strengthened was Then Saul with which were at Damascus the disciples days certain

  • Luke 9:19 - They answering said John the Baptist others They say Elias others They say that prophets one of the old is risen again

  • 1 Corinthians 9:22 - I am made To the weak as To the weak men that To the weak I might gain all things I am made all things men that by all means some I might

  • John 9:22 - These words spake parents his because they feared the Jews already for had agreed the Jews that if any man his did confess was Christ put out of the synagogue he should be

  • Mark 9:22 - And ofttimes him And into the fire it hath cast And into the waters to destroy him but thou canst and help us have compassion on us

  • Luke 9:23 - he said And to them all will after me come let him deny himself and take up cross daily and follow me

  • Luke 9:27 - I tell But you of a truth there be some here standing which shall of death till they see the kingdom of God

  • Mark 9:30 - And thence they departed and passed through Galilee And not he would that any man should know

  • John 9:31 - we know Now that sinners God not he heareth but if any man a worshipper of God be and will his doeth him he heareth

  • John 9:32 - Since the world began not heard that opened any man the eyes blind of one that was born

  • Acts 9:33 - he found And there man a certain Aeneas named years eight which had kept his bed and was sick of the palsy

  • Mark 9:35 - And he sat down and called the twelve And saith unto them desire first to be the same shall be of all last And of all servant

  • Acts 9:36 - at Joppa Now a certain there was disciple named Tabitha which by interpretation is called Dorcas this woman there was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did

  • Mark 9:38 - answered And him John saying Master we saw one name in thy casting out devils and not he followeth us and we forbad him because not he followeth us

  • Acts 9:43 - it came to pass And days many that he tarried in Joppa with one Simon a tanner

  • Luke 9:49 - answered And John and said Master we saw one in name thy casting out devils and we forbad him because not he followeth with us

  • Luke 9:57 - it came to pass And that as they went him in the way man said a certain unto him I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest Lord

  • Acts 10:1 - man a certain There was in Caesarea called Cornelius a centurion of the band called the Italian

  • 2 Corinthians 10:2 - I beseech But which you that I may not when I am present be bold which with that confidence wherewith I think to be bold against some which I think of us as according to the flesh if we walked

  • Acts 10:6 - He lodgeth by one Simon a tanner whose is house by the sea side He shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do

  • 1 Corinthians 10:7 - Neither idolaters be ye as were some of them as it is written sat down The people to eat and drink and rose up to play

  • 2 Corinthians 10:7 - things after the outward appearance Do ye look on trust himself Christ's that he is this let him again of himself that as he Christ's so even are we Christ's

  • 1 Corinthians 10:8 - Neither committed as some of them committed and fell in day and twenty three thousand

  • 2 Corinthians 10:8 - though For and somewhat I should boast of authority our which hath given the Lord us for edification and not for destruction your not I should

  • 1 Corinthians 10:9 - Neither let us tempt Christ as also some of them tempted also of serpents were destroyed

  • John 10:9 - I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved and enter in and out and pasture find

  • 1 Corinthians 10:10 - Neither murmur ye as also some of them murmur ye also were destroyed of the destroyer

  • Acts 10:11 - And saw heaven opened And descending to him vessel a certain as sheet it had been a great at the four corners knit And let down to the earth

  • 2 Corinthians 10:12 - not For we dare make or among ourselves some ourselves that commend but they by ourselves ourselves measuring and among ourselves ourselves not are

  • 1 Corinthians 10:19 - What then say I that the idol any thing is or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols any thing is

  • Acts 10:23 - called he Then him and lodged them And on the morrow Peter went away with him and certain brethren from Joppa accompanied him

  • Hebrews 10:25 - Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as ye see approaching the day

  • Luke 10:25 - And behold lawyer a certain stood up tempted him And saying Master what shall I do life eternal to inherit

  • Hebrews 10:27 - fearful But a certain looking for of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries

  • 1 Corinthians 10:27 - bid you of them that believe not to a feast and ye be disposed to go whatsoever is set before you eat no question for conscience

  • Hebrews 10:28 - that despised He law Moses without mercy under two or three witnesses died

  • 1 Corinthians 10:28 - if But any man unto you say This offered in sacrifice unto idols is not eat for his sake that shewed it and for conscience sake for is the Lord's the earth and the fulness thereof

  • John 10:28 - And I life eternal give them and perish and man pluck any them out of hand my

  • Luke 10:30 - answering And Jesus said man A certain went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and thieves fell among which and of his raiment him and wounded him and departed leaving him half dead

  • 1 Corinthians 10:31 - Whether therefore ye eat Whether drink Whether whatsoever do all to the glory of God do

  • Luke 10:31 - by chance And priest a certain there came down that way and when he saw him he passed by on the other side

  • Luke 10:33 - Samaritan But a certain as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw he was he had compassion

  • Luke 10:35 - And on the morrow when he departed he took out two pence and gave them to the host And said of him Take care of him And thou spendest more I come again when I will repay thee

  • Luke 10:38 - it came to pass Now as went he that he entered into village a certain woman Now a certain named Martha received he into house he

  • Acts 10:47 - Can water forbid any man not be baptized that these which Ghost the Holy have received well as as we

  • Acts 10:48 - he commanded And him to be baptized in the name of the Lord Then prayed they him to tarry days certain

  • John 11:1 - man was Now a certain sick named Lazarus of Bethany the town of Mary and Martha sister her

  • Luke 11:1 - And it came to pass in was he in place a certain praying when he ceased said a certain disciples he unto he Lord taught us praying as And John taught disciples he

  • Mark 11:3 - And if any man unto you say Why do ye this say that the Lord him need hath And straightway him he will send hither

  • Acts 11:5 - I was in the city of Joppa praying and I saw in a trance a vision descend vessel A certain as it had been sheet a great by four corners let down from heaven and it came even to me

  • Mark 11:5 - And certain of them there that stood said unto them What do ye loosing the colt

  • Revelation 11:5 - And their will hurt fire proceedeth out of mouth their And devoureth enemies their And their will hurt in this manner he must their be killed

  • John 11:9 - answered Jesus not twelve Are there hours in the day If any man walk in in the day not he stumbleth because the light world of this he seeth

  • John 11:10 - if But a man walk in the night he stumbleth because light no there is in him

  • Mark 11:13 - And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves he came if haply he found any thing thereon it And he came to it nothing he found if leaves not for was the time of figs

  • Romans 11:14 - I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh and might save some of them

  • Luke 11:15 - some But of them said through Beelzebub the chief devils He casteth out devils

  • 1 Corinthians 11:16 - But seem contentious to be we such custom no have neither the churches of God

  • 2 Corinthians 11:16 - again I say no a me Let a fool me no yet as a fool receive me that little a I may boast myself

  • Mark 11:16 - And not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple

  • Romans 11:17 - And of the branches be broken off thou And a wild olive tree being wert graffed in among them and partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree them

  • 1 Corinthians 11:18 - first of all For come together when ye among the church I hear divisions among you that there be and I partly it believe

  • Acts 11:20 - were And some of them men of Cyprus and Cyrene which when they were come to Antioch spake unto the Grecians preaching the Lord Jesus

  • 2 Corinthians 11:20 - ye suffer For you bring devour take exalt himself you on the face smite

  • 2 Corinthians 11:21 - as concerning reproach (I speak as though we had been weak foolishly Howbeit any I am bold foolishly (I speak I am bold also

  • Mark 11:25 - And when ye stand praying forgive any ye have against any that And which Father your which is in which heaven forgive you which trespasses your

  • Luke 11:27 - it came to pass And as spake he these things lifted up a certain woman her voice of the company and said he Blessed is the womb that bare thee and the paps which thou hast sucked

  • Matthew 11:27 - All things unto me are delivered of Father my and no man knoweth the Son Father neither Father any man knoweth the Son and to whomsoever will the Son reveal

  • Acts 11:29 - Then the disciples according to his ability determined every man relief to send which dwelt in Judaea unto the brethren

  • 1 Corinthians 11:34 - And hunger at home let him eat unto condemnation together And the rest when I come will I set in order

  • Luke 11:36 - If therefore body thy the whole be full of light no having part dark shall be be full of light the whole as when of a candle the bright shining doth give thee

  • John 11:37 - some And of them said not Could this man which opened which the eyes which of the blind have caused that even this man not have died

  • Luke 11:37 - as And he spake besought him Pharisee a certain to dine with him he went in And and sat down to meat

  • Hebrews 11:40 - God for us better some having provided that without us be made perfect

  • Luke 11:45 - answered Then one of the lawyers and said unto him Master thus and said also us thou reproachest

  • John 11:46 - some But of them went their ways to the Pharisees and told them what things had done Jesus

  • John 11:49 - one And of them named Caiaphas the high priest being year that same said them Ye nothing at all know

  • Luke 11:54 - Laying wait for him and seeking to catch something out of mouth him that they might accuse him

  • John 11:57 - had given Now and the chief priests and the Pharisees a commandment that if any man knew where he were he should shew it that they might take him

  • Acts 12:1 - about that Now time stretched forth Herod the king his hands to vex certain of the church

  • Luke 12:4 - I say And unto you friends my no Be of them that kill the body and after that no have that they can do