G5100 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
some or any person or object a (kind of), any (man, thing, thing at all), certain (thing), divers, he (every) man, one (X thing), ought, + partly, some (man, -body, - thing, -what), (+ that no-)thing, what(-soever), X wherewith, whom(-soever), whose(-soever) an enclitic indefinite pronoun;

499 instances of the word τὶς tìs (G5100)

  • Luke 17:12 - And entered as he into a certain village there met as he ten that were lepers men which stood afar off

  • Acts 17:18 - certain Then of the Epicureans And of the Stoicks philosophers encountered him And certain said What will babbler this said Then of strange gods some He seemeth a setter forth to be because Jesus And the resurrection him he preached

  • Acts 17:20 - strange things For certain thou bringest to ears our we would therefore know what mean these things

  • Acts 17:21 - the Athenians (For all and which were there strangers in nothing else spent their time but either to tell some and to hear new thing

  • Acts 17:25 - Neither with hands men's is worshipped as though he needed any thing seeing he giveth all things life and breath and all things

  • Acts 17:28 - in him For we live also move also have our being as also certain own of your poets have said his For also offspring have our being

  • Acts 17:34 - certain Howbeit men clave them and believed among the which and was Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them

  • Acts 18:2 - And found a certain Jew named Aquila in Pontus born lately come from Italy And Priscilla wife his (because that had commanded Claudius to depart all Jew from Rome and came his

  • Luke 18:2 - Saying judge a There was in a city God not which feared neither man not regarded

  • Acts 18:7 - And he departed thence and entered into house a certain named Justus one that worshipped God whose house joined hard to the synagogue

  • Luke 18:9 - he spake And and unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised which others which parable

  • Matthew 18:12 - How ye think if have a man an hundred sheep and be gone astray one of them not doth he that which the ninety and nine into that which the mountains and goeth and seeketh that which be gone astray

  • Acts 18:14 - was now about And when Paul to open his mouth said Gallio unto the Jews If it were matter of wrong a or lewdness wicked O the Jews reason would that I should bear with you

  • Luke 18:18 - And asked a certain him ruler saying Master Good what shall I do life eternal to inherit

  • Acts 18:23 - And after he had spent time some there he departed and went over in order of Galatia all the country And Phrygia strengthening all the disciples

  • Acts 18:24 - Jew And a certain Apollos named at Alexandria born man an eloquent came to Ephesus and mighty in the scriptures

  • Matthew 18:28 - went out But servant the same and found one fellowservants and took which owed and took an hundred pence and he laid hands and took him by the throat saying Pay me which owed

  • Luke 18:35 - it came to pass And that as was come nigh he unto Jericho blind man a certain sat by the way side begging

  • Acts 19:1 - it came to pass And at that while Apollos was at Corinth Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples

  • Luke 19:8 - stood And Zacchaeus and said unto Lord Behold the half goods of my Lord I give to the poor and from any man from any man I have taken I restore him fourfold

  • Acts 19:9 - when But divers were hardened and believed not but spake evil of that way before the multitude he departed from them and separated the disciples daily disputing in the school Tyrannus divers

  • Luke 19:12 - He said therefore nobleman A certain went into country a far to receive for himself a kingdom and to return

  • Acts 19:13 - took upon them Then certain of the vagabond Jews exorcists to call over them which had spirits evil the name of the Lord Jesus saying We adjure you Jesus whom Paul preacheth

  • Acts 19:14 - there were And sons of one Sceva a Jew and chief of the priests seven so which did

  • Acts 19:24 - Demetrius For a certain man named a silversmith which made shrines silver for Diana brought unto the craftsmen gain no small

  • Acts 19:31 - certain And of the chief of Asia which were him friends sent unto him desiring not adventure himself into the theatre

  • Luke 19:31 - And if any man you ask Why do ye loose him thus shall ye say of him Because the Lord of him need hath

  • Acts 19:32 - Some therefore Some one thing cried was for the assembly confused and the more part not knew wherefore they were come together

  • Acts 19:38 - if Wherefore Demetrius and which are with him the craftsmen against any man a matter have the law is open and deputies there are let them implead one another

  • Acts 19:39 - if But any thing concerning other matters ye enquire in a lawful assembly it shall be determined

  • Luke 19:39 - And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him Master rebuke disciples thy

  • Acts 20:9 - there sat And a certain young man named Eutychus in a window being fallen sleep into a deep preaching and as Paul in being fallen from sleep from the third loft and fell down and was taken up dead

  • Luke 20:9 - began he Then to the people to speak parable man A certain planted a vineyard and forth it to husbandmen and went into a far country time for a long

  • Revelation 20:15 - And not found in the book of life written was cast into the lake of fire

  • Matthew 20:20 - Then came of him the mother children of Zebedee's with children of him worshipping him and desiring a certain thing of him

  • John 20:23 - soever Whose they are remitted sins they are remitted unto them soever Whose sins ye retain sins ye retain

  • Luke 20:27 - came Then to him certain which of the Sadducees which deny resurrection any that there is and they asked him

  • Luke 20:28 - Saying Master Moses wrote unto us If any man's brother die having a wife and he without children die that should take brother his a wife and raise up seed brother his

  • Luke 20:39 - answering Then certain of the scribes said Master thou hast well said

  • Luke 21:2 - he saw And also a certain widow poor casting in thither two mites

  • Matthew 21:3 - And if any man unto you say any man ye shall say The Lord of them need hath straightway and he will send of them

  • John 21:5 - saith Then him Jesus Children meat have ye They answered him No

  • Luke 21:5 - And as some spake of the temple how stones with goodly And gifts it was adorned he said

  • Acts 21:10 - tarried And as we days there many there came down a certain from Judaea prophet named Agabus

  • Acts 21:16 - There went also certain of the disciples of Caesarea with us and brought with them with whom we should lodge Mnason one of Cyprus an old certain of the disciples

  • Matthew 21:33 - another parable Hear a certain There was householder which planted a vineyard and hedged it round about and digged in it a winepress and built a tower and let it to husbandmen and went into a far country

  • Acts 21:34 - some And some one thing cried among the multitude not when he could And know the certainty for the tumult he commanded to be carried him into the castle

  • Acts 21:37 - was to be And led into Who the castle Who as Paul he said Who unto the chief captain May I speak unto thee Who said Greek Canst thou speak

  • Acts 22:12 - Ananias And one man a devout according to the law having a good report of all which dwelt the Jews

  • Revelation 22:18 - I testify For unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy book of this If any man shall add unto these things shall add God unto him the plagues that are written in book this

  • Revelation 22:19 - And if any man shall take away from the words of the book prophecy shall take away God part his from of the book of life And out of city the holy And from the things which are written in book of this

  • Matthew 22:24 - Saying Master Moses said If a man die no having children shall marry brother his wife his and raise up seed brother his

  • Luke 22:35 - And he said unto them When I sent you without purse And scrip And shoes any thing lacked ye And he said Nothing

  • Matthew 22:46 - And no man was able him to answer a word neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more

  • Luke 22:50 - And smote one of his the servant of the high priest And cut off his ear right

  • Luke 22:56 - beheld But him maid a certain as he sat by the fire also earnestly looked him and said also This man with him was

  • Luke 22:59 - And the space about hour after another confidently affirmed saying Of a truth And this with him was And for a Galilaean he is

  • Luke 23:8 - And when Herod saw Jesus glad he was exceeding he was for desirous of a long saw him season because he had heard many things of him and he hoped some miracle saw by him done

  • Acts 23:12 - when it was And day banded together certain of the Jews and bound themselves saying neither eat neither drink till they had killed Paul

  • Acts 23:17 - called Then Paul one of the centurions unto him and said young man this Bring unto the chief captain he hath for a certain thing to tell him

  • Acts 23:18 - So he took him and brought him to the chief captain and said the prisoner Paul called me unto him and prayed me this young man and brought him to thee who hath something to say unto thee

  • Luke 23:19 - (Who for sedition a certain made in the city and for murder was cast into prison

  • Acts 23:20 - he said And The Jews have agreed to desire thee that to morrow into the council thou wouldest bring down Paul as though they would somewhat enquire of him

  • Acts 23:23 - And he called unto two him centurions saying Make ready soldiers two hundred to go to Caesarea And horsemen threescore and ten And spearmen two hundred at the third hour of the night

  • Luke 23:26 - And as away him they laid hold upon Simon one a Cyrenian coming out of the country and on him the cross that he might bear it after Jesus

  • Acts 24:1 - after And five days descended the high priest Ananias after the elders and orator named Tertullus with a certain who informed the governor against Paul

  • Luke 24:1 - Now day of the week very early in the morning they came unto the sepulchre bringing which they had prepared the spices and certain others with them

  • Matthew 24:4 - And answered Jesus and said unto them Take heed that no man you deceive

  • Acts 24:12 - And neither in the temple found me with any man disputing neither raising up the people neither in the synagogues neither in the city

  • Matthew 24:17 - Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of house

  • Acts 24:18 - Whereupon found me purified Whereupon the temple neither with multitude nor with tumult certain from Asia Jews

  • Acts 24:19 - Who ought before thee to have been here and object they had against me

  • Acts 24:20 - Or else these same here say they have found in me evil doing stood while I before the council

  • Luke 24:22 - Yea also women and certain of our company astonished us which were early at the sepulchre

  • Matthew 24:23 - Then if any man unto you shall say Lo here is Christ or here it not believe

  • Acts 24:24 - after And days certain came when Felix with Drusilla wife him which was a Jewess he sent for Paul and heard him concerning in Christ the faith

  • Luke 24:24 - And went certain of them which were with us to the sepulchre And found so as And the women had said him but not they saw

  • Luke 24:41 - while they yet And believed not unto them for joy and wondered he said unto them Have ye any meat here

  • Acts 25:5 - Let them therefore are able he which among you said go down with there be he which among man him me and accuse this

  • Acts 25:8 - While he answered for himself Neither neither against the law of the Jews neither against the temple neither against Caesar any thing at all have I offended

  • Acts 25:11 - if For I be an offender or worthy of death have committed any thing not I refuse to die if but no man there be of these things whereof these accuse me no man me may unto them deliver Caesar I appeal unto

  • Acts 25:13 - days And after certain Agrippa king and Bernice came unto Caesarea to salute Festus

  • Acts 25:14 - when And many days they had been there Festus unto the king declared cause Paul's saying man a certain There is left by Felix in bonds

  • Acts 25:16 - To whom I answered not It is the manner of the Romans to deliver any man to die before that he which is accused face to face have the accusers licence to answer for himself and have concerning the crime laid against him

  • Acts 25:19 - questions But certain of their own superstition had against him and of certain Jesus which was dead whom affirmed Paul to be alive

  • Acts 25:26 - Of whom certain somewhat to write unto my lord no I have Wherefore I have brought him before you and specially before thee O king Agrippa that after examination had I have somewhat to write

  • Acts 26:26 - knoweth For of of these things the king things before whom also freely I speak are hidden For from him none of these things not I am persuaded not For was in a corner done this thing

  • Acts 27:1 - when And it was determined should sail that we into Italy they delivered Paul and certain other prisoners a centurion unto one named Julius band of Augustus

  • Acts 27:8 - hardly And passing it came unto place a which is called havens havens whereunto nigh was the city of Lasea

  • Acts 27:16 - island And a certain running under which is called Clauda much we had to come by the boat

  • Acts 27:26 - upon island Howbeit a certain must we be cast

  • Acts 27:27 - when But the fourteenth night was come were driven up and down as we in Adria about midnight night deemed the shipmen drew near to some country

  • Acts 27:39 - when And day it was the land not they knew creek And a certain they discovered with a shore into the which they were minded if it were possible to thrust in the ship

  • Acts 27:42 - And the soldiers counsel was to the prisoners kill lest any of them should swim out and escape

  • Acts 27:44 - And the rest some on boards some and on broken pieces of the ship And so it came to pass all safe on land

  • Matthew 27:47 - Some of them there that stood when they heard that said Elias man calleth for This

  • Matthew 28:11 - when they were going Now behold some of the watch came into the city and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done

  • Acts 28:19 - spake against But when the Jews it I was constrained to appeal unto Caesar not that nation my I had ought of

  • Acts 28:21 - And unto him they said We neither letters concerning thee received out of Judaea neither that came any of the brethren shewed or spake any concerning thee harm