H1121 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a son (as a builder of the family name), in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, etc., (like father or brother), etc.) [phrase] afflicted, age, (Ahoh-) (Ammon-) (Hachmon-) (Lev-) ite, (anoint-) ed one, appointed to, ([phrase]) arrow, (Assyr-) (Babylon-) (Egypt-) (Grec-) ian, one born, bough, branch, breed, [phrase] (young) bullock, [phrase] (young) calf, [idiom] came up in, child, colt, [idiom] common, [idiom] corn, daughter, [idiom] of first, [phrase] firstborn, foal, [phrase] very fruitful, [phrase] postage, [idiom] in, [phrase] kid, [phrase] lamb, ([phrase]) man, meet, [phrase] mighty, [phrase] nephew, old, ([phrase]) people, [phrase] rebel, [phrase] robber, [idiom] servant born, [idiom] soldier, son, [phrase] spark, [phrase] steward, [phrase] stranger, [idiom] surely, them of, [phrase] tumultuous one, [phrase] valiant(-est), whelp, worthy, young (one), youth. from H1129 (בָּנָה);

3636 instances of the word בֵּן bên (H1121)

  • Numbers 1:15 - Of Naphtali Ahira the son of Enan

  • Proverbs 1:15 - My son not thou in the way with them refrain thy foot from their path

  • Exodus 1:16 - And he said When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women and see them upon the stools if it be a son then ye shall kill him but if it be a daughter then she shall live

  • Judges 1:16 - And the children of the Kenite father in law Moses went up out of the city of palm trees among And the children of Judah into the wilderness of Judah which lieth in the south of Arad and dwelt among the people

  • Lamentations 1:16 - For these things I weep mine eye mine eye runneth down with water is far because the comforter that should relieve my soul from me my children are desolate prevailed because the enemy

  • Micah 1:16 - Make thee bald and poll children thee for thy delicate enlarge thy baldness as the eagle for they are gone into captivity

  • 1 Chronicles 1:17 - The sons of Shem Elam and Asshur and Arphaxad and Lud and Aram and Uz and Hul and Gether and Meshech

  • 1 Kings 1:17 - And she said unto him My lord thou swarest by the LORD thy God unto thine handmaid saying Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne

  • 2 Kings 1:17 - So he died according to the word of the LORD had spoken which Elijah reigned And Jehoram year in his stead in the second And Jehoram because he had no son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah because he had no son

  • 2 Samuel 1:17 - lamented And David with this lamentation over Saul and over Jonathan his son

  • 2 Samuel 1:18 - Also he bade them teach the children of Judah the use of the bow behold it is written in the book of Jasher

  • Job 1:18 - While he was yet speaking there came also another and said Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine house brother's in their eldest

  • Numbers 1:18 - all the congregation And they assembled on the first month day of the second and they declared their pedigrees after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names old from twenty years and upward by their polls

  • 1 Chronicles 1:19 - And unto Eber were born two sons name of the one was Peleg because in his days was divided the earth name and his brother's was Joktan

  • 1 Kings 1:19 - And he hath slain oxen and fat cattle and sheep in abundance and hath called all the sons of the king and Abiathar the priest and Joab the captain of the host but Solomon thy servant and hath called

  • 1 Samuel 1:20 - was come Wherefore it came to pass when the time had conceived about after Hannah that she bare a son and called his name Samuel him of the LORD saying Because I have asked

  • Judges 1:20 - And they gave unto Caleb Hebron said as Moses and he expelled thence the three sons of Anak

  • Numbers 1:20 - And the children of Reuben eldest son Israel's by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names by their polls every male And the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war

  • Obadiah 1:20 - And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites even unto Zarephath And the captivity of Jerusalem which is in Sepharad shall possess the cities of the south

  • 1 Kings 1:21 - shall sleep Otherwise it shall come to pass when my lord the king with his fathers that I and my son Solomon shall be counted offenders

  • Judges 1:21 - but the Jebusites dwell Jerusalem did not drive out And the children of Benjamin dwell but the Jebusites And the children of Benjamin Jerusalem unto this day

  • Exodus 1:22 - charged And Pharaoh all his people saying Every son that is born into the river ye shall cast and every daughter ye shall save alive

  • Numbers 1:22 - Of the children of Simeon by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers those that were numbered of them according to the number of the names by their polls every male Of the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war

  • 1 Chronicles 1:23 - And Ophir and Havilah and Jobab All these were the sons of Joktan

  • 1 Samuel 1:23 - said And Elkanah her husband unto her Do thee good what seemeth abode until she weaned establish him only the LORD his word abode So the woman suck and gave her son until she weaned

  • Numbers 1:24 - Of the children of Gad by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names Of the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war

  • 1 Kings 1:25 - For he is gone down this day and hath slain oxen and fat cattle and sheep in abundance and hath called sons all the king's and the captains of the host and Abiathar the priest and behold they eat and drink before him and say God save all the king's Adonijah

  • 1 Kings 1:26 - But me even me thy servant and Zadok the priest and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada Solomon But me even me thy servant hath he not called

  • Numbers 1:26 - Of the children of Judah by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names Of the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war

  • Deuteronomy 1:28 - Whither shall we go up our brethren have discouraged our heart saying The people are great and taller than we the cities are great and walled up to heaven the sons of the Anakims and moreover we have seen

  • 1 Chronicles 1:28 - The sons of Abraham Isaac and Ishmael

  • Numbers 1:28 - Of the children of Issachar by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names Of the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war

  • 1 Kings 1:30 - Even as I sware unto thee by the LORD God of Israel saying Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me and he shall sit upon my throne in my stead even so will I certainly do this day

  • Numbers 1:30 - Of the children of Zebulun by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names Of the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war

  • Deuteronomy 1:31 - And in the wilderness where thou hast seen bare how that the LORD thy God bare thee as a man his son in all the way that ye went until ye came into this place

  • 1 Chronicles 1:31 - Jetur Naphish and Kedemah These are the sons of Ishmael

  • 1 Chronicles 1:32 - And the sons of Keturah concubine Abraham's she bare Zimran and Jokshan and Medan and Midian and Ishbak and Shuah And the sons and Jokshan Sheba and Dedan

  • 1 Kings 1:32 - said And king David Call me Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada And they came before And king

  • Numbers 1:32 - Of the children of Joseph Of the children of Ephraim by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names Of the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war

  • 1 Chronicles 1:33 - All these are the sons of Midian Ephah and Epher and Henoch and Abida and Eldaah All these are the sons of Keturah

  • 1 Kings 1:33 - also said The king unto them Take with you the servants of your lord to ride and cause Solomon my son upon mine own mule and bring him down to Gihon

  • 1 Chronicles 1:34 - begat And Abraham Isaac The sons Isaac Esau and Israel

  • Judges 1:34 - forced And the Amorites the children of Dan into the mountain for they would not suffer them to come down to the valley

  • Numbers 1:34 - Of the children of Manasseh by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names Of the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war

  • 1 Chronicles 1:35 - The sons of Esau Eliphaz Reuel and Jeush and Jaalam and Korah

  • Deuteronomy 1:36 - Save Caleb and to his children of Jephunneh he shall see it and to him will I give the land that he hath trodden upon and to his children that because he hath wholly followed the LORD

  • 1 Chronicles 1:36 - The sons of Eliphaz Teman and Omar Zephi and Gatam Kenaz and Timna and Amalek

  • 1 Kings 1:36 - answered And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada the king and said Amen and said the LORD God of my lord the king

  • Numbers 1:36 - Of the children of Benjamin by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names Of the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war

  • 1 Chronicles 1:37 - The sons of Reuel Nahath Zerah Shammah and Mizzah

  • Deuteronomy 1:38 - But Joshua the son of Nun which standeth before thee he shall go in thither encourage to inherit him for he shall cause Israel

  • 1 Chronicles 1:38 - And the sons of Seir Lotan and Shobal and Zibeon and Anah and Dishon and Ezer and Dishan

  • 1 Kings 1:38 - went down So Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and the Cherethites and the Pelethites to ride and caused Solomon mule upon king David's him to Gihon

  • Numbers 1:38 - Of the children of Dan by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names Of the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war

  • Deuteronomy 1:39 - Moreover your little ones which ye said should be a prey and your children had no knowledge which in that day between good and evil they shall go in thither and unto them will I give it and they shall possess

  • 1 Chronicles 1:39 - And the sons of Lotan Hori and Homam sister of Lotan and Timna

  • 1 Chronicles 1:40 - And the sons of Shobal Alian and Manahath and Ebal Shephi and Onam And the sons of Zibeon Aiah and Anah

  • Numbers 1:40 - Of the children of Asher by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names Of the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war

  • 1 Chronicles 1:41 - And the sons of Anah Dishon And the sons Dishon Amram and Eshban and Ithran and Cheran

  • 1 Chronicles 1:42 - The sons of Ezer Bilhan and Zavan and Jakan The sons of Dishan Uz and Aran

  • 1 Kings 1:42 - And while he yet spake behold Jonathan the son of Abiathar the priest came said and Adonijah came man for thou art a valiant good and bringest

  • Numbers 1:42 - Of the children of Naphtali throughout their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names Of the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war

  • 1 Chronicles 1:43 - Now these are the kings reigned in the land of Edom before reigned Now these are the kings over the children of Israel Bela over the children of Beor and the name of his city was Dinhabah

  • 1 Chronicles 1:44 - was dead And when Bela reigned Jobab the son of Zerah of Bozrah

  • 1 Kings 1:44 - hath sent And the king with him Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and the Cherethites and the Pelethites and they have caused him to ride mule And the king

  • Numbers 1:45 - So were all those that were numbered of the children in Israel by the house of their fathers of the children from twenty years and upward all that were able to go forth to war in Israel

  • 1 Chronicles 1:46 - was dead And when Husham reigned Hadad the son of Bedad which smote Midian in the field of Moab in his stead and the name of his city was Avith

  • 1 Chronicles 1:49 - was dead And when Shaul reigned Baalhanan the son of Achbor

  • Numbers 1:49 - the tribe of Levi Only thou shalt not number the sum neither take of them among the children of Israel

  • 1 Kings 1:52 - said And Solomon man If he will shew himself a worthy of him fall there shall not an hair to the earth but if wickedness shall be found in him he shall die

  • Numbers 1:52 - shall pitch their tents And the children of Israel and every man by his own camp and every man by his own standard throughout their hosts

  • Numbers 1:53 - But the Levites shall pitch round about of the tabernacle of testimony that there be no wrath upon the congregation of the children of Israel shall keep But the Levites the charge of the tabernacle of testimony

  • Numbers 1:54 - did And the children of Israel commanded according to all that the LORD Moses did

  • Ezekiel 2:1 - And he said unto me Son of man stand upon thy feet and I will speak

  • Ezra 2:1 - Now these are the children of the province that went up out of the captivity of those which had been carried away had carried away whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon of Babylon and came again unto Jerusalem and Judah every one unto his city

  • 1 Chronicles 2:1 - These are the sons of Israel Reuben Simeon Levi and Judah Issachar and Zebulun

  • 1 Kings 2:1 - drew nigh Now the days of David that he should die and he charged Solomon his son saying

  • Isaiah 2:1 - The word saw that Isaiah the son of Amoz concerning Judah and Jerusalem

  • Job 2:1 - Again there was a day came when the sons of God them to present himself before the LORD came and Satan also among them to present himself before the LORD

  • Joshua 2:1 - sent And Joshua the son of Nun out of Shittim two to spy secretly saying view the land even Jericho and came house into an harlot's named Rahab and lodged

  • Proverbs 2:1 - My son if thou wilt receive my words my commandments and hide

  • Exodus 2:2 - conceived And the woman and bare a son and when she saw him that he was a goodly child she hid him three months

  • Haggai 2:2 - Speak now to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel governor of Judah and to Joshua the son of Josedech priest the high and to the residue of the people Speak

  • Joshua 2:2 - And it was told the king of Jericho And it was told men Behold there came in hither to night of the children of Israel to search out the country

  • Leviticus 2:2 - And he shall bring sons it to Aaron's the priests and he shall take thereout his handful of the flour thereof and of the oil thereof with all the frankincense shall burn the priests the memorial of it upon the altar to be an offering made by fire savour of a sweet unto the LORD

  • Numbers 2:2 - Every man by his own standard with the ensign house of their father's shall pitch of the children of Israel far off about the tabernacle of the congregation shall pitch

  • Ecclesiastes 2:3 - I sought in mine heart to give unto wine myself in mine heart yet acquainting with wisdom and to lay hold on folly till I might see what was that good for the sons of men which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life

  • Ezekiel 2:3 - And he said thee to the children of man I send thee to the children of Israel nation that hath rebelled that hath rebelled against me they and their fathers have transgressed against me even unto this very day

  • Ezra 2:3 - The children of Parosh two thousand an hundred seventy and two

  • 1 Chronicles 2:3 - The sons of Judah And Er and Onan and Shelah which three were born unto him of the daughter of Shua the Canaanitess And Er the firstborn of Judah was evil in the sight of the LORD and he slew

  • 2 Kings 2:3 - came forth And the sons of the prophets that were at Bethel to Elisha And he said Yea I know to day thou that the LORD will take away thy master from thy head And he said Yea I know it hold ye your peace

  • Leviticus 2:3 - And the remnant of the meat offering shall be Aaron's and his sons holy holy made by fire of the LORD

  • Numbers 2:3 - pitch And on the east side toward the rising of the sun shall they of the standard of the camp of Judah throughout their armies shall be captain of the children of Judah and Nahshon of the children of Amminadab

  • Song of Solomon 2:3 - As the apple tree among the trees of the wood so is my beloved among the sons down under his shadow with great delight I sat and his fruit was sweet to my taste

  • Deuteronomy 2:4 - thou the people And command saying Ye are to pass through the coast of your brethren the children of Esau which dwell in Seir and they shall be afraid heed of you take ye good

  • Ezekiel 2:4 - children For they are impudent and stiffhearted I do send thee unto them and thou shalt say thee unto them and thou shalt say the Lord GOD

  • Ezra 2:4 - The children of Shephatiah three hundred seventy and two

  • Haggai 2:4 - Yet now be strong O Zerubbabel for I am with you saith the LORD Yet now be strong O Joshua son of Josedech priest the high Yet now be strong all ye people of the land for I am with you saith the LORD and work for I am with you saith the LORD of hosts

  • Hosea 2:4 - for they be the children And I will not have mercy for they be the children of whoredoms

  • 1 Chronicles 2:4 - And Tamar his daughter in law bare him Pharez and Zerah All the sons of Judah were five