H1121 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a son (as a builder of the family name), in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, etc., (like father or brother), etc.) [phrase] afflicted, age, (Ahoh-) (Ammon-) (Hachmon-) (Lev-) ite, (anoint-) ed one, appointed to, ([phrase]) arrow, (Assyr-) (Babylon-) (Egypt-) (Grec-) ian, one born, bough, branch, breed, [phrase] (young) bullock, [phrase] (young) calf, [idiom] came up in, child, colt, [idiom] common, [idiom] corn, daughter, [idiom] of first, [phrase] firstborn, foal, [phrase] very fruitful, [phrase] postage, [idiom] in, [phrase] kid, [phrase] lamb, ([phrase]) man, meet, [phrase] mighty, [phrase] nephew, old, ([phrase]) people, [phrase] rebel, [phrase] robber, [idiom] servant born, [idiom] soldier, son, [phrase] spark, [phrase] steward, [phrase] stranger, [idiom] surely, them of, [phrase] tumultuous one, [phrase] valiant(-est), whelp, worthy, young (one), youth. from H1129 (בָּנָה);

3636 instances of the word בֵּן bên (H1121)

  • 1 Kings 2:4 - may continue That the LORD his word which he spake concerning me saying take heed If thy children to their way before me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul concerning me saying there shall not fail he a man on the throne of Israel

  • Judges 2:4 - spake And it came to pass when the angel of the LORD these words unto all the children of Israel lifted up that the people their voice and wept

  • Esther 2:5 - there was a certain Jew Now in Shushan the palace whose name was Mordecai the son of Jair the son of Shimei the son of Kish a Benjamite

  • Ezra 2:5 - The children of Arah seven hundred and five seventy

  • 1 Chronicles 2:5 - The sons of Pharez Hezron and Hamul

  • 1 Kings 2:5 - Moreover thou knowest did also what Joab the son of Zeruiah did to the two captains of the hosts of Israel unto Abner the son of Ner and unto Amasa the son of Jether whom he slew and shed the blood of war in peace and put the blood of war upon his girdle that was about his loins and in his shoes that were on his feet

  • 1 Samuel 2:5 - They that were full themselves for bread have hired out and they that were hungry ceased so that the barren hath born seven and she that hath many children is waxed feeble

  • 2 Kings 2:5 - came And the sons of the prophets that were at Jericho to Elisha And he answered Yea I know to day thou that the LORD will take away thy master from thy head And he answered Yea I know it hold ye your peace

  • Numbers 2:5 - And those that do pitch next unto him shall be the tribe of Issachar shall be captain of the children of Issachar and Nethaneel of the children of Zuar

  • Ezekiel 2:6 - And thou son of man be not afraid of their words be not afraid though briers and thorns among scorpions be with thee and thou dost dwell of their words be not afraid at their looks nor be dismayed house though they be a rebellious

  • Ezra 2:6 - The children of Pahathmoab The children of Jeshua and Joab two thousand eight hundred and twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 2:6 - And the sons of Zerah Zimri and Ethan and Heman and Calcol and Dara five

  • Judges 2:6 - go And when Joshua had let the people the children of Israel every man unto his inheritance to possess the land

  • Ecclesiastes 2:7 - I got me servants and maidens and had servants born in my house possessions of great and small cattle also I had great before above all that were in Jerusalem

  • Ezra 2:7 - The children of Elam a thousand two hundred fifty and four

  • 1 Chronicles 2:7 - And the sons of Carmi Achar the troubler of Israel who transgressed in the thing accursed

  • 1 Kings 2:7 - unto the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite But shew kindness and let them be of those that eat at thy table for so they came to me when I fled because of Absalom thy brother

  • 2 Kings 2:7 - And fifty of the sons of the prophets went and stood to view afar off and they two and stood by Jordan

  • 2 Samuel 2:7 - be strengthened Therefore now let your hands and be ye valiant is dead for your master Saul have anointed and also the house of Judah me king

  • Numbers 2:7 - Then the tribe of Zebulun shall be captain of the children of Zebulun and Eliab of the children of Helon

  • Psalms 2:7 - I will declare the decree the LORD hath said unto me Thou art my Son this day have I begotten

  • Deuteronomy 2:8 - And when we passed by from our brethren the children of Esau which dwelt in Seir by the way of the plain from Elath and from Eziongaber we turned And when we passed by the way of the wilderness of Moab

  • Ecclesiastes 2:8 - I gathered me also silver and gold and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces I gat and women singers and women singers and the delights of the sons of men as musical instruments as musical instruments

  • Ezekiel 2:8 - But thou son of man hear what I say unto thee Be not like that rebellious house like that rebellious open thy mouth and eat that I give

  • Ezra 2:8 - The children of Zattu nine hundred forty and five

  • 1 Chronicles 2:8 - And the sons of Ethan Azariah

  • 1 Kings 2:8 - And behold thou hast with thee Shimei the son of Gera a Benjamite of Bahurim which cursed curse me with a grievous in the day to Mahanaim but he came down to meet me at Jordan and I sware to him by the LORD saying I will not put thee to death with the sword

  • 2 Samuel 2:8 - But Abner the son of Ner captain host of Saul took Ishbosheth the son of Saul and brought him over to Mahanaim

  • Judges 2:8 - died And Joshua old of Nun the servant of the LORD old being an hundred and ten years

  • Zephaniah 2:8 - I have heard the reproach of Moab and the revilings of the children of Ammon whereby they have reproached my people and magnified themselves against their border

  • Deuteronomy 2:9 - said And the LORD unto me Distress not the Moabites neither contend with them in battle because I have given thee of their land for a possession unto the children of Lot because I have given Ar for a possession

  • Ezra 2:9 - The children of Zaccai seven hundred and threescore

  • 1 Chronicles 2:9 - The sons also of Hezron that were born unto him Jerahmeel and Ram and Chelubai

  • Jeremiah 2:9 - Wherefore I will yet plead with you saith the LORD and with your children's and with your children's Wherefore I will yet plead

  • Zephaniah 2:9 - Therefore as I live saith the LORD of hosts the God of Israel Surely Moab shall be as Sodom and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah even the breeding of nettles desolation and a perpetual the residue of my people shall spoil them and the remnant of my people shall possess

  • Exodus 2:10 - grew And the child and she brought daughter him unto Pharaoh's and he became her son And she called his name Moses and she said him out of the water Because I drew

  • Ezra 2:10 - The children of Bani six hundred forty and two

  • 1 Chronicles 2:10 - And Ram begat Amminadab Amminadab begat Nahshon prince of the children of Judah

  • 2 Samuel 2:10 - old was forty years Ishbosheth old Saul's and reigned over Israel two years and reigned But the house of Judah followed David

  • Leviticus 2:10 - And that which is left of the meat offering shall be Aaron's and his sons holy holy made by fire of the LORD

  • Nehemiah 2:10 - heard When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the servant the Ammonite them exceedingly that there was come a man to seek the welfare of the children of Israel

  • Numbers 2:10 - shall be the standard of the camp of Reuben On the south side according to their armies and the captain of the children of Reuben shall be Elizur of the children of Shedeur

  • Amos 2:11 - And I raised up Is it not even thus O ye children for prophets and of your young men for Nazarites Is it not even thus O ye children of Israel saith the LORD

  • Ezra 2:11 - The children of Bebai six hundred twenty and three

  • Judges 2:11 - did And the children of Israel evil in the sight of the LORD and served Baalim

  • Deuteronomy 2:12 - in Seir also dwelt The Horims beforetime but the children of Esau succeeded them when they had destroyed beforetime also dwelt did in their stead as Israel unto the land of his possession gave which the LORD

  • Ezra 2:12 - The children of Azgad a thousand hundred twenty and two

  • 1 Samuel 2:12 - Now the sons of Eli Now the sons of Belial they knew not the LORD

  • 2 Chronicles 2:12 - said Huram moreover Blessed be the LORD God of Israel that made heaven and earth who hath given to David the king son a wise endued with prudence and understanding that might build an house be the LORD an house for his kingdom

  • 2 Samuel 2:12 - went out And Abner the son of Ner and the servants of Ishbosheth the son of Saul from Mahanaim to Gibeon

  • Numbers 2:12 - And those which pitch by him shall be the tribe of Simeon and the captain of the children of Simeon shall be Shelumiel of the children of Zurishaddai

  • Ezra 2:13 - The children of Adonikam and six hundred sixty and six

  • 1 Kings 2:13 - Comest And Adonijah the son of Haggith to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon And he said Peaceably Comest And he said Peaceably

  • 2 Samuel 2:13 - And Joab the son of Zeruiah and the servants of David went out and met and the other on the other side of the pool of Gibeon together and they sat down and the other on the other side of the pool and the other on the other side of the pool

  • Ezra 2:14 - The children of Bigvai two thousand fifty and six

  • 2 Chronicles 2:14 - The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan and his father was a man of Tyre skilful to work in gold and in silver in brass in iron in stone and in timber in purple in blue and in fine linen and in crimson also to grave any manner of graving and to find out every device which shall be put and with the cunning men and with the cunning men of my lord David and his father

  • Numbers 2:14 - Then the tribe of Gad and the captain of the sons of Gad shall be Eliasaph of the sons of Reuel

  • Ezra 2:15 - The children of Adin and four hundred fifty and four

  • 2 Kings 2:15 - saw And when the sons of the prophets which were to view at Jericho him they said doth rest The spirit of Elijah on Elisha And they came to meet him and bowed themselves to the ground

  • 2 Samuel 2:15 - Then there arose and went over by number and twelve of Benjamin which pertained to Ishbosheth the son of Saul and twelve of the servants of David

  • Ezra 2:16 - The children of Ater of Hezekiah ninety and eight

  • 1 Chronicles 2:16 - Whose sisters of Zeruiah and Abigail And the sons of Zeruiah Abishai and Joab and Asahel three

  • 2 Kings 2:16 - And he said unto him Behold now there be with thy servants fifty men strong we pray thee and seek thy master hath taken him up lest peradventure the Spirit of the LORD and cast him upon some mountain him upon some valley And he said Ye shall not send

  • Jeremiah 2:16 - Also the children of Noph and Tahapanes have broken the crown of thy head

  • Ezra 2:17 - The children of Bezai and three hundred twenty and three

  • Ezra 2:18 - The children of Jorah an hundred and twelve

  • 1 Chronicles 2:18 - And Caleb her sons of Hezron begat Azubah his wife children of and of Jerioth her sons are these Jesher and Shobab and Ardon

  • 2 Samuel 2:18 - And there were three sons of Zeruiah there Joab and Abishai and Asahel and Asahel was as light of foot as a roe wild

  • Numbers 2:18 - shall be the standard of the camp of Ephraim according to their armies On the west side and the captain of the sons of Ephraim shall be Elishama of the sons of Ammihud

  • Deuteronomy 2:19 - And when thou comest nigh over against it unto the children of Ammon distress them not nor meddle because I have given thee of the land it unto the children of Ammon any possession it unto the children of Lot because I have given any possession

  • Ezra 2:19 - The children of Hashum two hundred twenty and three

  • Ezra 2:20 - The children of Gibbar ninety and five

  • Numbers 2:20 - And by him shall be the tribe of Manasseh and the captain of the children of Manasseh shall be Gamaliel of the children of Pedahzur

  • Ezra 2:21 - The children of Bethlehem an hundred twenty and three

  • 1 Chronicles 2:21 - And afterward went in Hezron to the daughter of Machir the father of Gilead whom he married old when he was threescore years and she bare him Segub

  • 1 Samuel 2:21 - And visited the LORD Hannah so that she conceived and bare three sons and two daughters grew And the child Samuel before the LORD

  • Deuteronomy 2:22 - As he did to the children of Esau them and dwelt in Seir when he destroyed the Horims from before them and they succeeded them and dwelt in their stead even unto this day

  • Exodus 2:22 - And she bare him a son and he called his name Gershom for he said I have been a stranger land in a strange

  • 1 Kings 2:22 - answered And king Solomon and said unto his mother And why dost thou ask Abishag the Shunammite for Adonijah And why dost thou ask for him the kingdom brother also for he is mine elder even for him and for Abiathar the priest and for Joab the son of Zeruiah

  • 1 Samuel 2:22 - Now Eli old was very and heard did all that his sons unto all Israel and how they lay with the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation

  • Numbers 2:22 - Then the tribe of Benjamin and the captain of the sons of Benjamin shall be Abidan of the sons of Gideoni

  • Haggai 2:23 - In that day saith the LORD of hosts will I take thee O Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel my servant saith the LORD and will make thee as a signet for I have chosen saith the LORD of hosts

  • Exodus 2:23 - of time And it came to pass in process died that the king of Egypt sighed and the children of Israel by reason of by reason of the bondage and they cried came up and their cry unto God by reason of by reason of the bondage

  • Haggai 2:23 - In that day saith the LORD of hosts will I take thee O Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel my servant saith the LORD and will make thee as a signet for I have chosen saith the LORD of hosts

  • 1 Chronicles 2:23 - And he took Geshur and Aram with the towns of Jair from them with Kenath and the towns thereof even threescore cities All these belonged to the sons of Machir the father of Gilead

  • Joel 2:23 - then ye children of Zion Be glad and rejoice in the LORD your God for he hath given the former rain moderately and he will cause to come down for you the rain the former rain and the latter rain in the first

  • Joshua 2:23 - returned So the two and descended from the mountain and passed over and came to Joshua the son of Nun and told him all things that befell

  • Ezra 2:24 - The children of Azmaveth forty and two

  • 1 Samuel 2:24 - Nay my sons for it is no good report that I hear to transgress people ye make the LORD'S

  • Exodus 2:25 - looked And God upon the children of Israel had respect And God

  • Ezra 2:25 - The children of Kirjatharim Chephirah and Beeroth seven hundred and forty and three

  • 1 Chronicles 2:25 - And the sons of Jerahmeel the firstborn of Hezron the firstborn were Ram and Bunah and Oren and Ozem and Ahijah

  • 1 Kings 2:25 - sent And king Solomon by the hand of Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and he fell upon him that he died

  • 2 Samuel 2:25 - gathered themselves together And the children of Benjamin after Abner troop and became one and stood on the top of an hill and became one

  • Numbers 2:25 - The standard of the camp of Dan shall be on the north side by their armies and the captain of the children of Dan shall be Ahiezer of the children of Ammishaddai

  • Ezra 2:26 - The children of Ramah and Gaba six hundred twenty and one

  • 1 Chronicles 2:27 - And the sons of Ram the firstborn of Jerahmeel were Maaz and Jamin and Eker

  • Numbers 2:27 - And those that encamp by him shall be the tribe of Asher and the captain of the children of Asher shall be Pagiel of the children of Ocran

  • 1 Chronicles 2:28 - And the sons of Onam of Shammai and Jada And the sons of Shammai Nadab and Abishur

  • 1 Samuel 2:28 - And did I choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest to offer upon mine altar to burn incense to wear an ephod before me and did I give unto the house of thy father all the offerings made by fire of the children of Israel