H3068 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
Jehovah, Jewish national name of God Jehovah, the Lord. Compare H3050 (יָהּ), H3069 (יְהֹוִה). from H1961 (הָיָה); (the) self-Existent or Eternal;

5564 instances of the word יְהֹוָה Yᵉhôvâh (H3068)

  • Deuteronomy 8:10 - When thou hast eaten and art full then thou shalt bless the LORD thy God land for the good which he hath given

  • Exodus 8:10 - And he said To morrow And he said Be it according to thy word that thou mayest know that there is none like unto the LORD our God

  • 1 Kings 8:10 - were come out And it came to pass when the priests of the holy place that the cloud filled the house of the LORD

  • 1 Samuel 8:10 - told And Samuel all the words of the LORD unto the people that asked of him a king

  • 2 Kings 8:10 - said And Elisha said recover recover hath shewed howbeit the LORD die die

  • Nehemiah 8:10 - Then he said unto them Go your way eat the fat and drink the sweet and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared is holy for this day unto our Lord neither be ye sorry for the joy of the LORD is your strength

  • Numbers 8:10 - And thou shalt bring the Levites before the LORD shall put and the children of Israel their hands the Levites

  • Amos 8:11 - Behold the days come saith the Lord GOD that I will send a famine in the land a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but of hearing the words of the LORD

  • Deuteronomy 8:11 - Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God Beware his commandments and his judgments and his statutes which I command thee this day

  • 1 Kings 8:11 - could So that the priests not stand to minister because of the cloud had filled for the glory of the LORD the house of the LORD

  • 2 Chronicles 8:11 - the daughter of Pharaoh brought up And Solomon out of the city of David in the house that he had built for her for he said shall not dwell My wife in the house of David king of Israel because the places are holy hath come whereunto the ark of the LORD

  • 2 Samuel 8:11 - did dedicate Which also king David unto the LORD with the silver and gold did dedicate of all nations which he subdued

  • Isaiah 8:11 - saying For the LORD thus to me with a strong hand and instructed in the way of this people saying

  • Numbers 8:11 - shall offer And Aaron the Levites for an offering before of the LORD of the children of Israel that they may execute the service of the LORD

  • Zechariah 8:11 - days as in the former But now I will not be unto the residue of this people saith the LORD of hosts

  • Amos 8:12 - And they shall wander from sea from sea and from the north even to the east they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD and shall not find

  • Exodus 8:12 - went out And Moses and Aaron against Pharaoh cried And Moses unto the LORD because of the frogs which he had brought against Pharaoh

  • Ezekiel 8:12 - Then said hast thou seen he unto me Son of man what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark every man in the chambers of his imagery Then said The LORD hast thou seen hath forsaken The LORD the earth

  • 1 Kings 8:12 - Then spake Solomon The LORD Then spake that he would dwell in the thick darkness

  • 2 Chronicles 8:12 - offered Then Solomon burnt offerings of the LORD on the altar of the LORD which he had built before the porch

  • Jeremiah 8:12 - Were they ashamed abomination when they had committed ashamed ashamed they blush neither could among them that fall among them that fall in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down saith the LORD

  • Numbers 8:12 - And the Levites shall lay their hands upon the heads of the bullocks and thou shalt offer and the other for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering unto the LORD to make an atonement And the Levites

  • Exodus 8:13 - did And the LORD according to the word of Moses died and the frogs out of the houses out of the villages and out of the fields

  • Hosea 8:13 - for the sacrifices of mine offerings They sacrifice flesh and eat it but the LORD accepteth them not now will he remember their iniquity and visit their sins to Egypt they shall return

  • 2 Kings 8:13 - answered And Hazael But what is thy servant a dog that he should do thing this great answered And Elisha hath shewed The LORD me that thou shalt be king over Syria

  • Isaiah 8:13 - the LORD of hosts Sanctify himself and let him be your fear and let him be your dread

  • Jeremiah 8:13 - I will surely consume them saith the LORD there shall be no grapes on the vine nor figs nor figs and the leaf shall fade and the things that I have given them shall pass away

  • Leviticus 8:13 - brought And Moses sons Aaron's and put coats upon them and girded them with girdles and put bonnets commanded upon them as the LORD And Moses

  • Numbers 8:13 - And thou shalt set the Levites and before Aaron and before his sons and offer them for an offering unto the LORD

  • Proverbs 8:13 - The fear of the LORD do I hate and the evil pride and arrogancy way and the evil mouth and the froward do I hate

  • Deuteronomy 8:14 - be lifted up Then thine heart and thou forget the LORD thy God which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage

  • Ezekiel 8:14 - Then he brought me to the door of the gate house of the LORD'S which was toward the north women and behold there sat weeping for Tammuz

  • 2 Samuel 8:14 - And he put and all they of Edom garrisons and all they of Edom And he put garrisons and all they of Edom servants David preserved And the LORD David whithersoever he went

  • Jeremiah 8:14 - Why do we sit still assemble yourselves and let us enter cities into the defenced and let us be silent against the LORD our God and let us be silent to drink and given us water of gall because we have sinned against the LORD

  • Nehemiah 8:14 - And they found written in the law had commanded which the LORD by Moses should dwell that the children of Israel in booths in the feast month of the seventh

  • Zechariah 8:14 - For thus saith the LORD of hosts As I thought to punish provoked me to wrath you when your fathers For thus saith the LORD of hosts and I repented

  • Exodus 8:15 - saw But when Pharaoh that there was respite he hardened his heart and hearkened had said not unto them as the LORD

  • 1 Kings 8:15 - And he said Blessed be the LORD God of Israel which spake with his mouth unto David my father and hath with his hand fulfilled And he said

  • Exodus 8:16 - Say And the LORD unto Moses Say unto Aaron Stretch out thy rod and smite the dust of the land that it may become lice of the land of Egypt

  • Ezekiel 8:16 - And he brought court house of the LORD me into the inner and behold at the door of the temple of the LORD between the porch and the altar and twenty were about five men with their backs of the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east and they worshipped toward the east the sun

  • 2 Chronicles 8:16 - was prepared Now all the work of Solomon unto the day of the foundation So the house of the LORD and until it was finished was perfected So the house of the LORD

  • 1 Kings 8:17 - And it was in the heart of David my father to build an house for the ~ of the LORD God of Israel

  • Isaiah 8:17 - And I will wait upon the LORD that hideth his face from the house of Jacob and I will look

  • Jeremiah 8:17 - For behold I will send serpents cockatrices among you which will not be charmed and they shall bite you saith the LORD

  • Leviticus 8:17 - But the bullock and his hide his flesh and his dung he burnt with fire without the camp commanded as the LORD Moses

  • Zechariah 8:17 - And let none evil against his neighbour of you imagine in your hearts oath no false and love for all these are things that I hate saith the LORD

  • Deuteronomy 8:18 - But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers as it is this day

  • 1 Kings 8:18 - said And the LORD unto David my father Whereas it was in thine heart to build an house unto my ~ thou didst well it was in thine heart

  • 1 Samuel 8:18 - And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen will not hear you and the LORD in that day

  • 2 Kings 8:18 - in the way of the kings of Israel and he did the house of Ahab for the daughter of Ahab was his wife and he did evil in the sight of the LORD

  • Isaiah 8:18 - Behold I and the children hath given from the LORD me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts which dwelleth in mount Zion

  • Joshua 8:18 - said And the LORD And Joshua Stretch out the spear it into thine hand toward Ai it into thine hand for I will give Stretch out And Joshua the spear it into thine hand toward the city

  • Zechariah 8:18 - And the word of the LORD of hosts came unto me saying

  • Deuteronomy 8:19 - And it shall be if thou do at all And it shall be if thou do at all the LORD gods and walk after gods other and serve them and worship them I testify against you this day perish perish

  • Exodus 8:19 - said Then the magicians and Pharaoh's This is the finger of God was hardened heart and Pharaoh's and he hearkened had said not unto them as the LORD

  • 2 Kings 8:19 - would Yet the LORD not destroy Judah for David his servant's sake as he promised him to give a light and to his children him alway

  • Jeremiah 8:19 - Behold the voice of the cry of the daughter of my people country because of them that dwell in a far Is not the LORD in Zion is not her king in her Why have they provoked me to anger with their graven images vanities and with strange

  • Judges 8:19 - And he said They were my brethren even the sons of my mother liveth as the LORD if ye had saved them alive I would not slay

  • Zechariah 8:19 - Thus saith the LORD of hosts The fast of the fourth The fast of the fifth The fast of the seventh The fast of the tenth shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness feasts and cheerful the truth and peace therefore love

  • Deuteronomy 8:20 - As the nations of the LORD destroyeth before your face destroyeth because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the LORD your God

  • Exodus 8:20 - and say And the LORD unto Moses Rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh lo he cometh forth to the water and say and say And the LORD go Let my people that they may serve

  • Genesis 8:20 - builded And Noah an altar unto the LORD and took beast and of every clean fowl and of every clean and offered burnt offerings an altar

  • 1 Kings 8:20 - and I am risen up And the LORD his word promised and I am risen up in the room of David my father and sit on the throne of Israel promised And the LORD and have built an house for the ~ And the LORD God of Israel

  • Numbers 8:20 - did And Moses and Aaron and all the congregation of the children of Israel concerning the Levites commanded according unto all that the LORD And Moses concerning the Levites did of the children of Israel

  • Zechariah 8:20 - Thus saith the LORD of hosts It shall yet come to pass that there shall come people and the inhabitants cities of many

  • Genesis 8:21 - smelled And the LORD savour a sweet said And the LORD in heart I will not again curse the ground sake any more for man's for the imagination heart any more for man's is evil from his youth I will not again smite any more every thing living as I have done

  • 1 Kings 8:21 - And I have set there a place for the ark wherein is the covenant of the LORD which he made with our fathers when he brought them out of the land of Egypt

  • 1 Samuel 8:21 - heard And Samuel all the words of the people and he rehearsed them in the ears of the LORD

  • Leviticus 8:21 - the inwards and the legs And he washed in water burnt Moses the whole ram upon the altar it was a burnt sacrifice savour for a sweet and an offering made by fire as the LORD commanded as the LORD Moses

  • Numbers 8:21 - were purified And the Levites and they washed their clothes offered and Aaron them as an offering before the LORD made an atonement and Aaron for them to cleanse

  • Zechariah 8:21 - city shall go And the inhabitants of one of one saying city shall go city shall go to pray before the LORD and to seek the LORD of hosts city shall go

  • Exodus 8:22 - And I will sever in that day of the earth of Goshen in which my people dwell that no of flies shall be swarms there to the end thou mayest know that I am the LORD in the midst of the earth

  • 1 Kings 8:22 - stood And Solomon before the altar of the LORD in the presence of all the congregation of Israel and spread forth his hands toward heaven

  • 1 Samuel 8:22 - said And the LORD And Samuel Hearken unto their voice and make them a king said And Samuel ye every man of Israel ye every man unto his city

  • Numbers 8:22 - And after that went concerning the Levites in to do their service in the tabernacle of the congregation and before Aaron and before his sons had commanded as the LORD Moses concerning the Levites so did

  • Proverbs 8:22 - The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way before his works

  • Zechariah 8:22 - shall come people Yea many nations and strong to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem and to pray before the LORD

  • 1 Kings 8:23 - And he said LORD God of Israel God like thee in heaven above or on earth beneath who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart

  • Judges 8:23 - said And Gideon rule rule over you neither shall my son over you the LORD rule

  • Numbers 8:23 - spake And the LORD unto Moses saying

  • Zechariah 8:23 - Thus saith the LORD of hosts In those days even shall take hold it shall come to pass that ten of him that is a Jew out of all languages of the nations even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew Thus saith with you for we have heard that God

  • Exodus 8:24 - did And the LORD so and there came of the swarm a grievous houses of Pharaoh houses and into his servants and into all the land of Egypt was corrupted and into all the land by reason of the swarm

  • 1 Kings 8:25 - Therefore now LORD God of Israel keep with thy servant David my father that thou promisedst him saying There shall not fail thee a man before to sit on the throne of Israel so keep that thy children to their way me as thou hast walked before me as thou hast walked before

  • Exodus 8:26 - said And Moses It is not meet so to do the abomination of the Egyptians lo shall we sacrifice to the LORD our God for lo shall we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes and will they not stone

  • Leviticus 8:26 - And out of the basket of unleavened that was before the LORD he took and a cake of unleavened bread and one and a cake bread of oiled bread and one wafer bread and one and put them on the fat shoulder and upon the right

  • Exodus 8:27 - journey three days into the wilderness and sacrifice to the LORD our God as he shall command

  • 2 Kings 8:27 - in the way as did the house of Ahab and did evil in the sight of the LORD as did the house of Ahab for he was the son in law as did the house of Ahab

  • Joshua 8:27 - Only the cattle and the spoil of that city took for a prey Israel unto themselves according unto the word of the LORD which he commanded Joshua

  • Leviticus 8:27 - And he put hands all upon Aaron's hands and upon his sons and waved them for a wave offering before the LORD

  • Exodus 8:28 - said And Pharaoh I will let you go that ye may sacrifice to the LORD your God in the wilderness far away far away intreat for me

  • Ezra 8:28 - And I said are holy unto the LORD the vessels are holy also and the silver and the gold are a freewill offering unto the LORD God of your fathers

  • 1 Kings 8:28 - Yet have thou respect and to the prayer of thy servant and to his supplication O LORD my God to hearken unto the cry and to the prayer of thy servant prayeth before thee to day

  • Leviticus 8:28 - took And Moses them from off their hands and burnt them on the altar upon the burnt offering they were consecrations savour for a sweet it is an offering made by fire unto the LORD

  • Exodus 8:29 - said And Moses Behold I go out from thee and I will intreat the LORD of flies may depart that the swarms from Pharaoh from his servants and from his people to morrow but any more from Pharaoh deal deceitfully in not go and from his people to sacrifice the LORD

  • Ezra 8:29 - Watch ye and keep them until ye weigh them before and chief of the priests and the Levites and chief of the fathers of Israel at Jerusalem in the chambers of the house of the LORD

  • Leviticus 8:29 - took And Moses the breast and waved it for a wave offering before as the LORD for of the ram of consecration And Moses part commanded as the LORD And Moses

  • Exodus 8:30 - went out And Moses from Pharaoh and intreated the LORD

  • Joshua 8:30 - built Then Joshua an altar unto the LORD God of Israel in mount Ebal

  • Exodus 8:31 - did And the LORD according to the word of Moses and he removed the swarms of flies from Pharaoh from his servants and from his people there remained not one

  • Joshua 8:31 - commanded As Moses the servant of the LORD the children of Israel as it is written in the book of the law As Moses an altar stones of whole over which no man hath lift up any iron and they offered thereon burnt offerings of the LORD and sacrificed peace offerings