H3068 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
Jehovah, Jewish national name of God Jehovah, the Lord. Compare H3050 (יָהּ), H3069 (יְהֹוִה). from H1961 (הָיָה); (the) self-Existent or Eternal;

5564 instances of the word יְהֹוָה Yᵉhôvâh (H3068)

  • Exodus 3:15 - Thus shalt thou say moreover And God unto Moses Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel The LORD And God of your fathers And God of Abraham And God of Isaac And God of Jacob hath sent me unto you this is my name for ever and this is my memorial generations generations

  • 1 Samuel 3:15 - lay And Samuel until the morning and opened the doors of the house of the LORD And Samuel feared to shew the vision Eli

  • 2 Kings 3:15 - But now bring And it came to pass when the minstrel And it came to pass when the minstrel And it came to pass when the minstrel that the hand of the LORD

  • Judges 3:15 - cried But when the children of Israel the LORD raised them up the LORD a deliverer Ehud But when the children of Gera a Benjamite a man lefthanded and by him sent But when the children of Israel and by him a present unto Eglon the king of Moab

  • Zephaniah 3:15 - hath taken away The LORD thy judgments he hath cast out thine enemy the king of Israel The LORD is in the midst of thee thou shalt not see evil

  • Exodus 3:16 - and gather the elders of Israel and say unto them The LORD God of your fathers appeared God of Abraham of Isaac and of Jacob and say I have surely I have surely you and seen that which is done to you in Egypt

  • Ezekiel 3:16 - And it came to pass at the end of seven days that the word of the LORD came unto me saying

  • 2 Kings 3:16 - And he said And he said the LORD Make this valley full of ditches full of ditches

  • Isaiah 3:16 - saith Moreover the LORD Because are haughty the daughters of Zion walking with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes walking and mincing walking with their feet and making a tinkling

  • Jeremiah 3:16 - And it shall come to pass when ye be multiplied and increased in the land in those days saith of the LORD they shall say no more The ark of the covenant of the LORD neither shall it come to mind neither shall they remember it neither shall they visit it neither shall that be done

  • Joel 3:16 - The LORD out of Zion also shall roar from Jerusalem and utter his voice shall shake and the heavens and the earth The LORD will be the hope of his people and the strength of the children of Israel

  • Leviticus 3:16 - shall burn And the priest them upon the altar it is the food of the offering made by fire savour for a sweet all the fat is the LORD'S

  • Malachi 3:16 - spake often Then they that feared and the LORD one to another hearkened and the LORD and heard was written it and a book of remembrance before and the LORD and that thought upon his name

  • Numbers 3:16 - numbered And Moses them according to the word of the LORD as he was commanded

  • 2 Kings 3:17 - For thus saith the LORD Ye shall not see wind Ye shall not see rain yet that valley shall be filled with water that ye may drink both ye and your cattle and your beasts

  • Isaiah 3:17 - will smite with a scab Therefore the Lord the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion and the LORD their secret parts will discover

  • Jeremiah 3:17 - At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD shall be gathered and all the nations unto it to the name of the LORD Jerusalem any more after the imagination heart of their evil

  • Joel 3:17 - So shall ye know that I am the LORD your God dwelling in Zion mountain be holy then shall Jerusalem be holy and there shall no strangers pass through

  • Joshua 3:17 - stood And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD on dry ground in the midst Jordan firm and all the Israelites over on dry ground clean until all the people over Jordan

  • Malachi 3:17 - And they shall be mine saith the LORD of hosts in that day when I make up my jewels and I will spare and I will spare them as a man his own son that serveth

  • Zephaniah 3:17 - The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty he will save he will rejoice over thee with joy he will rest in his love he will joy over thee with singing

  • Deuteronomy 3:18 - And I commanded you at that time saying The LORD your God hath given you this land to possess armed it ye shall pass over before your brethren all that are meet of Israel all that are meet for the war

  • Exodus 3:18 - And they shall hearken to thy voice and thou shalt come thou and the elders of Israel unto the king of Egypt and ye shall say to the LORD God of the Hebrews hath met journey we beseech thee three days into the wilderness that we may sacrifice to the LORD God

  • Habakkuk 3:18 - in the LORD Yet I will rejoice I will joy in the God of my salvation

  • 1 Samuel 3:18 - told And Samuel him every whit and hid nothing from him And he said It is the LORD him good what seemeth let him do

  • 2 Kings 3:18 - And this is but a light thing in the sight of the LORD he will deliver the Moabites also into your hand

  • 2 Samuel 3:18 - Now then do it for the LORD hath spoken David hath spoken By the hand David of my servant I will save my people Israel By the hand of the Philistines By the hand of all their enemies

  • Joel 3:18 - And it shall come to pass in that day shall drop down that the mountains new wine and the hills with milk and all the rivers of Judah with waters and a fountain of the house of the LORD shall come forth and shall water the valley of Shittim

  • Lamentations 3:18 - And I said is perished My strength and my hope from the LORD

  • Habakkuk 3:19 - God is my strength and he will make my feet like hinds upon mine high places feet and he will make me to walk To the chief singer on my stringed instruments

  • Habakkuk 3:19 - God is my strength and he will make my feet like hinds upon mine high places feet and he will make me to walk To the chief singer on my stringed instruments

  • 1 Samuel 3:19 - grew And Samuel and the LORD fall was with him and did let none of his words to the ground

  • Proverbs 3:19 - The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth hath he established the heavens by understanding

  • Zephaniah 3:20 - At that time will I bring At that time that I gather you for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth when I turn back your captivity before your eyes saith the LORD

  • Deuteronomy 3:20 - have given rest Until the LORD unto your brethren as well as unto you and until they also possess the land Until the LORD your God hath given them beyond Jordan and then shall ye return every man unto his possession hath given

  • 1 Samuel 3:20 - knew And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba was established that Samuel to be a prophet of the LORD

  • Jeremiah 3:20 - Surely so have ye dealt treacherously as a wife departeth from her husband so have ye dealt treacherously with me O house of Israel saith the LORD

  • Zephaniah 3:20 - At that time will I bring At that time that I gather you for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth when I turn back your captivity before your eyes saith the LORD

  • Joel 3:21 - For I will cleanse their blood For I will cleanse for the LORD dwelleth in Zion

  • Deuteronomy 3:21 - Joshua And I commanded at that time saying Thine eyes have seen do all that the LORD your God unto these two kings do all that the LORD unto all the kingdoms whither thou passest

  • Genesis 3:21 - make did the LORD God Unto Adam also and to his wife coats of skins and clothed them

  • 1 Samuel 3:21 - again And the LORD appeared in Shiloh revealed And the LORD himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word And the LORD

  • Jeremiah 3:21 - A voice upon the high places was heard weeping and supplications of the children of Israel for they have perverted their way and they have forgotten the LORD their God

  • Joel 3:21 - For I will cleanse their blood For I will cleanse for the LORD dwelleth in Zion

  • Deuteronomy 3:22 - Ye shall not fear them for the LORD your God he shall fight

  • Ezekiel 3:22 - And the hand of the LORD was there upon me and he said unto me Arise go forth into the plain and I will there talk

  • Genesis 3:22 - said And the LORD God Behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live for ever

  • Jeremiah 3:22 - Return children ye backsliding and I will heal your backslidings Behold we come unto thee for thou art the LORD our God

  • Lamentations 3:22 - mercies It is of the LORD'S that we are not consumed fail because his compassions

  • Deuteronomy 3:23 - And I besought the LORD at that time saying

  • Ezekiel 3:23 - Then I arose and went forth into the plain and behold the glory of the LORD stood and behold the glory which I saw by the river of Chebar and I fell on my face

  • Genesis 3:23 - sent him forth Therefore the LORD God from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken

  • Jeremiah 3:23 - Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills and from the multitude of mountains Truly in the LORD our God is the salvation of Israel

  • Lamentations 3:24 - is my portion The LORD saith my soul therefore will I hope

  • Jeremiah 3:25 - We lie down in our shame covereth and our confusion against the LORD our God us for we have sinned we and our fathers from our youth even unto this day and have not obeyed the voice against the LORD our God

  • Lamentations 3:25 - is good The LORD unto them that wait for him to the soul that seeketh

  • Deuteronomy 3:26 - was wroth But the LORD with me for your sakes and would not hear said But the LORD unto me Let it suffice no more thee speak unto me of this matter

  • Lamentations 3:26 - It is good and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD

  • Proverbs 3:26 - For the LORD shall be thy confidence and shall keep thy foot from being taken

  • Ezekiel 3:27 - But when I speak with thee I will open thy mouth and thou shalt say and thou shalt say the Lord He that heareth He that heareth and he that forbeareth let him forbear house for they are a rebellious

  • 2 Samuel 3:28 - heard when David And afterward it he said are guiltless I and my kingdom before the LORD ever from the blood of Abner the son of Ner

  • Judges 3:28 - And he said unto them Follow after and suffered me for the LORD your enemies the Moabites into your hand And they went down after him and took the fords of Jordan the Moabites and suffered not a man to pass over

  • Proverbs 3:32 - is abomination to the LORD For the froward is with the righteous but his secret

  • Proverbs 3:33 - The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked the habitation of the just but he blesseth

  • 2 Samuel 3:39 - And I am this day weak though anointed king the sons of Zeruiah be too hard shall reward for me the LORD the doer of evil according to his wickedness according to his wickedness

  • Numbers 3:39 - All that were numbered of the Levites All that were numbered which Moses and Aaron at the commandment of the LORD throughout their families all the males old from a month and upward and two were twenty thousand

  • Lamentations 3:40 - Let us search our ways and try and turn again to the LORD

  • Numbers 3:40 - said And the LORD unto Moses Number all the firstborn of the males of the children of Israel of the children from a month and upward and take the number of their names

  • Numbers 3:41 - And thou shalt take of the Levites for me (I am the LORD instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel among the cattle of the Levites instead of all the firstborn among the cattle among the children of Israel

  • Numbers 3:42 - numbered And Moses commanded as the LORD him all the firstborn among the children of Israel

  • Numbers 3:44 - spake And the LORD unto Moses saying

  • Numbers 3:45 - Take and the Levites instead of all the firstborn among the children of Israel and the cattle and the Levites and the cattle and the Levites shall be mine I am the LORD

  • Lamentations 3:50 - look down and behold Till the LORD from heaven

  • Numbers 3:51 - gave And Moses the money of them that were redeemed unto Aaron and to his sons according to the word as the LORD commanded as the LORD And Moses

  • Lamentations 3:55 - I called upon thy name O LORD dungeon out of the low

  • Lamentations 3:59 - thou hast seen O LORD my wrong judge thou my cause

  • Lamentations 3:61 - Thou hast heard their reproach O LORD and all their imaginations

  • Lamentations 3:64 - Render unto them a recompence O LORD according to the work of their hands

  • Lamentations 3:66 - Persecute them in anger and destroy from under the heavens of the LORD

  • Deuteronomy 4:1 - O Israel Now therefore hearken unto the statutes and unto the judgments which I teach you for to do them that ye may live and go in and possess the land which the LORD God of your fathers giveth

  • Exodus 4:1 - answered And Moses and said But behold they will not believe me nor hearken unto my voice and said hath not appeared The LORD

  • Ezra 4:1 - heard Now when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin that the children of the captivity builded the temple unto the LORD God of Israel

  • Genesis 4:1 - And Adam knew Eve his wife and she conceived and bare Cain and said I have gotten a man from the LORD

  • Hosea 4:1 - Hear the word for the LORD ye children of Israel hath a controversy for the LORD with the inhabitants in the land because there is no truth nor mercy nor knowledge of God in the land

  • 2 Kings 4:1 - of the wives a certain of the wives of the sons of the prophets Now there cried unto Elisha saying Thy servant my husband is dead and thou knowest Thy servant the LORD and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons Thy servant

  • Jeremiah 4:1 - If thou wilt return O Israel saith the LORD If thou wilt return unto me and if thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my sight then shalt thou not remove

  • Joshua 4:1 - were clean And it came to pass when all the people passed over Jordan saying that the LORD unto Joshua saying

  • Judges 4:1 - again And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD when Ehud was dead

  • Leviticus 4:1 - spake And the LORD unto Moses saying

  • Malachi 4:1 - For behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven and all the proud yea and all that do wickedly shall be stubble shall burn them up For behold the day cometh saith the LORD of hosts that it shall leave them neither root nor branch

  • Micah 4:1 - But in the last days it shall come to pass that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top it shall come to pass that the mountain and it shall be exalted above the hills shall flow and people

  • Numbers 4:1 - spake And the LORD unto Moses and unto Aaron saying

  • Deuteronomy 4:2 - Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you neither shall ye diminish ought from it that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command

  • Exodus 4:2 - And he said And the LORD unto him What is that in thine hand And he said A rod

  • Isaiah 4:2 - In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel

  • Jeremiah 4:2 - And thou shalt swear liveth The LORD in truth in judgment and in righteousness shall bless and the nations themselves in him and in him shall they glory

  • Jonah 4:2 - And he prayed thee O LORD and said I pray thee O LORD was not this my saying when I was yet in my country before Therefore I fled unto Tarshish for I knew God that thou art a gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness and repentest thee of the evil

  • Judges 4:2 - sold And the LORD them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan that reigned in Hazor the captain of whose host was Sisera which dwelt in Harosheth of the Gentiles

  • Leviticus 4:2 - Speak unto the children of Israel saying If a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the LORD and shall do and shall do against any of them

  • Micah 4:2 - shall come nations And many and say shall come and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD and to the house of the God of Jacob and he will teach us of his ways shall come in his paths of Zion shall go forth for the law and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem